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improved faceplates. Each ST-Se- ries alarm panel monitors from five to 16 points, and are used to monitor engine and gear function, fuel tank levels, holding tank levels, bilge lev- els, generator functions and more.
Also, the Murphy Marine Equip- ment Catalog, which is also avail- able in Spanish, is a full-color, 12- page catalog entitled "Monitoring and Protection for Marine Engines and Equipment," and includes pho- tographs, drawings and descriptions of more than 60 products.
For information on the entire line from Frank W. Murphy,
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
Argonautics Completes
Transport Feasibility Study
Argonautics Marine Engineering has completed a feasibility study on the transport of deployable water- front facility (DWF) modules for the
Carderock Division, Naval Surface
Warfare Center (CDNSWC). The study identified the capabilities of presently existing commercial heavy lift barges and vessel with respect to transporting DWF modules. Aspects such as load-out procedures, stabil- ity during ballasting, cribbing and seafastening arrangements, etc. were addressed.
For more information about
Argonautics Marine Engineering,
Circle 31 on Reader Service Card
Robbins Starts In-House
Heat Treatment, Passivation
Robbins Manufacturing Co., Inc. (RMC) has installed new, atmo- spheric furnaces for the heat treat- ment of its stainless steel and non- ferrous bolts, screws and special cold- formed parts. This most recent de- velopment is a major part of RMC's continuous effort to enhance quality and service, while maintaining com- plete traceability.
In addition, RMC has installed a fully-automated passivation and coating line which allows its stain- less and non-ferrous products to be processed to high quality specifica- tions. The new passivation equip- ment complements RMC's policies of providing total capability for the recouping, and recycling, of all solu- tions.
For more information on Robbins
Manufacturing's developments,
Circle 98 on Reader Service Card
AMPS Expands Repair
Capabilities To Woodward
Governor's Equipment
Automated Marine Propulsion
Systems, Inc. (AMPS), of LaPorte,
Texas, has expanded its repair ca- pabilities to include the servicing of
Woodward Governor's equipment.
AMPS has purchased test stands from Woodward and now has the ability to fully repair and test both
Woodward mechanical and elec- tronic governors. Also, AMPS'tech- nicians have been trained at
Woodward's facilities in Fort Collins,
Colo. The decision has been made for AMPS to service Woodward gov- ernors because most Woodward au- thorized facilities do not repair and service complicated remote control systems, fuel systems and related equipment, as does AMPS.
For more information on Auto- mated Marine Propulsion Systems,
Circle 105 on Reader Service Card
Miller Adds Two Models To
XMT Rack Product Line
Built for use in shipyards, con- struction sites and rental yards, the
Miller XMTR Rack product line has been expanded to include a second eight Pak and new four Pak model.
While the original XMT eight pak rack was designed for operation on 230 VAC or 460 VAC power, the new eight pak rack operates on 460 VAC or 575 VAC primary power. The new four pak rack is designed for 230 VAC or 460 VAC primary power operation.
All models of XMT racks have a compact footprint of 63 inches wide by 40 inches deep, and can be easily transported from job site to job site.
For free literature on these new additions to the Miller XMT line,
Circle 352 on Reader Service Card
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GMDSS installation.
For example, JRC makes the only GMDSS that provides the added simplicity and safety of having a single control unit which manages every aspect of standard MF/HF communication, plus the automatic trans- mission, monitoring and reception of DSC emergency alert signals.
With this superior, high level of dedication to GMDSS available from Raytheon, there is no reason to settle for outdated products, even if they come assembled in a pretty console. Raytheon can provide your com- plete ultra-modern GMDSS installation with maximum flexibility for bulkhead, table top or console mounting, for retrofits or new construction.
As a world leader in research and develop- ment of military electronics, Raytheon is on the cutting edge of today's most advanced technology. For five years we have worked very closely with JRC, ship owners, opera- tors and crew members to determine the most functional, easy-to-use, ultra-reliable designs for GMDSS products. As a result, no other company can match the level of sophistication and the commitment to excellence that are part of every product we offer.
Our GMDSS equipment is type approved in some countries already, and approvals are pending in others, all over the world.
But, wherever you sail with GMDSS from
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MF/HF radio equipment is capable of voice communication, DSC and NBDP. It features automated alerts, calls by DSC and error- free messages in ARQ mode by NBDP. • JSS-710/720 Radio Station -MF/HF Transmitter -All Wave Receiver -DSC Watch Receiver -DSC Terminal -Remote Controller -NBDP -Personal Computer -Printer -Automatic Antenna Tuner
The JRC SES is the most popular terminal in the world because of its superior reliabil- ity. It features distress alert and general communications on telex and telephone channels. • JUE-45A MK IIINMARSAT-A SES -ADE (Above Deck Equipment) -BDE (Below Deck Equipment) -Main Unit -VDU/Printer -Telephone Set • JUE-75A INMARSAT-C SES -EME (Externally Mounted Equipment) -IME (Internally Mounted Equipment) -Data Terminal -Printer
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EPIRB operates on 406 MHz and 121.5
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Also available with manual release bracket.
SART (Search and Rescue Radar
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RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY 46 River Road, Hudson, NH 03051 USA
TEL 603 881-5200
FAX 603 881-4756 • TELEX 681-7529
Elizabeth Way, The Pinnacles
Harlow, Essex CM19 5AZ UK
TEL (0279) 444244
FAX (0279) 444223 .TELEX 81444
Circle 328 on Reader Service Card
April, 1993 115