Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1992)
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McElroy Machine & Mfg. Co., Inc., Biloxi, Miss., has delivered 14 diesel-driven, double-drum hydraulic winches to the Navy. zing for its new low-profile, slim- line CBW and CB Litronic deck cranes.
Four reefer vessels under con- struction in Denmark for United
Brands and Geest Pic., for example, will feature a total of 12 deck cranes, comprising CBW 36/20 and D2 X
CBW 20/20 Litronic models, which range in capacity from SWL 36 to
SWL 20.
Other recent orders include: In
Norway, eight CBW Litronic deck cranes, ranging in capacity from
SWL 8 to SWL 36, will be installed on four Great White Fleet reefers; in
Germany, two Great White Fleet reefers will each have two SWL 18- capacity CBW Litronic deck cranes; and in Australia, a vessel for West- ern Tug & Barge under construction in Tropical Reef Shipyard will fea- ture an SWL 25-capacity CBW
Litronic deck crane.
A recent order for four CB Litron- ic cranes, designed for fast container handling, have been placed by Re- gional Container Lines. The four model CB 40/32 container-handling cranes with capacities of SWL 40 will be installed on two reefers un- der construction in Korea.
Conforming with Quality System
Standard ISO 9001, Liebherr man- ufactures ship, offshore and mobile harbor cranes.
Circle 77 on Reader Service Card
Located near Bellingham, Wash.,
Lister Chain & Forge, Inc., occupies five acres of industrial land and a 16,000-square-foot concrete build- ing.
With the chain making, heat treating and testing equipment sup- plied by ESAB AB, a subsidiary of the Swedish company ASEA, Lister
Chain & Forge, Inc., is producing all sizes of marine anchor and mooring chain, from 3/4-inch to 3 inches in diameter. Additional equipment is also on site to increase the size range through 4-3/4-inch diameter.
Lister Chain & Forge, Inc., pro- duces stud link anchor and mooring chain in accordance with military specifications and is recognized by many classification societies includ- ing the American Bureau of
Shipping, Lloyds Register of Ship- ping, and the American Petroleum
Circle 118 on Reader Service Card
MacGregor-Navire is known throughout the maritime commu- nity as a principal designer/supplier of cargo access and internal inter- deck transfer equipment. The com- pany was involved in the early stages of development of LO/LO and RO/
RO cargo-handling development.
MacGregor-Navire equipment continues to play a key role in the advancement of techniques for han- dling loading and discharge of shipborne cargoes.
The group's main products are hatch covers, RO/RO equipment, shipboard elevators and special cranes, and marine hydraulics;
May, 1992 associated activities/products are cargo lashing systems, thermally in- sulated holds and covers for reefer vessels and consultancy services for shipping, shipbuilding and ports industries.
The group's crane/elevator divi- sion recently devised a number of new products, including: (a) an "A" frame; (b) a helicopter elevator; (c) two offshore deck cranes; and (d) a novel pilot hoist crane. All four of these systems have been installed onboard a multipurpose icebreaker under construction for the Finnish
Board of Navigation.
Other developments include: a side access with automatic eleva- tion, internal transfer and stowage system, for the coastal transporta- tion of steel coils; and an auto main- tenance platform which permits safe and easy access to a ship's external surface for cleaning, painting and repair.
MACOR Marine Systems
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Two reefer vessels currently be- ing built for the Great White Fleet
Ltd. at Schichau Seebeckwerft AG in Germany will be equipped with
MACOR Marine Systems Interna- tional GmbH deck equipment.
The hydraulically operated multi- folding hatch covers for the four holds of each 513-foot-long vessel were designed and delivered by MACOR
Marine Systems International
GmbH (formerly Deutsche MacGre- gor GmbH).
The 30- 1/2-foot-long and 25-foot- wide weatherdeck hatch of hold 1 on the forecastle deck is equipped with one folding pair stowing to fore-end.
The other hatches, 41 feet long by 25 feet wide, on the upper deck of holds 2, 3, and 4 are provided with two folding pairs each, one stowing to fore- and one to aft-end. For eleva- tor use, each hatch cover is fitted with an opening which is closed by a removable plate.
The three tweendecks are equipped with double-folding pairs, one of which stows to fore-end and one to aft-end. The tweendeck cov- ers in hold 1 have only one folding pair stowing to fore-end.
In addition, MACOR delivered weathertight, non-insulated side doors for installation on each hold at the upper tweendeck level.
Circle 78 on Reader Service Card
Manitowoc Engineering Co.,
Manitowoc, Wise., Walter Wright
Mammoet (S) Pte. Ltd., and Coastal
Equipment Singapore Pte. Ltd., have jointly announced an initial order for two 1,200-metric-ton-capacity
Manitowoc model M-1200R RingerR cranes.
The model M-1200R is a recent innovation from Manitowoc, which combines a 600-foot Ringer attach- ment with an M-250, the flagship of its M-Series line.
The M-1200R provides nominal capacities of 750 and 1,200 metric tons. It also retains the M-Series philosophy of fast set-up and ease of transport, as the M-1200R attach- ment extensively relies upon
Manitowoc's FACTâ„¢ (Fast Align- ment Connection Technology) system and conforms with interna- tional road weight and dimension transport standards.
The M-1200R also includes mod- ular counterweight and boom carriers plus Manitowoc's patented
Ringer-SwingersR and various com- binations of boom and mast to provide a 750-metric-ton capacity at 60-foot radius on 140-foot boom and 1,2000-metric-ton capacity at 60-foot radius on 150-foot boom.
Circle 79 on Reader Service Card
A full range of hatch cover cranes from Marine Travelift, Sturgeon
Bay, Wise., enable the removal and replacement of heavy hatch covers.
From 15- to 60-ton capacities, the cranes are designed for the salt wa- ter service of bulk cargo vessels and oceangoing ships.
A completely self-contained unit, the hatch cover crane features cen- tralized controls at the operator's station. The station is located for best visibility during travel and cov- er placement. The controls shift into neutral automatically for safety.
The Marine Travelift Hatch Cov- er Crane drives on all four wheels to assure traction and prevent yaw.
Traveling on permanently mounted fixed rails, the main box girder is supported at each end by flanged wheel dollies. The unit's low height permits good visibility from the bridge, and clearance for shoreside obstructions.
Hatch covers are lifted with self- engaging hooks attached to lifting beams, which are raised or lowered by dual hydraulic cylinders. The hydraulic pump is driven by a diesel or waterproofed electric motor. Hy- draulic motion control valves prevent overspeeding and provide smooth deceleration.
Unit dimensions and lifting ca- pacities are adaptable to individual requirements.
Circle 37 on Reader Service Card
Seattle-based Markey Machinery
Company, Inc., manufacturers of windlasses, capstans, mooring, tow- ing and research winches, and special machinery, has delivered a number of new orders for several different types of vessels.
In the area of research equip- ment, a Markey Machinery scientific winch system has been installed on the icebreaker R/V Nathanial B.
Palmer, operated by Edison Chouest
Offshore, Inc., for Antarctica Sup- port Associates. The package includes all instrumentation, con- trols, and power units needed for the operation of three research winches, DUSH-9-11, DUSH-5- 5WF, and DUSH-5.
In addition, the NOAA's R/V Vick- ers, operated by the University of
Southern California, was recently fitted with a DESH-5 research winch,which is controlled by local and remote stations, sized for 10,000 meters of 0.322-inch EM cable, and includes a two-speed gear train, lev- elwind, and removable drum.
Some of the latest workboat or- ders include a double drum towing winch installed onboard the M/V
Barbara Bouchard, a Bouchard
Transportation Company tug, and two WEWG-45 electric gypsy winch- es for the Crowley Maritime
Corporation's M/V Point Milne and
M/V Point Thompson.
Markey Machinery also delivered a CAW-60 air capstan to Yusuf Bin
Ahmed Kanoo for use as a dockside capstan at the Saudi Arabian Oil
Company's facility in Dhahran, Sau- di Arabia.
Circle 80 on Reader Service Card
McElroy Machine & Mfg. Co., Inc.,
Biloxi, Miss., has manufactured winches and other powered deck machinery for many marine appli- cations. These include all branches of the U.S. military, as well as sever- al foreign navies. Most recently,
McElroy delivered 14 diesel-driven, double-drum hydraulic winches to the Navy for their side loadable
Circle 226 on Reader Service Card 77