Page 45: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1993)
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is presently involved in, as well as the government and naval activities to which the services are provided.
The company will display at Booth 254.
Circle 47 on Reader Service Card
Gibbs & Cox offers a full range of naval architectural and marine en- gineering services to the marine in- dustry and will be displaying photo- graphs, as well as providing infor- mation describing its services at
Booths 556 and 557.
Circle 48 on Reader Service Card
Hevi-Duty/Nelson will be display- ing its multi-cable transit (MCT) and multi-plugs (MPS) for fire, wa- ter, air, EMI/EMP and explosive integrity for cable penetration of decks, bulkheads and equipment. It will also display the Nelson CLK adhesive firestop sealant and Nelson firestop coating at Booth 357.
Circle 49 on Reader Service Card
Hi-Test Laboratories, Inc. manu- factures and distributes MIL-SPEC shock and vibration test machines, as well as unique and standard fixturing as required. This year's exhibit will feature the company's latest facility expansion, including its new test capabilities, and design and construction technologies. The company will be located at Booth 504.
Circle 50 on Reader Service Card
Hydrasearch will be showing its hose couplings, hose assemblies and replenishment-at-sea equipment at
Booth 211.
Circle 108 on Reader Service Card
IMO Pump, a division of IMO
Industries, Inc., provides the ma- rine industry with a positive dis- placement, rotary screw-type pump.
The company will display a cut- away-view of the pump at Booths 150, 151, 100 and 101.
Circle 99 on Reader Service Card
Ingalls Shipbuilding is one of the nation's leading shipyards for the design, engineering, construction and fleet support of major surface combatants. Information on the con- struction of Aegis cruisers, Aegis destroyers, LHD amphibious assault ships and SA'AR 5 corvettes, as well as its advanced engineering capa- bilities in computer aided design and fleet support services will be displayed at Booths 650, 651 and 711.
April, 1993
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card
Integrated Systems Analysts will be displaying several of its systems, including graphics enumerating its services in electronic repair, main- tenance and calibration of informa- tion systems, as well as corrosion engineering and electronics system design and integration.
The company will be located at
Booth 408.
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card
ITW Philadelphia Resins offers a wide range of product to the mari- time industry, including pourable chocking compounds, heavy-duty deck coating systems, epoxy fairing compounds and adhesives.
It will be displaying various resin repair systems and coatings for mili- tary and commercial vessels at
Booth 511. (actual retouched photograph)
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
Jered Brown Brothers, Inc. sup- plies all types of marine equipment to the marine industry. It will be show some of its wide range of prod- ucts at Booths 404 and 405.
Circle 54 on Reader Service Card
JJH-SMA is a group of naval ar-
Can you spot the largest dry dock in America?
One small hint: It's in Portland, Oregon. experts, and the general prevailing atti-
At over 980' by 185", and with a lift tude: to treat every ship like she was our capacity of 87,000 tons, our Dry Dock 4 is own. Which helps explain why we get over hard to miss. In fact, it's the biggest in all 40% of all West Coast commercial jobs. of North or South America. To find out more about this unique pub-
Perfect for today's jumbo cruise ships. lie/private enterprise call 1-800-547-8411,
What you can't see from this elevation ext. 3000, toll-free, or FAX (503) 240-3080. are the two other dry docks for smaller Besides our giant dry dock, we're also jobs, the 17 Whirley cranes, the many fresh- rather proud of a little saying that we water layberths, the skilled ship repair have here: You ex- POft Of Portland contractors with a work force of over 3,000 pect. We deliver. SHIP REPAIR YARD
Circle 252 on Reader Service Card 111