Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1992)
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Tomlinson Appointed
Commodity Sales Director
At Crowley Maritime Corp.
John Philip Tomlinson was recently appointed to the position of director, commodity sales, liner ser- vices division, for Crowley Maritime
Corporation. The announcement was made by Dave Miskowiec,
Crowley's area manager, commod- ity sales.
Mr. Tomlinson will be respon- sible for major refrigerated and to- bacco accounts, as well as oversee- ing sales programs, marketing and coordination with operations per- sonnel.
Mr. Tomlinson has been work- ing in the industry for 10 years and has a background in sales manage- ment for shipping companies, as well as for a port authority, a stevedor- ing/terminal operator and a steam- ship agency.
Air Ride Craft Introduces
New 'Dual-Air7 CAT/SES
Air Ride Craft, Inc. of Miami, Fla., recently introduced its new "Dual-
Air" CAT/SES design. The design
Time & Space,
Sea Recovery
Saves Both! 4000 Gallons Per Day
Two Piece Horizontal Frame
Sea Recovery understands the importance of your valuable time and limited space. There seems to never be enough of either aboard a commercial vessel. Our entire line of reverse osmosis desalinators are built with this in mind.
In respect for your valuable time, to each Sea
Recovery desalination system we add extensive research & development, rugged designs, dependable components, quality assurance programs, comprehensive testing and extensive documentation.
This effort yields dependable systems that will last years with less maintenance and less downtime.
In consideration ofyour limited space, Sea Recovery desalination systems are engineered and designed in configurations that minimize the area required for installation. Single, two and three piece skids in both horizontal and vertical configurations represent the ultimate in space saving designs.
With system capacities from 200 to 25,000 gallons per day our world wide sales & service dealers are ready to serve you in your watermaking needs. Contact Sea
Recovery for the name of your local dealer.
Recovery™ "The Watermakers That Work"
Toll free within the United States 1-800-354-2000
P.O. Box 2560, Gardena, California 90247-0560 U.S A 1-310-327-4000 • FAX 1-310-327-4350 • TELEX 182598 SEARECOVE
Circle 262 on Reader Service Card 30 years of experience in the marine field
Hydraulic/ Electrohydraulic
Remote Valve Control Systems
Complete systems for remote control of valves, including a new range oj actuators, conventional and submerged, for liquid cargo, ballast and bilge to the ship and offshore industry. More than 900 systems installed.
The electrohydraulic systems can be designed jor connection to a central computer system.
Actuators for working pressure from 50 Bar up to 200 Bar. Torque outputs from 125 Nm to 32.000 Nm.
Manufactured by Skarpenord
Control Systems as, Rjukan, Norway
Control and monitoring of liquid cargo, ballast and service tanks
CARGOMASTER is one complete system for control and monitoring of cargo, slop, ballast and fuels. The technology used gives all functions integrated in one system, which means a unified presentation and an excellent over all view for the operator.
CARGOMASTER has the function and advantages you would expect from a modem control and monitoring system, and has been successfully installed on all types of tankers.
Simple installation makes the system interesting for both newbuildings and retrofits.
Manufactured by Skarpenord Data as,
Langesund, Norway i" .* Skarpenord Control Systems as
Sahcimsveien 2, N-3660 Rjukan. Norway
Tel.: +47-36-93200,
Telefax: +47-36-91801, Telex: 21 371 * Skarpenord Data as
P.O.Box 55, N-3971 Langesund, Norway
Tel.: +47-3-972000, Telefax: +47-3-973930
Telex: 21 973 skarp n * Scana
Circle 266 on Reader Service Card
ANCHORS CHAINS y2" up to 4Vi", U2/U3 from STOCK!
C. J. Wortelboer jr. B.V.
Eemhavenstraat 2-6
P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam
Telephone: (0)10-4292222
Telex: 28393 CJWNL WORTELBOER 12 Circle 227 on Reader Service Card combines catamaran and SES tech- nology to yield an efficient yet simple high-speed marine craft.
Some of the reported advantages of the design are: 1) moderate cost, 2) 40-50 percent less high speed re- sistance than a catamaran or a monohull, 3) no flexible seals, 4) 35 percent less "hump" drag than an
SES, 5) none of the air cushion bounce normally associated with the
SES, 6) a simple trim and pitch control system that functions by con- trolling fore and aft air cushion pres- sures in each sidehull, and 7) a unique rapid attachment docking system (RADS). "Dual-Air" craft from 43 feet to 328 feet have been designed. Some of the uses for this design would be for motor yachts, commercial ferries and crewboats, long range fishing vessels and military craft.
For free literature detailing the new "Dual-Air" design from Air Ride Craft,
Circle 69 on Reader Service Card
Singapore Begins Ship
News Telex Service
Singapore Telecom and the
Singapore Marine Department re- cently installed a shipping news telex system which is effective within 400 nautical miles of the republic.
The system, which requires that ships be equipped with a Navtex receiver, will allow vessels to moni- tor weather, shipping conditions and other hazards.
A reported advantage to the sys- tem is that the radio officer will not have to sit and listen to the news, but will be able to read a printout of the information in English.
The system is set up conforming to the International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea.
The information will be broad- cast six times a day in 10-minute blocks. Voice radio and Morse code will be phased out by August 1,1993, according to the Singapore Marine
For further information,
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
India Suspends Coastal
Shipping Law To Attract
Foreign Shipping Lines
India has decided to suspend its coastal shipping law for another five years in order to attract foreign carriers to its ports. This decision was made in spite of the lack of response from the carriers during the one-year trial of the suspension. During the trial, the Sur- face Transport Ministry would allow foreign carriers to use Indian ports for transshipment as long as permission was granted and the carrier could guar- antee a minimum increase in container traffic.
The Surface Transport Ministry hopes that the five-year suspension will cause foreign carriers to use
Indian ports for transshipment, at- tract more vessels to India and speed up exports because cargo is pres- ently being transshipped through ports in other countries.
In the past, coastal trade was limited to Indian carriers only.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News