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40th Annual Ft. Schuyler Forum
Focuses On Marine Refrigeration
And Diesel Engine Performance
Principals at the 40th Annual Fort Schuyler Forum (L to R): Eugene R. O'Rourke, president, Society of
Marine Port Engineers; George Murphy, past president and chairman of the board, Society of Marine
Port Engineers; David J. Allen, Bailey Refrigeration Co.; Prof. Jose Femenia, engineering department,
SUNY Maritime College, and second vice president, Society of Marine Port Engineers; Benjamin A.
Bailey, president, Bailey Refrigeration Co., and secretary, Society of Marine Port Engineers; Herbert
Roeser, president, Trans-Marine Propulsion Systems; Ken Arntzen, Unitor Corporation; Terje
Wennberg, engineering manager, Trans-Marine; and Ted Atwood, Allied Signal, Inc.
The Society of Marine Port Engi- neers, New York, N.Y., Inc., and the
State University of New York Mari- time College recently co-sponsored the 40th Annual Fort Schuyler Fo- rum. Held on the SUNY Maritime
College campus in the Bronx, the forum focused on marine refrigera- tion and diesel engine performance.
Chairman for the event was John
Antonetz and co-chairman was
Prof. Jose Femenia. Professor
Femenia also served as the mod- erator for both of the forum's morn- ing and afternoon sessions.
The morning session opened with a welcome address by Rear Adm.
Floyd H. Miller (Ret.), U.S. Navy, president, SUNY Maritime College at Fort Schuyler.
The three presentations during the early session were: "Meeting the Chal- lenge," by Ted Atwood, Allied Sig- nal, Inc.; "Adapting Existing Ship- board Systems to the New Refriger- ants," by Benjamin A. Bailey, Bai- ley Refrigeration Co., Inc.; and "Con- tainer Refrigeration Systems for the
Turn of the Century," by Charles
Sciullo, Carrier Corporation.
Following lunch, Eugene P.
O'Rourke, president, Society Ma- rine Port Engineers, presided over the afternoon session. The presen- tations during the session included: "Recovery, Recycling and Reclaim- ing of Refrigerants," by Ken
Arntzen, Unitor Corporation, and "Effects of Ambient Changes on the
Performance of Diesel Engines," by
Herbert Roeser, Transmarine Pro- pulsion Systems.
Electronics Update
Alden Electronics Introduces
New Navtex AE-900 Receiver And
Faxmate II Weather Chart Recorder
Alden's Navtex AE-900 receiver
Alden Electronics, Inc. recently introduced their new Navtex AE- 900 receiver and the Alden Faxmate
II Weather Chart Recorder.
The AE-900 automatically re- ceives all navigational notices, weather warnings, and search and rescue messages as required by the worldwide Global Maritime Distress
And Safety System (GMDSS). The receiver can reportedly store up to 30 messages over a 68-hour period with a reception distance of400 miles offshore.
A high speed, silent thermal re- cording printhead is used to pro- duce radio telex messages. The unit is also equipped with an audible and visual alarm to alert users of incom- ing search and rescue messages.
Navtex is an internationally adopted, automated system for broadcasting informational mes- sages, warnings and notices affect- ing all mariners.
The Faxmate II is designed to operate at 12 VDC and is available with an optional inverter for AC operation. The recorder can also function as a computer printer. It is designed to operate with any HF single sideband or ham radio and provides mariners with weather and oceanographic charts. The charts indicate predicted speed and direc- tion of storms or can aid fishermen by showing the warm and cold water eddy areas.
For further information detailing the Navtex AE-900 receiver.
Circle 9 on Reader Service Card
For literature describing the
Faxmate II Weather Chart Recorder,
Circle 121 on Reader Service Card
Alden's Faxmate II Weather Chart Recorder
Alfa-Laval Equipment
On New Icebreaker For FBN
Finnyards is building a new mul- tipurpose icebreaker which is to be commissioned by the Finnish Board of Navigation in cooperation with
Ugland Offshore AS. The vessel is 377.3 feet long with a large afterdeck and accommodations for 82 people.
These features will make the ship suitable for offshore gas and oil field activities during the summer months.
The vessel will have a speed of 8 knots in 2.6 feet of Baltic ice and can cope with Arctic ice up to 5.9 feet thick. This new icebreaker will re- place the Tarmo class ships which are now almost 30 years old.
Alfa-Laval Industri Oy is supply- ing two FOPX 613 for HFO, one
FOPX 607 for MDO, four LOPX 707 for LO, plate heat exchangers and a freshwater generator.
Alfa-Laval is headquartered in
Sweden and is a major supplier of oil treatment, central cooling and fresh- water production systems to the marine and power industries world- wide.
For more information about Alfa-
Laval products,
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
NEI Syncrolift Receives
Three Orders For Shiplifts
And Transfer Systems
NEI Syncrolift, Miami, Fla., has received three more orders for shiplifts and transfer systems. The systems are to be installed in the
United States, El Salvador and Hong
Scott Paper, Mount Vernon, Ala., is equipping its new yard with a 1,450-ton capacity Syncrolift which
This 2,400-ton shiplift at Aratu Bahia, Brazil, is typical of the smaller NEI Syncrolift units like those contracted in Hong Kong, El Salvador and the
United States. will be used to service the fleet of tugs and barges owned by the com- pany and used for transporting its forest products. The new platform is being fabricated by Scott Paper, and will be 200 feet by 50 feet. Ten hoists will be installed by Syncrolift, each having a capacity of 183 tons.
The hoists, which were built in 1974 for the Greek Navy's Salamis instal- lation, are being refurbished before being installed on the Scott Paper unit. The hoists became available when the Salamis installation was upgraded with larger units.
The Salvadorean Navy has or- dered a 260-ton unit to be installed at PuntaRuca, El Salvador. The lift will be used to service fast patrol craft. Construction of the shiplift will be supervised by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers and will include a 98.4-foot by 32.8-foot platform with four 91-ton hoists.
Ocean Shipbuilding of Hong Kong is relocating its facilities, and be- cause the new location has a limited amount of space, Syncrolift will pro- vide the company with a shiplift that has the ability to use a custom- designed transfer system. The shiplift will include a 147.6-foot by 49.2-foot platform and six 244-ton hoists.
For literature and information detailing the Syncrolift shiplifts,
Circle 47 on Reader Service Card 44 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News