Page 136: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1993)
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IMO Lists Numerous
Ships Detained By
In a report made available to the public, the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) listed 220 ships that were detained by port state con- trol authorities for varied reasons - including deficiencies to life-saving, fire-fighting and communication equipment as well as structural de- ficiencies.
The report has been made avail- able to the meeting taking place at the IMO's London headquarters, whereas in the past the report went to the Maritime Safety Committee.
The annual exercise carried out by the IMO has taken on greater importance since it took steps to put flag states and classification societ- ies under closer scrutiny.
Sixty-four bulkers were included in the list, while tankers accounted for only 15 of the ships. Half of the ships held were from open registers.
Panama led the group with 31 ships detained, Cyprus with 26 and Malta with 13.
National flags also figured promi- nently. Fifteen Turkish-flag ships were detained, which leads one to question the effectiveness of the
Turkish administration at a time when the country's fleet is report- edly growing. ;
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MarAd Accepts Bids
From Ever-Glitter And
Chenco For Vessels
The Maritime Administration h£ accepted bids for six vessels whic were offered for sale for scrappin under Invitation for Bids No. EXC 8626.
Ever-Glitter International Ltd
New York, N.Y. was the successfu bidder on the following: Adelphi Vic tory $361,205.05; Barre Victor 370,534.63; Mayfield Victor 357,236.35; St. Augustine Victory 367,561.10.
MarAd also accepted a bid fron
Chenco International Inc., Puyallup,
Wash, for the following: Hamilton
Victory $421,118.00; Muhlenberg
Victory 404,918.00.
Massachusetts Maritime
Academy Installs Oil Spill
Under leadership of president R.
A dm. Peter H. Cressy and Com- modore Motte, the Massachusetts
Maritime Academy recently com- pleted the construction of an Oil
Spill Management Simulator, re- portedly the only one of its kind in the U.S. at this time. This labora- tory will further enhance the hands- on training of its cadets, seasoned
Masters, experienced mariners and oil/petroleum company's executives and staffs, in implementing emer- gency response procedures and op- erational tactics in the handling of oil spills anywhere in the world.
The addition of this new training laboratory compliments the
Academy's Bridge Simulator and
Radar Simulator laboratories.
Skandiaverken Supplies
B&W Engine Parts, Service
Skandiaverken Trading is an in- dependent supplier of spare parts for the B&W type 23 and 28 engines.
They keep a complete range of spare parts on stock and deliver directly from their warehouse in Lysekil on the west coast of Sweden. Orders placed before 10 a.m. can be deliv- ered at all major airports in less than 24 hours.
For more information on
Skandiaverken Trading
Circle 38 on Reader Service Card
Volvo Delivers First
Marine Gen Set System
The first prototypes of Volvo
Penta's Marine Gen Set System, used to re-equip the 1,418 gt pas- senger ship "Wilhelmshaven," were delivered.
The contract was placed with
Volvo Penta Deutschland, in con- junction with H. Petzelberger, its dealer in the Ostfriesland region of
North Germany.
Circle 186 on Reader Service Card 136 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News