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Bailey Refrigeration Helps
Refit Cruise Ship
When the Amerikanis from
Chandris/Fantasy Cruises needed a new refrigeration plant, Bailey Re- frigeration designed and built the entire system, and installed it while the passenger ship was in drydock for normal maintenance.
The provision plant on the
Amerikanis had machinery that was over 50 years old, according to Ben
Bailey, president.
After analyzing the ship's needs,
Bailey engineers recommended a screw compressor systems that uses refrigerant R22.
This particular refrigerant was selected because of environmental considerations, as well as its avail- ability.
According to Mr. Bailey, every effort was made to keep the system simple in order to enhance its ser- viceability. The main machinery package consisted of two horizontal open type mini-screw compressors, direct driven by 3,500 rpm electric motors discharging into two marine condensers. Both systems are avail- able for pull down and only one sys- tem is required for normal opera- tion. In order to eliminate lengthy downtime with the system changeover, the refrigeration pack- age was designed and built at Bailey
Refrigeration's Avenel, N.J., facil- ity.
For additional information on the products and services offered by Bai- ley Refrigeration Co.,
Circle 107 on Reader Service Card
Lips Propellers Receives
ISO 9001 Certification
Lips B.V., a leading propeller manufacturer with its base in The
Netherlands, has formally received
ISO 9001 certification. The certifi- cate of approval was handed over by
J.R. Smit, chief executive for The
Netherlands of Bureau Veritas Qual- ity International, to Dr. C. Pronk, managing director of Lips B.V.
The final assessment, which was carried out by Bureau Veritas Qual- ity International is the culmination of an effort covering a two year pe- riod and, a confirmation that Lips' approach to deliver quality prod- ucts is a sound one.
Louisiana Dept. Of Wildlife
Buys 10 Boston Whaler's
In order to stengthen its offshore law enforcement activities, the Loui- siana Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, headquartered in Baton
Rouge, La., recently purchased 10 new 19-foot Guardian Class workboats from the Commercial
Products division of Boston Whaler,
Inc. The new boats will be used in a variety of capacities, from routine patrol to search and rescue missions along the state's Gulf Coast areas.
Purchase of the ten new Guard- ians reflects the Department's grow- ing responsibility to provide effec- tive and efficient policing of
Louisiana's marshy, uneven coast, which totals 7,721 miles of tidal shoreline.
Equipped with a long deck up- grade and high pattern side rails for easy boarding, the ten Guardian 19's will be used for harbor and offshore patrol work as well as boating safety and education programs.
They will also play a major role in the enforcement of commercial and sport fishing regulations, search and rescue missions, when requested and other crisis situations.
The Guardian 19' is reportedly a tough, unsinkable general purpose workboat, capable of operating well offshore, yet its shallow draft per- mits easy access into shallow har- bors, sheltered bays and rivers.
Equipped with Loran and Radio instrumentation, the Guardian is an all-weather workboat.
The Commercial Products Divi- sion of Boston Whaler builds the
Guardian Class, all-fiberglass workboats for the demanding ser- vice inherent in long hours of patrol, rescue and law enforcement opera- tion. Powered by 175-hp Mercury outboards, the Guardian 19' offers speeds of 40 mph.
For additional information from
Boston Whaler on the company's products and services,
Circle 139 on Reader Service Card to Uind a line.
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Made in U.S.A.
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Circle 215 on Reader Service Card
April, 1993
RD Instruments
Unprecedented Precision,
Performance, and Flexibility
Xor exacting accuracy when sensing your submerged or surface vehicle's velocity, install a BroadBand
Doppler Velocity Log. This new
DVL measures 3-axis vehicle velocity relative to the water and seabed with unprecedented precision and performance. • Highly-accurate velocities - Single-ping uncertainty <5 mm/s, 10 times better than conventional DVLs - Long-term accuracy <±0.2% ±0.2 cm/s • Simultaneous measurements relative to water and bottom • Low power - Typically 5 watts • Small size and light weight - Compared to conventional DVLs • Military or commercial parts
RD Instruments
A member of the
BroadBand product line • Reliable - A typical mean time between failures of 20,000 hours • Maintainable - Built-in-test monitors performance faults • Flexible - Modular transducers with fixed frequencies from 75 to 2400 kHz - Modular hardware and firmware design - Multiple serial I/O ports (RS-232,
RS-422, or MII/STD-1553B) - Fully compatible with BroadBand
ADCP product line
Call RDI today to learn how a
BroadBand Doppler Velocity Log can supply exacting accuracy for sensing your submerged vehicle's velocity.
RD Instruments... for a sound picture of the oceans. 9855 Businesspark Ave
San Diego,CA,USA, 92131
TEL: (619) 693-1178
FAX: (619) 695-1459 TI_X:46-7731
Circle 352 on Reader Service Card 115