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... Deck machinery of KGW - Safety on sea and in harbour
Fi«h and Ships
The Australian Maritime College provides excellent education and training for persons working or wanting to work in the Shipping and
Fishing industries - both as seagoing personnel or in shore-based positions.
Naval Architecture, Maritime Engineering,
Marine Engineering, and Maritime Electronics are among the disciplines taught by well qualified and experienced international staff who, with the students, have access to a unique range of modern facilities and laboratories.
Postgraduate courses in shipping business, port and terminal management and fisheries are also available, including:
Graduate Diploma of Business in Shipping
Graduate Diploma of Business in Port and
Terminal Management
Master of Business in Shipping or Ports
To find out more about these or any of our courses and the College please write to:
Australian Maritime College,
P.O. Box 986,
Launceston, Tasmania, 7250, Australia or phone IDD 61 03 260 731
Fax 61 03 266 493
Circle 209 on Reader Service Card
Finally, a Z-drive that works. And works.
And works.
Thrustmaster steerable propulsion units deliver in- finite maneuverability and unmatched performance.
In terms of reliability, maintainability and cost- efficiency, mechanical drives can't even come close to
Thrustmaster's hydraulic drives.
Contact us for a copy of our brochure and videotape...find out why vessel operators who really need reliability keep ordering ___ Thrustmaster units for both new and —repowering applications.
X P.O. Box 840189
Houston, Texas 77284-0189
Phone: 713-937-6295
FAX: 713-937-7962
Circle 273 on Reader Service Card
U.S. Coast Guard or Liberian Flag
License Exam Prep
All deck and engineer licenses
Includes approved firefighting, radar, and testing in one location. 95% success rate-
Houston Marine
New Orleans, USA
Phone 504-469-9013
Fax 504-469-1741 (^j
The refit work the Regent Sky is receiving at
Alvis Shipyard, Greece, is comparable to a newbuilding. The vessel is owned by Greek shipowner Captain A. Lelakis and will be fitted in early 1992 with two 8-cylinder and two 6- cylinder Warsila Vasa 46 main engines and four 8-cylinder Warsila Vasa 32 auxiliary engines.
Total machinery output will be 37,180 kw with all the ship's engines to be elastically mounted.
The engines will be delivered from the Wartsila diesel factories in Turku and Vaasa, Finland.
The Regent Sky is scheduled for completion in 1994 and will then begin worldwide operation, though she will primarily be sailing in the
AWO Elects Donald Duffy
Chairman Of The Board
Donald F. Duffy was recently elected chair- man of the board for American Waterways Op- erators (AWO) at its annual meeting. Mr. Duffy is presently vice president of sales, ocean towing, for Foss Maritime Company which is based in
Seattle and specializes in harbor services, ocean towing, vessel repair and marine environmental support activities.
Omnithruster Delivers
Third In Series
Of Hydrojets To Japan
Omnithruster Inc., of Santa Fe Springs, Calif., has delivered the third in a series of hydrojet thruster for use on the Japanese Defense Agency
Navy Mine Sweeper Ocean Vessels (MSO).
The Omnithruster Model JT-7001 AM thruster system is similar to those provided for the U.S.
Navy over the last ten years. The systems were designed and qualified to a number of stringent military specifications including high shock and vibration survival, low noise and low electromag- net signatures. Peterson Builders and Marinette
Marine supplied the vessels.
Omnithruster sales in Japan are performed by
Kamone Propeller Co. Ltd. of Yokohama.
For further information detailing the
Omnithruster hydrojets,
Circle 115 on Reader Service Card
Energy Transportation
Names Kimball C. Chen
Vice Chairman
Energy Transportation Corp. has announced the appointment of Kimball C. Chen as vice chairman of the subsidiary of Energy Transpor- tation Group Inc.
Mr. Chen, who retains his previous title as vice chairman of Energy Transportation Group, will primarily be responsible for strategic plan- ning, new business development, and capital market relationships.
Energy Transportation Group Inc. and sub- sidiary Energy Transportation Corp. are involved in the carriage of liquid natural gas and other areas of bulk shipping.
Today seafaring is no adventure.
High safety devices guarantee always best ship operation - in particular you have your deck machinery from KGW.
Our products always meet your technical requirement. We offer the most modern shipborne equipement.
Manufactured are:
Stearing Gears
Special winches/several types
Traw) warp winches
Seiner- and Net winches
Cable trawl drum winches
Cranes and all winches for fishing
For detailed information, please contact: kIeM
Wismarsche Strasse 380 0-2759 Schwerin • Germany
Telephone 57 21 - 0
Telefax 81 20 38
Telex 32 283
Prefix 0385 or (+37) 84
Circle 238 on Reader Service Card
Circle 230 on Reader Service Card 35