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National Association of Passen- ger Vessel Owners(NAPVO):
January 16-19, Seattle, Wash.
Sheraton Seattle Hotel & Towers.
Contact: Juana Hopkins, NAPVO, 80817th St., N.W., Suite 200, Wash- ington, D.C. 20006; tel: (202) 785- 0510; fax: (202) 785-0540.
Underwater Intervention '93:
January 18-20, New Orleans, La.
Contact: Cavett Hughes, H. Cavett
Hughes Public Relations, 3900
Essex, Suite 1015, Houston, Texas 77027; tel: (713) 780-4380.
Society of Marine Consultants
Seminar: Who Is Liable To Whom
For What Under OPA '90?: Janu- ary 20, New York City
Whitehall Club, New York, N.Y. Con- tact: Alfred E. Stanford, Society of
Marine Consultants, 629 Stephanie
Drive, N. Caldwell, N.J. 07006; tel: (201) 882-9492; fax: (201) 890-0103.
Petro Safe '93: January 26-28,
Houston, Texas
George R. Brown Convention Cen- ter. Contact: Petro Safe '93, 3050
Post Oak Blvd., Suite 200, Houston,
Texas 77056-6524; tel: (713) 621- 9720; fax: (713) 963-6284.
Energy-Sources Technology
Conference/Offshore Operations
Technical Symposium: January 31 to February 3, Houston, Texas
Adams Mark Hotel. Contact: ASME
Petroleum Division, 1950 Stemmons
Freeway, Suite 5037C, Dallas, Texas; tel: (214) 746-4901; fax: (214) 746- 4902.
Canadian Shipbuilding & Off- shore Exhibition '93 (CSOE): Feb- ruary 15-16, Ottawa, Ontario
Ottawa Congress Center. Contact:
Joy MacPherson, Canadian Mari- time Industries Association, P.O. Box 1429, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5R4; tel: (613) 232-7127; fax: (613) 232-2490.
Gastech ^3: The 15th International
LNG/LPG Conference & Exhibition:
February 16-19, Paris
Contact: John Gwynn-Jones, Gastech '93 Secretariat, Suite 508, Glen House, 200/208Tottenham Court Road, London
W1P 9LA, England; tel: 071 436 9774; fax: 071436 9774.
Metalform '93: March 14-17,
Rosemont, 111.
Rosemont/O'Hare Exposition Center.
Contact: Precision Metalforming
Association, 27027 Chardon Road,
Richmond Heights, Ohio 44143; tel: (216) 585-8800; fax: (216) 585-3126.
Seatrade Cruise Shipping '93
Conference & Exhibition: March 16-20, Miami Beach, Fla.
Miami Beach Convention Center.
Contact: Michael Kazakoff, The
Seatrade Organization, 125 Village
Blvd., Suite 220, Princeton, N.J. 08540-5703; tel: (609 452-9414; fax: (609) 452-9374.
ASNE Logistics Symposium '93:
March 17-18, Seattle, Wash.
Contact: Don Eason, exhibits chair- man, tel: (206) 479-8828; fax: (206) 479-8563.
Coastal Ocean Space Utilization (COSU III): March 30-April 2,
Santa Margherita Ligure, Portofino,
Contact: In Italy: Dr. Mario
Petrillo, COSU III coordinator,
Instituto Di Scienze Ambientali Ma- rine, University di Genoa, C.P. 79-
Corso Rainusso, 14, 16038 Santa
Margherita Ligure (GE); tel: 0039 (0) 185-286195; fax: 0039 (0) 185- 281089. In the U.S.: Joan
Sheridan, vice president, New Jer- sey Marine Science Consortium,
Fort Hancock, N.J. 07732; tel: (908) 872-1300; fax (908) 291-4483.
Safety at Sea and Marine Elec- tronics Conference & Exhibi- tion (SASMEX) International '93: April 6-9, Miami, Fla.
Sheraton Bel Harbour Hotel. Con- tact: Gillian Jones, in the U.K.: tel: +44 (0) 737 768611; fax: +44 (0) 737 760564; or Kristina Hagman-
Goldfield in the U.S., fax: (215) 564-2175.
AWO Annual Meeting: April 7-8,
Washington, D.C.
Contact: Jeffrey Smith, AWO, 1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1000, At lington, Va. 22209; tel: (703) 841 9300; fax: (703) 841-0398.
OTC '93: May 3-7, Houston, Texai
Contact: Fred Herbst, Offshori
Technology Conference, 222 Pali sades Creek Drive, Richardson
Texas 75080; tel: (214) 952-9494 fax: (214) 952-9435.
ASNEDay 1993: May 6-7, Washington.
Contact: Rick Ottinger, ASNE, 1452
Duke St., Alexandria, Va., 22314; tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491.
Forest Products Transpo '93:
May 9-11, Portland, Ore.
Portland Marriott. Contact:
Sheldon Meyer, Journal of Com- merce Conference Program direc- tor; tel: (212) 837-7145; Mark Stone,
Maclean Hunter Presentations, Inc.; tel: (303) 696-6100.
Nor-Shipping '93: June 8-11, Oslo,
Sjolyst Exhibition Center. Contact:
Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation,
P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, N-0212, Oslo,
Norway; tel: +47 243 9100; fax: +47 243 1914. (After January 28, 1993: tel: +47 22 43 9100; fax: +47 22 43 1914).
NAVSEA International Logistics
Symposium: June 29-30, Arling- ton, Va.
Contact: Carol Hardee; tel: (703) 836-6727.
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