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10 Shipowners Added To
Marine Preservation Group
The Scottsdale, Ariz.-based
Marine Preservation Association (MPA) has added 10 more inde- pendent shipowners to its group, bringing the membership to 54 com- panies.
The new members are: Argo- naut AB, of Stockholm, Sweden;
Cenac Towing Company, of Houma,
La.; ICB Shipping AB, Stockholm;
Jargen Jahre Shipping AS, of
Sandeijord, Norway; Krupp Lonrho
GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; Lepta
Shipping Company, of Tokyo;
Stamford, Conn.-based Mormac
Marine Transport, Inc.; Onda Ship- ping Company, of Fuzhou, China;
Tankship Transport, Ltd., of
Islamorada, Fla.; and Tortugas
Shipping Company, of Miami
Lakes, Fla.
The MPA membership repre- sents more than 350 tank vessels operating in U.S. waters.
House Committee Reviews
Lessons Of Valdez
On the fourth anniversary of the oil spill that drastically altered
U.S. marine safety legislation and the international oil transporta- tion industry, the House Merchant
Marine and Fisheries Committee will examine the condition of Prince
William Sound and the lessons learned from the Valdez oil spill.
The March 24, 1989, tanker grounding on Bligh Reef resulted in the largest oil spill in U.S. history, about 11 million gallons. The disas- ter was the catalyst for the most stringent and far-reaching pollution liability and tanker design laws in the world, the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990.
Representative Don Young (R-
Alaska), a committee veteran, ob- served that "after all the hysteria which accompanied the spill and the cleanup effort, we are finding that things may not be as bad as they first appeared.
This hearing will demonstrate what we did right and what we did wrong in dealing with the spill and the cleanup."
The committee will examine sev- eral witnesses to obtain evidence for its investigation, including Ron
Brown, Secretary of Commerce, and representatives from the State of
Alaska, environmental groups, the oil and gas industry and the fishing industry.
MarAd Receives Request
For Title XI Guarantee,
OKs Drill Rig Sale
The Maritime Administration (MarAd) has received an applica- tion from Canal Barge Company,
Inc., of New Orleans, for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing four tank barges for transportation of asphalt or petroleum fuels.
The barges are being built by
Jeffboat, Inc., of Jeffersonville, Ind.
Vessel deliveries are scheduled for
March and April 1993.
If approved, the Title XI guaran- tee would cover $4,067,100 of the estimated actual cost of $5,422,800.
A request from the Houston-based
Western Company of North America for permission to sell the 3,846-gt drilling rig Western Triton III was approved by MarAd. The purchaser is Empresarios Industriales, de
Mexico, S.A., Mexico.
The rig will be registered in
Mexico and used in offshore drilling in the Bay of Campeche for the Mexi- can State oil company.
Oceanology International,
To Be Held March 8-11, 1994, In Brighton, U.K.
Oceanology International '94 (OI 94), the world's largest ocean sci- ence and marine technology exhibi- tion and conference. The event is scheduled to be held March 8-11, 1994, in Brighton, U.K.
With its "Global Ocean" theme and dedicated to looking seriously at scientific, environmental and technological aspects, OI 94 expects to have over 500 exhibitors.
The Society for Underwater Tech- nology (SUT) will, once again, spon- sor the four-day event and The Ma- rine Technology Directorate have be- come official OI supporters.
OI 92 attracted more than 90 con- ference papers and over 5,400 regis- trants from 51 countries.
For full information on OI 94, con- tact Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd.,
Rowe House, 55/59 Fife Road,
Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1TA. Tel: 081-0549 5831. Fax: 081- 541 5657/541 5016/547 2807.
Dunlop-Beaufort Canada's
Coastal Range Of Life
Rafts Approved By USCG
Dunlop-Beaufort Canada Ltd.,
Richmond, B.C., has announced that it has received U.S. Coast Guard approval for its coastal range of life rafts.
Available in four-, six- or eight- person sizes, they are also offered in either a flat suitcase style or round container.
Although not required by the
USCG, they are manufactured with an inflatable floor and double canopy as standard features.
In addition, this range is offered with a 10-year warranty on the basic buoyancy tube material.
For more information on the life rafts from Dunlop-Beaufort Canada,
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April, 1993 Circle 352 on Reader Service Card 115