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National Response Corp.
Signs New Customers
The National Response Corpora- tion (NRC), of Calverton, N.Y., an- nounced that fifteen terminals and utility companies had signed up with the company for oil spill response coverage. The fifteen petroleum ter- minal operators and utility compa- nies are all members of the North- east Spill Response Association (NESRA) which is an affiliate of the
Independent Fuel Terminals Opera- tors Association (IFTOA). NESRA members include: AFMC; Boston
Edison; Central Maine Power; Colo- nial Oil Industry, Inc.; Eastern Utili- ties; Esco Terminal; Getty Petro- leum; Global Petroleum; New En- gland Power; Northeast Petroleum;
Panocean Southern; Savannah Elec- tric & Power; Sprague; Tosco Corpo- ration; and Webber. These termi- nals and utilities as a group handle an estimated 100 million barrels of oil product per year.
NRC's president, Mark Miller, called the signing of the NESRA group a "significant" expansion for
NRC in an important market seg- ment. He commented, "We have been so successful with independent shipowners that people tend to think of us as a one-dimensional company focusing on market niches. This signing (of the NESRA group) dem- onstrates that NRC is a major con- tractor to all market segments."
Mr. Miller estimated that NRC
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TEL.: 201-391 8930
FAX: 201-391 8694 currently has signed over 150 com- panies representing over 190 barges and over 1,000 tankers with a cumu- lative deadweight of over 85 million tons. Major clients include
Hellespont Shipping, Bergesen AS,
Bona Shipping AS, Ceres Hellenic
Shipping, and Wah Kwong.
NRC is a national marine spill response organization offering oil companies, refiners, terminals, power facilities and vessel owners and operators assistance in meeting the response resource requirements of OPA 90 and various state oil spill laws through a practical, cost effec- tive approach emphasizing the uti- lization of existing resources.
For more information about NRC,
Circle 81 on Reader Service Card
DS Industrial Introduces
New Paddlewheel
Propulsion System
The paddlewheel has been around for hundreds of years. DS Indus- trial & Marine Co., Inver Grove
Heights, Minn., reports that the rea- son why paddlewheels are not more efficient is because the paddles en- tering the water on one side of the wheel are pushing down on the wa- ter and the paddles on the other side of the wheel are lifting the water, and if the rpm is too high it will carry water around the wheel. The only paddles that propel the vessel are the bottom ones that are vertical.
DS Industrial & Marine's design is simple. The paddles have bear- ings at the mid point on both ends, the top half is hollow or buoyant, and the bottom half is filled with concrete or weight so it is heavy.
When the paddles are out of the water the weight holds them verti- cal, so that as the wheel turns the paddles will enter the water verti- cal. The edge of each paddle is rounded or pointed so it enters the water easily. Once in the water, the combination of weight on the bot- tom and buoyancy on top of each paddle will help to maintain the paddles in a vertical position. Also the area on the paddles above and below the horizontal axis is the same, so the paddles will remain vertical as it pushes water. As the paddles leaves the water it is vertical so as not to carry water with it.
The company claims that this paddlewheel is 50 to 100 percent more efficient than the present state- of-the-art paddlewheel. The wheel can be made in a smaller diameter, which saves space, and can be steerable. It can also be operated in shallow water, and because of its smaller size can be adjusted verti- cally for different loading conditions of the vessel. This new paddlewheel has a similar appearance to conven- tional paddlewheels.
If you would like more informa- tion on this invention, contact: Don
Seiford at (612) 450-6284, fax: (612) 457-2153, or write: DS Industrial &
Marine Co., Inc., 5685 Annette Ave.
E., Inver Grove Heights, Minn. 55077.
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