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retainers were fabricated and fitted and the unit was reassembled, rein- stalled and tested within 72 hours.
Del Gavio offers emergency and routine service from its facilities at
Carlstadt, N.J., and Oakland, Ca- lif. , on a worldwide, around-the-clock basis. The firm is especially experi- enced with older Western Gear and
Hyde systems, as well as more mod- ern systems such as Brattvaag,
Fukushima, Skagit and Hagglunds.
Other company services include as- sistance in the design of new sys- tems or modification of existing systems.
Circle 82 on Reader Service Card
Since 1975 Italy's Effer SpA has put considerable effort into the en- gineering and manufacturing of hydraulic cranes for marine appli- cations. Through its past experience,
Effer has gained a vast amount of knowledge concerning anti-corrosion treatment to crane components.
Effer marine cranes are specifically designed and assembled for use in a salt-water environment. All Effer cranes are designed and produced according to the standard DIN 15018.
The company's range of marine cranes falls into four categories: knuckleboom cranes—ranging in capacity from 2.5 to 140 metric tons, these units can be completely folded for efficient use of space; BL knuck- leboom cranes—ranging in capacity from 24 to 400 metric tons, these knuckleboom units have a first long boom; telescoping boom cranes— available in capacities from 44 to 200 metric tons; and fixed length boom cranes—offered in capacities from 44 to 400 metric tons.
Circle 74 on Reader Service Card
Elevating Boats, Inc. (EBI) has recently manufactured a number of its newly designed 100 and 150 Se- ries marine cranes with capacities of 50 tons and 75 tons, respectively.
These cranes are offered in fixed, double-tapered box boom type and telescopic configuration that incor- porates EBI's unique rack and pinion telescopic mechanism, which re- quires no internal hydraulic cylinder.
To reduce the cost of inventory and maintenance, most of the parts in the gearboxes for the swing mech- anism of the crane are the same as the ones in the telescopic gearboxes and the load-line winch.
EBI has incorporated an all-hy- draulic safety system with an anti-two-blocking device for it 100 and 150 Series cranes. This system protects the crane from an overload due to hoisting, booming out and telescoping out.
EBI has recently manufactured a
TC150-54-100 model telescopic ma- rine crane, with a 75-ton capacity and 54-foot retracted and 100-foot extended boom length, for the U.S.
Maritime Administration. This crane was installed by Coastal Ma- rine Services, Port Arthur, Texas, aboard the MA7 Barbara Lois. The crane is currently in service for
MarAd Beaumont Reserve Fleet. Its function is general equipment trans- fer and anchor-handling operation of up to 40,000 pounds at 40-foot reach.
Circle 75 on Reader Service Card
Hagglunds MTT, a Hagglunds company, is a world leading suppli- er of marine cargo cranes, as well as cargo crane technology. The latest development from the company is the Pallet Swinger, a crane special- ly designed to increase the productivity in the pallet-dominat- ed reefer trade. The Pallet Swinger has already been installed on new reefer vessels being built by Boel- werf of Belgium for a Swedish company.
Hagglunds has always been suc- cessful in the reefer market, and in addition to the Boelwerf installa- tions, a number of refrigerated cargo vessels currently being built by Pol- ish yards for different owners, will be equipped with Hagglunds MTT
MPL type cranes with SWL 30 and 8 tons.
Another new design introduced and delivered by Hagglunds Marine & Offshore is the four-rope 84 Maritime Reporter/Engineering Ne i/vs
SYSTEMS COVERS for EQUIPMENT - SCOOPER RATORS SYSTEM for FACTION WIDE for cargo, all kinds of RAMPS, — self- for all types oil and gas PLANTS for SERVICE enginerooms, bulk ships. PORTS, discharging of ships. tankers. gas carriers. NETWORK, fire-fighting LIFTS and systems for and emergency CAR-DECKS, bulk cargoes, discharging.
Kvaerner has a rich marine tradition, and we pioneered the design and construction of LNG and LPG carriers, and most of their critical plants and systems. As a ships equipment manufacturer, we have for many years supplied the international shipping industry with a wide range of products, including the renowned Eureka pumps. Our customers rightly seek the highest standards of quality and performance. We share this goal. With our worldwide production, sales and service we can promise you an optimal solution.
No. 1 in Marine Technology.
Kvaerner Eureka a.s Circ,e 67 on Reade Serv,ce Card
P.O.Box 38, N-3401 Lier, Norway. Tel. +47 3 85 90 00. Fax. +47 3 85 04 75.