Page 7: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1992)
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Comsat Develops Light- weight Satellite Battery
A new nickel-hydrogen battery technology that will double the op- erational life of new low earth orbit (LEO) satellite systems has been developed by Comsat Laboratories, a unit of Washington, D.C.-based
Comsat Corp., and licensed to Eagle-
Picher Industries, Inc.
The new Common Pressure Ves- sel (CPV) will result in significant size and weight savings over the existing Individual Pressure Vessel (IPV), pioneered by Comsat Labs and also previously licensed to Eagle-
The CPV will allow a communica- tion satellites in LEO to carry an additional payload or extend its op- erational life. Enhanced thermal performance will allow greater depth of discharge and a lighter battery, increasing the satellite's useful life by more than 100 percent.
Eagle-Picher, of Cincinatti, cur- rently maintains 90 percent of the world's nickel-hydrogen battery market.
For more information regarding the Comsat CPV battery,
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
Underwriters Told
To Oppose Foreign
Insurance Protectionism
A senior official from the U.S.
Trade Representative's Office told the American Institute of Marine
Underwriters that it has neglected its responsibility to help fight for- eign restrictions on American marine cargo insurance.
David Beebe, chairman of the institute representing 90 percent of the nation's marine insurers, pointed out recently that there is no refer- ence in bilateral trade agreements to granting free access to the inter- national cargo business to U.S. marine underwriters.
The U.S. Trade Office is willing to include this provision for the country's marine insurers in bilat- eral trade agreements, but "it takes two to tango, and we can't solve the problem by ourselves," said the trade office official. He added that the institute has yet to adequately iden- tify to the trade office those countries that possess restrictive cargo insur- ance policies or to form delegations to meet with foreign officials on the subject.
Fore River Yard
Site Of $ 1.6-Billion
Boston Project
As part of an effort by the Massa- chusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) to rejuvenate Boston Har- bor, the Quincy shipyard, renamed the Fore River Staging Area, will be the site of a $6.1-billion redevelop- ment project.
In 1987 the MWRA purchased
May, 1992 11 the 180-acre Fore River shipyard from General Dynamics, who oper- ated the facility after acquiring it from Bethlehem Steel in 1964.
An $87-million sludge treatment plant that opened at Fore River in 1991 will end decades of dumping shipyard sewage into the harbor, making "an enormous difference in the quality of Boston Harbor," said
Douglas B. MacDonald, executive director of the MWRA. Almost 70 tons of sludge a day is processed into fertilizer and then shipped by rail- road for distribution.
Contractors are using 60 acres of
Fore River as a heavy equipment and materials staging area. Trucks carrying the equipment use one of two roll-on/roll-off piers to board barges for Deer Island, the principle construction site for the harbor project.
In addition to being a support base for the Boston Harbor cleanup, the Massachusetts Shipbuilders
Corporation (MSC) have teamed with AK Engineering to revive ship repair and building at the old Quincy shipyard. Of the 70 acres set aside for shipbuilding, 15 acres are cur- rently in use, said Maggie Debbie,
MWRA development manager. The shipbuilders have repaired or decommissioned four vessels that were used in the Gulf War.
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Circle 250 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 257 on Reader Service Card
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The SATFIND-406tm EPIRB activates automatically or manually and provides global coverage which can lead to timely rescue. Designed for maximum reliability, it features an enclosed antenna, 5 year battery, unique release mech- anism and high strobe position- ing for maximum visibility. Can be mounted vertically, hori- zontally or slanted. Approved by COSPAS-
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