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Offshore Exploration
Encouraged Through
Regulatory Changes
The Department of the Interior announced cuts in royalty pay- ments to the government and other regulatory changes geared to en- courage companies to explore and develop offshore reserves, which are currently considered uneconomical or too risky.
The Offshore Marine Service As- sociation of New Orleans an- nounced that it welcomes any in- centives which will serve to in- crease activity and, in particular, spur developments of new or ad- vanced marine transportation tech- nology which would be required by deep water initiatives.
Ocean Motions Completes
Navy Contract
Ocean Motions Company (OMC), Barrington, R.I., one of the leading cargo loading software manufacturers in the U. S., has com- pleted delivery of the last of five shipsets on the AO-177 jumbo ves- sels.
Approximately 483 ships and op- erations offices now use Ocean Mo- tions ship loading/trim and stabil- ity programs. Many have real- time inputs, including tank level (Saab Tank Radar and Gems) flowmeters, draft gauges and deck load cells.
Instantaneous hull condition data is provided in graphical and tabular screens via a unique selec- tion menu.
OMC's software makes full use of fast color graphics in desk and lap top computers. Other OMC products include ultrasonic trim, list, draft, wave height, wave length, wave period sensors, trans- ceivers and PC software.
For full information on OMC and its products,
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
Circle Seal Controls
Moves To Corona, Calif.
Circle Seal Controls has moved to a new facility in Corona, Calif.
Located on a 5.5-acre site in a new industrial park, the 100,000- square-foot building has been spe- cifically designed to meet the company's requirements. The as- sembly area has been increased by about one-third.
Founded in Pasadena in 1947,
Circle Seal Controls manufactures an extensive line of check, relief, shutoff, solenoid, and motor-oper- ated valves and pressure regula- tors and has been located in Ana- heim since 1965.
The new location for the com- pany is 2301 Wardlow Circle, Co- rona, Calif. 91720. Tel: (909) 270- 6200. Fax: (909) 270-3300. The mailing address is P.O. Box 3300,
Corona, Calif. 91718-3300.
April, 1993
Neptune Orient To Begin
Shuttle-Tanker Service
Off U.S. Gulf Coast
A new venture using four ships to shuttle crude oil from VLCCs off- shore to refineries along the U.S.
Gulf Coast will soon begin under the direction of Neptune Orient Lines, of
According to industry sources,
Neptune Orient has purchased a 50 percent interest in Houston-based
Nordic American Shipping, a com- pany that has been in the lightering business for about three years.
The company, whose name will be changed to U.S. Marine & Off- shore Services, Inc., will act as agent for four tankers owned by Neptune
Orient. Three of the ships are brand new, double-hulled vessels capable of carrying 92,000 tons of oil each, while the fourth tanker was built in 1987 and has a 104,000-ton cargo capacity and double-sides, making it fully compliant with current OPA 90 provisions.
The new company will be headed by Steven Ambrose, manager of the chartering department in Nep- tune Orient's New York office.
For additional information on
Neptune Orient and its tanker service off of the U.S. Gulf coast,
Circle 142 on Reader Service Card
Meet discharge standards before yon meet the Coast Guard!
Bilge Boy™ FROM NELSON • Two sizes available— 96504-A 2-1/2 GPM, 96609-A 7-1/2 GPM • Economical—best price on the market
Call your local distributor or 800-356-6606 for the one closest to you • Compact for easy retrofit— 96504-A 150 lbs. dry—35" x 28" x 16 96609-A 300 lbs. dry—45" x 45" x 30" • Easily installed— 3 standard pipe connections 1 3-wire electrical hook up • Extremely efficient—far below U.S. Coast Guard & IMO 15 ppm discharge requirement • Compatible with cleaners—Nelson's own or other recommended cleaners • Oil content meter available—
U.S. Coast Guard & IMO approved 99971-A Bilge Alarm
Environmental Systems
Hwy. 51 West, P.O. Box 428,
Stoughton, Wl 53589 U.S.A.
Telephone (800) 356-6606
FAX (608) 873-1532 • - :
It's a big project, and it's important to you. When it's time to take the next step, you don't want to "take a number." You want a shipyard that will work with you to get the job done. One that knows that your project is unique, and has what it takes to do it right. A shipyard with a reputation for quality, productivity, and customer service that's second to none. A shipyard like Todd. If it's important to you, it'; \lJe 's important to us. ^.Ilij
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Circle 262 on Reader Service Card ANCHORS
V2" up to 4V2", U2/U3 from STOCK!
C. J. Wortelboer jr. B.V.
Eemhavenstraat 2-6
P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam
Telephone: (0)10-4292222
Telex: 28393 CJWNL
Circle 267 on Reader Service Card
Circle 272 on Reader Service Card 103