Page 8: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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Nuclear-Powered Sub
Returns To NNS Following
Initial Sea Trials
The nation's newest nuclear-pow- ered attack submarine, Hampton (SSN767), returned to Newport
News Shipbuilding (NNS) in late
August following the successful completion of initial sea trials.
Hampton is the 52nd submarine of the modern Los Angeles class. It features the advanced AN/BSY-1 combat system, retractable bow planes and hardened sail for Arctic operations. She will be delivered to the Navy later this year. NNS cur- rently has under construction five more Los Angeles class attack sub- marines and two Nimitz class air- craft carriers. The shipyard is the lead design yard for the Los Angeles class submarines, and the new
Seawolf class submarines.
Peterson Builders Awarded $4.5 Million Contract; Busy
With New Build, Repair Jobs
Sturgeon Bay, Wis.-based
Peterson Builders Inc. (PBI) an- nounced it has won a $4.5 million contract to construct the Mark V
Special Operations Craft (MK V
SOC) system, a craft/transporter package, for test and evaluation.
The Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract by the U. S. Special Operations Com- mand went to Peterson Builders as one of two companies to provide the test craft. The initial solicitation drew an estimated 200 interested companies.
PBI's "Sea Stalker Class" patrol craft is an asymmetrical catamaran based upon the Cougar Cat 2100 "Dark Moon Class" patrol craft de- veloped by Cougar Marine, Ltd. of
Hamble, England. The MK V SOC is a 71-foot vessel capable of speeds in excess of 50 knots, powered by two MTU 16V 396 TE 94 diesel en- gines, developing 3,500 hp each driv- ing Rolla surface-piercing propulsors. Loitering propulsion will be provided by a dedicated die- sel engine driving a Hamilton waterjet. PBI's MK V SOC will be built to DNV classification society rules.
PBI has also recently completed, and is currently working on several new build and vessel repair projects.
Recent activity at Peterson includes: • The MCM 12, MCM 13 and MCM 14, all 224-foot wood-hull vessels for the U.S. Navy, for delivery from 8/ 93 to 7/94; • Five 51-foot aluminum fast patrol craft for the U.S. Navy, just deliv- ered last month; • Seven 36-foot LCPL fiberglass vessels for the U.S. Navy, for deliv- ery next May; • A 72-foot MK V Soc aluminum vessl for the U.S. Special Opera- tions Command, for delivery in De- cember; • and a mid-life conversion of the R/
V Endeavor, a 177-foot steel/hull aluminum superstructure vessel, for the University of Rhode Island, and to be delivered in October.
For more information about the activity at Peterson Builders, or the yard's capabilities, contact them at: tel: (414) 743-5574.
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Circle 296 on Reader Service Card
Circle 239 on Reader Service Card 10
Haldor Topsoe Targets NO
Reduction With R&D
Being one of the world's leading catalyst manufacturers with more than 80 different catalyst types in the manufacturing program, it was a natural challenge for Haldor
Topsoe A/S to enter into the field of selective catalytic reduction of ni- trogen oxides (NO ) in flue gas and exhaust gas from boilers and com- bustion engines. The selective cata- lytic reduction process (known as the SCR process) is the most widely applied process for reduction of NOx in flue and exhaust gases.
In 1983-84 Topsoe developed a propietarySCRDeNO catalyst type
DNX for the SCR process. The first pilot plant testing of the DNX cata- lyst was performed on diesel ex- haust from a two-stroke stationary engine of the Faroe Islands. As a result of this and other testing,
Haldor Topsoe A/S can today offer a great variety of DNX catalyst for coal-fired boilers (high or low dust) and for gas-fired or oil-fired boilers, gas turbines and reciprocating ap- plications.
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