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Major Conference On Oil
Spill Laws & Response
In Seattle, October '92
A conference on oil spill regula- tions and response and a related trade show will be featured during
The Oil Spill Prevention And Re- sponse Expo (OSPRE), in Seattle,
Washington, from September 30 -
October 2,1992. Designed for vessel and facility operators facing new state, federal and provincial oil spill legislation, the conference will also bring together government officials and spill response firms who are involved in oil spill laws and ser- vices. Both the U.S. and Canadian
Coast Guards will be supporting the event.
The Washington State Conven- tion and Trade Center in Seattle will be the location of the conference and trade show. The preliminary agenda for the conference will in- clude materials on federal regula- tions, West Coast state and provin- cial regulations, cleanup and dam- age assessment, and liability and insurance.
For program information contact
Steve Miller at (206) 682-3607. For exhibit information contact Scott
White at (206) 292-9198 or (800) 683-0547.
Open Committee On CG
Oil Spill Legislation
Completes 1 st Phase
The initial phase of the Coast
Guard's first attempt at developing legislation with the assistance of direct public input is completed.
In an attempt to formulate a fair and reasonable set of regulations pertaining to the Oil Spill Act of 1990, the Coast Guard formed a 28 member committee to provide rec- ommendations to be incorporated into a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NPRM). When pub- lished in early May, the NPRM will touch on such topics as tank vessel pollution response plans, the car- riage of response equipment aboard tank vessels and the certification of oil cleanup contractors. The com- mittee will reconvene after the close of the NPRM comment period to assist the Coast Guard in drafting the final rule.
The negotiated rulemaking com- mittee consisted of representatives from environmental and public in- terest groups, spill response con- tractors, tank vessel owners and operators, cargo interests, oil han- dling facilities and state and local governments.
Pleased with the results of the negotiated process, Rear Adm.
Arthur E. Henn, chief of the Coast
Guard's office of marine safety, se- curity and environmental protection, said "your efforts produced a far better regulation than if we had tried the traditional notice and com- ment method of rulemaking."
The Coast Guard would like to see negotiated rulemaking used in future cases where users are able to provide a valuable insight to the process.
Westinghouse To Supply
Secondary Propulsion
System for Seawolf Sub
Westinghouse Electric Corpora- tion recently announced that it has been selected by the General Dy- namics Electric Boat Division to design and build the secondary pro- pulsion system for the U.S. Navy
Seawolf submarine. General
Dynamic's Electric Boat Division is the prime contractor for the Seawolf submarine.
The value of the contracts is about $6 million. Delivery is scheduled for later this year.
Westinghouse's secondary propulsion system uses a totally reconfigured sub- mersible motor, combined with an inno- vative light-weight deployment and steering system, based on technology orininated at its Science and Technol- ogy Center. The system can be adapted for use with the Navy's other submarine classes and surface ships.
The company's Electro-Mechanical
Division at Cheswick, Pa., will supply the system. The division has supplied nuclear power equipment to the Navy since 1952
For free literature giving more infor- mation on Westinghouse,
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