Page 140: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1993)
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Wartsila Vasa 20
Engines Chosen For
German Container Ships
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Heavy
Machinery Ltd. of South Korea has ordered six Wartsila Vasa 20 auxil- iary engines for two container ships to be built for Norddeutsche
Vermogen (NVA) Hamburg. Each ship will include three Vasa 6R20's driving alternators of 860 kW/900 rpm.
The auxiliary engines are speci- fied to operate, from start to stop, on heavy fuel oil up to 600 cSt, which is the same fuel as that for the main engines.
The engines will be supplied by the Wartsila Diesel factory in Vaasa,
Finland, in June 1993 to meet the delivery time of the ships in Janu- ary and early February 1994.
The choice of the Vasa 6R20 was reportedly based on the shipowner's long satisfactory experience with
Wartsila Vasa auxiliary engines operated on heavy fuel oil onboard a large number of ships.
The Wartsila Vasa 20 engine rep- resents the latest medium speed engine technology and includes sev- eral new innovations to secure long service life time, low fuel oil con- sumption and easy maintenance.
Competitiveness for the Wartsila
Vasa 20 engine is assured by using the latest production technology at the Wartsila Diesel factory in Vaasa.
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Circle 299 on Reader Service Card
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For more information on Wartsila
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Subsidy Board
Approves Transfer Of
Obligations To OMI Corp.
The Maritime Subsidy Board has given approval to transfer all appli- cable Title V obligations to OMI
Corp., relating to the vessel Spirit of
Texas, built with the aid of construc- tion subsidy.
OMI has agreed to pay MarAd $5.5 million and to accept delivery of the vessel on an "as is, where is" basis.
The Board found pursuant to sec- tion 501(a), 502, and 504 of the Act, that OMI possesses the ability, ex- perience, financial resources and other qualifications necessary for the operation and maintenance of the vessel.
MSI Publication Describes
New Concepts In
Marine Simulator Training
Technology update, training in- centives and proficiency certifica- tion are among the innovative con- cepts described in a new publication issued by MarineSafety Interna- tional (MSI). The new six-page docu- ment outlines the objectives and coverage of over two dozen simula- tor-based courses which have been developed for deck officers and pi- lots, ship's engineers and Vessel
Traffic Service (VTS) personnel.
The training is available at MSI's simulation centers at Kings Point,
N.Y., Newport, R.I., and, in Septem- ber, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The new approaches described are based on lessons learned from MSI's parent corporation, FlightSafety
International, a leader in aircraft pilot training.
MSI will award a proficiency card to officers who have demonstrated their ability to control a large ship in a crowded harbor or waterway. The award will be based on a carefully structured course sponsored by the officer's company. Dr. Eugene
Guest, MSI's director said, "The ul- timate purpose of this program is to provide a set of standards through which an individual pilot or ship's officer or employer can determine and document professional profi- ciency." MSI is backing up their
ProCard™ with a free simulator analysis of any shiphandling inci- dent in which the holder is involved and a fifteen percent discount on refresher training.
Other features described in the
MSI publication are technology up- dates which are provided with each course and optional proficiency check points for self-evaluation. Many of
MSI's courses have been approved by the U.S. Coast Guard for seatime equivalency. 142 Circle 194 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News