Page 4: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1992)
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White House Promises New
Merchant Marine Policy
The Deputy Secretary of Trans- portation, James R. Busey, told the Connecticut Maritime Associa- tion's annual conference that a Bush
Administration policy designed to protect the nation's merchant marine is forthcoming.
Mr. Busey said that one major reform being considered is the elimi- nation of the 3-year waiting period that vessels built overseas for U.S. steamship companies must undergo before being eligible to carry government cargoes.
While stating that "U.S. carriers are strangled by archaic regula- tions," the former Navy admiral did guarantee White House support for the Jones Act, the 1920 law that protects domestic commercial ship- ping. Many free-market advocates refer to the Jones Act as outdated protectionism.
Besides saying that a new U.S. maritime policy will be formulated by a group of military and civilian officials, Mr. Busey would not offer any additional details.
American President Lines and
Sea-Land Service Inc., the two larg- est U.S. container shippers, have already made it clear that they will withdraw their fleets from the U.S. flag registry unless there is a new federal maritime policy.
Noting how the Bush
Administration's policy promise coincides with an election year, industry labor leaders are anxious to protect their membership's jobs and will support the presidential candidate with the best maritime policy. Michael Sacco, president of the Seafarer's International
Union, said "I am not going to en- dorse anybody until I hear him talk about maritime."
New Quality Assurance
And Environmental/Safety
Directors At IMC
International Marine Carriers (IMC) has appointed David M.
Walton as senior vice president of quality assurance, and John
O'Conner the manager of environ- mental and safety control. IMC is a leading international marine trans- portation management and operations organization based in
Mineola, N.Y., with 20 years of ex- perience in the marine management industry.
Working with IMC's president and CEO Robert G. Wellner and vice president and chief operating officer Thomas F. Keenan, Mr.
Walton will ensure that the company's level of shoreside and fleet management quality control, regu- latory compliance and certification are maintained.
Mr. Walton formerly served the company as head of IMC's four Fast
Sealift Ships (FSS).
In his position as manager of en- vironmental protection and safety,
Mr. O'Conner will supervise and monitor all shore and ship-based programs to ensure their compli- ance with federal, state and local regulations.
Mr. O'Conner brings 14 years of sailing and marine operations expe- rience to IMC. In addition to his
Unlimited Tonnage Chief Mate's
License, his background also in- cludes developing pollution emergency response plans and the creation of pollution prevention training programs for ship and man- agement personnel.
NASSCO Wins $2 Million Repair
For Navy Cruiser
National Steel & Shipbuilding
Co., San Diego, Calif., was recently awarded a $2 million contract for the selected restricted availability of the cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG-62). 6 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
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