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The Meyer Werft-built Silja Europa on sea trials.
Meyer Werft Delivers 59,914-gt Ferry 'Silja Europa"
Meyer Werft, of Papenburg, Ger- many, has delivered the 662-foot long car/passenger ferry Silja Europa to a
Finnish subsidiary of the Papenburger
FahrschiffsreedereiGmbH&Co. The vessel was christened by Elke
Swieter, wife of the minister of fi- nance of Lower Saxony, Hinrich
Swieter. The owners chartered the ship on along-term basis to Silja Line.
The 59,914-gt Silja Europa will cruise under the Finnish flag on the route between Helsinki, Finland, and
Stockholm, Sweden. She has a beam of 105 feet and a maximum draft of 22.3 feet. Main propulsion consists of four, non-reversible, four-stroke MAN
B&W 6158/64 engines, each with an output of7,950 kW at 428 rpm. At 85 percent MCR the ship can obtain a speed of 21.5 knots. Each pair of engines transmit their power via a
Renk-Tacke gearbox to a propeller shaft. The engines are connected to the gearbox by flexible Vulkan-Rato couplings. The output is transmitted to the four-blade, variable pitch
KaMeWa propeller via a hollow shaft.
To facilitate maneuvering, the ship's two variable-pitch propellers, three bowthrusters and twin rudders are operated by a joy-stick control.
Main engine lube-oil filtration is done by a Boll+Kirch filter, with fur- ther lube-oil purification provided by four Alfa-Laval separators.
Electrical supply is provided by three
Wartsila 8R32D auxiliary diesel gen- erators with an engine output of 3,000 kW at 750 rpm and a generator output of2,800 kW, as well as two shaft genera- tors with an output of2,800 kW at 1,500 rpm each. For emergency operation a
Caterpillar 3508 DI-TA diesel engine producing 673 kW at 1,500 rpm, with a
A-v-Kaick generator of 580 kW, was installed.
Shipboard machinery monitoring, control and safety systems are highly automated and integrated through a central system supplied by Lyngso
The Silja Europa is the first sea- going vessel to be equipped with the new NACOS 25-2 integrated naviga- tion system. The basic component of this system is the new radar pilot, integrating into one console the oper- ating and indicating functions of the radar and automatic adaptive steer- ing devices. The vessel is fitted with three radar pilot consoles which are arranged in the center of the bridge, allowing the officer-on-watch to carry out navigational plotting and colli- sion avoidance from a single location.
In addition, two DGPS satellite navi- gation systems enable the ship's exact position to be determined at any time within a 15 to 30 foot radius.
The ferry can carry 3,013 passen- gers in 1,194 cabins on five cabin decks and has a crew of 300. Her cargo decks have a capacity of 950 lane meters for 50 trucks of 62 feet or 400 cars. The ship's RoRo facilities consistof awatertightbowflap,abow ramp and two watertight stern ramps with hydraulic operation. In the closed position the bow ramp is used as a watertight bulkhead and control lights on the bridge indicate whether all ramps, flaps and other shell doors are closed. All access equipment and platforms were delivered by
MacGregor-Navire, including two stores-lifting platforms with a capac- ity of eight tons located forward and aft. The side-hinging watertight cov- ers are arranged to fit flush with the car deck and the lifts are provided with automatic safety barriers at ei- ther side and a comprehensive alarm and indicated system to ensure safe operation.
The car/passenger cruise ferry was built in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Bureau Veritas classification society.
All areas of the ship are controlled by 3,400 fire detectors and the fire alarm station with addressable detec- tors complies with the latest technical standards. The addressable detectors make it possible to localize the exact location of every fire alarm from the bridge, the engine control room and the fire control room. In the event that a fire is not acknowledged within the prescribed time, the fire alarm is automatically actuated via loud- speaker, ventilators are stopped and all fire doors are closed.
For more information about Meyer
Circle 131 on Reader Service Card
Stanley G. Flagg Helps In
Development Of Lighter,
Less Costly Fittings
Early in 1990, the Naval Sea Sys- tems Command (NAVSEA) defined the fire hazardous areas and systems on
Navy ships and restricted the use of brazed fittings.
ANSI 16.11CuNi Socket WeldFit- tings were suggested as the replace- ment.
These forged CuNi fittings add al- most twice as much additional weight to the system piping and are consid- erably more expensive.
Stanley G. Flagg & Co., a division of Amcast Industrial Corp., Dayton,
Ohio, has been a manufacturer of bronze fittings for the shipbuilding industry for more than 50 years.
Flagg Research and Development
Group realized the full extent of the problem created by the weight and cost of forged weld fittings and began reviewing possible alternatives with
NAVSEA, Avondale, Ingalls, NASSCO andBathlron Works shipyards. Sev- eral years of research and develop- ment, with the encouragement of
NAVSEA, has resulted in the intro- duction of Flagg copper nickel, weld fittings with half the weight and half the cost compared to other options.
These FF-W, 400-lb. W.O.G. 90/10 and 70/30 CuNi fittings have been approved by NAVSEA.
For more information on Stanley
G. Flagg & Co. and its products,
Circle 140 on Reader Service Card
Kvichak Marine Delivers
Boom Skiff To
Alyeska Pipeline Service
Kvichak Marine Industries of Se- attle recently delivered another boom skiff to Alyeska Pipeline Service Com- pany.
The 20-foot boat, used to handle oil spill containment booms, is the sev- enth for Alyeska and the 16th overall designed and built by Kvichak.
It will join Alyeska's escort/re- sponse fleet stationed at Valdez,
The all-aluminum skiff has a beam of 10 feet and a 3.5-foot draft.
Power is supplied by a 250-hp
Cummins 6BTA diesel, driving a 32- inch, four-blade, stainless-steel pro- peller.
Alyeska's new boat features a cutty cabin with control console, Hynautic hydraulic steering, Morse controls, 110-volt electrical system, bumpers and full-perimeter D-rubber and an engine block heat system.
Kvichak's 20-foot boom skiff.
For additional information about the products and services offered by
Kvichak Marine,
Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
Mid-Coast Marine Oregon
Completes Lengthening
Conversion Of Trawler
The fishing vessel, Caitlin Ann, owned by John and Bob Dooley, completed sponsoning and lengthen- ing conversions at Mid-Coast Marine
Oregon Corp, in Coos Bay, Oregon.
The vessel's original dimensions of 73 feet by 23 feet were increased to 103 feet by 33 feet overall.
The new 30-foot mid-ship fish hold section, installed aft of the engine room bulkhead, added 3,560 cubic feet of refrigerated hold space.
Additional modification to existing holds make the Caitlin's new total fish hold capacity 6,560 cubic feet.
Mid-section and sponson sub-as- semblies were prefabricated prior to the vessel's arrival, through the use of Phase II computerization tapes and
Farwest Steel's plasma burning pro- grams.
Lewis Lee, president of Mid-Coast
Marine, emphasized that this mod- ern construction patternization and prefabricated assembly applications minimize vessel down time, cutcostly man hours and provides esthetically accurate vessel fairing.
While being modified, the Caitlin also received a new 5.5-inch stainless steel Aquamet intermediate shaft, 20- ton Slattery deck crane, shelterdecks, refrigeration and trawl configuration improvement.
The Caitlin Ann represents the fourteenth of sixteen sponson/length- ening proj ects for Mid-Coast in recent years.
Currently, prefabricated sub-as- semblies are being constructed at the shipyard for the Hazel Lorraine I and
Sharon Lorraine, owned by Lorraine partnerships of San Francisco.
These twin 110-footby30-foottrawl- ers will receive five-foot port and starboard sponsons and a new 15-foot stern section.
The prefabricated subassemblies will be installed on the Hazel and
Sharon between the "A" and "B,"
Bering Sea pollack season this year, with completion scheduled for August 1993.
For more information about Mid-
Coast Marine Oregon Corp.
Circle 134 on Reader Service Card
Tanksystems Earns ISO 9002/EN29002 Certificate
A Swiss-based manufacturer of portable gauging and sampling equip- ment, TS Tanksystems SA has been awarded the quality certificate ISO 9002/EN29002.
The certificate was received by
Bruno Klaus, general manager of
TS, and awarded by Siegfried
Ladenbauer, of DetNorske Veritas. 90 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News