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Equipment List

Main engines Caterpillar

Thruster Schottel

Thruster engine Caterpillar

Generator engines Caterpillar

Reduction gears Reintjes

Steering controls EDI

Windlass, capstan Fritz Culver

Cranes Utility Steel

Coatings Internationa

Sound-powered telephone Hose-McCann

GPS Magnavox

Loran Northstar

Radar, navigation plotter, weather fax, depth sounder, and water temperature gauge Furuno

Autopilot, speedlog, compass Sperry

Depth sounder Furuno

VHF & SSB radio Sailor

Waste compactor Custom Compactor

Oil transfer pumps Frank Mohn training of personnel with our five regional offices may not be as visible but is just as important. Our em- ployees have made a commitment to oil spill response and to the marine environment,"

The first of four boats, the Wash- ington Responder, was launched at the Halter-Lockport yard two weeks after the California Responder.

For free literature detailing the boatbuilding services of the Trinity

Marine Group,

Circle 32 on Reader Service Card ting. Upon completion this fall, she will be based in Port Hueneme,

Calif. Sister ships will be located at various ports around the U.S. coastline from Maine to Washing- ton state, and in Hawaii and St.


Besides the California Re- sponder, four other MSRC spill response vessels will be built at the

Halter-Moss Point yard. Addition- ally, four boats will be built by the

Lockport, La., yard of Halter Ma- rine, Inc., and three at the Trinity

Beaumont shipyard in Beaumont,

Texas. The three shipyards are part of the 11-shipyard Trinity

Marine Group, headquartered in

Gulfport, Miss., a subsidiary of

Trinity Industries, Inc., Dallas,


The vessels are designed to tem- porarily hold 4,000 barrels of re- covered oil for transport to barges and other vessel, provide accom- modation for 38 individuals, and provide a command and control center for spill-fighting operations.

Each vessel includes a helicopter landing pad, has a barge towing capacity,and will have its own onboard oil recovery equipment. "The launching of the Califor- nia Responder and the continued construction at the shipyards in four Gulf states is one of the most visible signs of our continued pro- gression toward operational readi- ness," said John D. Costello, president of the MSRC. "The so- phisticated planning going on and

Boats & Barnes




Circle 201 on Reader Service Card

The first of twelve MSRC oil spill response vessels, the California Responder, to be built by the Trinity Marine Group, was recently launched by the Halter Marine-Moss Point Shipyard.

Trinity Marine Launches

First Of 12 Response Vessels

The first of a series of 12 Trinity- rine, Inc., in Escatawpa, Miss, built oil spill response vessels for Christened the California Re- the Marine Spill Response Corpora- sponder, the 210-foot ship will re- tion (MSRC) was launched at the main at the Halter Marine Inc. yard

Moss Point shipyard of Halter Ma- for additional fabrication and outfit-

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.