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•ger four-stroke diesel engine ilders.

Although eight large LNG-carri- s have been placed in France and nland, all of the main machinery ill be supplied from Japan, by itsubishi and Kawasaki. It is sig- ificant that Hyundai of South Ro- sa, which has entered the large as-carrier field with its usual en- rgy, recently acquired a license from litsubishi to manufacture steam turbines of Mitsubishi design. Evi- dently the European engine shops, many of which were building steam turbines years ago, do not foresee any future in reviving the activity; this in spite of encouraging newbuilding forecasts by respected consultants.

Diesel Electric

Ten of the 16 largest cruise ships presently on order will be propelled by diesel-electric machinery. That eight of them are for four different shipowning groups, each with some years of experience, is proof enough of the benefits this propulsion sys- tem offers. A cruise ship, particu- larly one engaged in worldwide op- erations, is required to operate over a broad band of speeds, while the generating capacity needed to sup- port the hotel services for large pas- senger and crew complements has risen markedly. In the past the machinery for these duties has been quite separate, but a central source of power which can be run for maxi- mum flexibility and economy is now indicated.

All of the ships mentioned above, and a number already in service in- cluding the QE2, converted from steam turbines to diesel-electric eight years ago, have and will have


With increased horsepower, more engine choices, and an expanding on-water service network, Deere

Power is better than ever.

Additions include the 300 hp 6076AFM and 195 and 220 hp 6068TFM. Unlike some, these quiet, dependable, smooth-running diesels don't scream for your attention. But their fuel- efficient, high-torque, powerful performance will have you taking notice.

The Deere Power fleet includes seven 4- and 6- cylinder diesels in naturally-aspirated, turbo- charged, and aftercooled configurations. All are loaded with features that'll help keep your boat on the water, and your business on an even keel.

For reliable auxiliary, gen-set or propulsion power from 70-300 hp, see your John Deere marine dealer or engine distributor. Or call Deere

Power Systems, 319/292-6060. FAX: 319/292-5075.

To find out more about

John Deere diesel engines for marine applications, contact one of our authorized distributors listed below.

For North Amorica contact:

BELL POWER SYSTEMS 677 Cromwell Avenue, P.O. Box 769

Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Tel: (203) 563-5176 • Fax: (203) 257-7899

CK POWER PRODUCTS 9290 West Florissant, St. Louis, MO 63136

Tel: (314) 868-8620 • Fax (314) 868-9314

CK POWER PRODUCTS CORPORATION OF FLORIDA 229 Southwest 54th Court, Ocala, FL 32674

Tel: (904) 237-7660 . Fax: (904) 237-0855

CN POWER SYSTEM 220 Harter Avenue, P.O. Box 650

Woodland, CA 95695

Tel: (916) 666-6624 • Fax: (916) 661-1226

DIESEL-BEC, INC. 2805 Pitfield Boulevard

St. Lauren, Quebec H4S1T2 Canada

Tel: (514) 335-0940 • Fax: (514) 335-0080

EMERSON POWER PRODUCTS 426 South Cloverdale Street

Seattle, WA 98108

Tel: (206) 764-3850 • Fax: (206) 764-3832

ENGINE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 1709-B South Slappey Boulevard

Albany, GA 31701

Tel: (912) 888-1900 • Fax: (912) 435-2946


U.S. Hwy. 49 South, P.O. Box 425

Weiner, AR 72479

Tel: (501) 684-7361 • Fax: (501) 684-7338

Branch Offic*:

U.S. Hwy. 61 South, P.O. Box 1154

Cleveland, MS 38732

Tel: (601) 843-0083 • Fax: (601) 843-0856

HEARTLAND ENGINE COMPANY, INC. 2113 East Smithville-Western Road

Wooster, OH 44691

Tel: (216) 345-5068 • Fax: (216) 345-7339

NORTH AMERICAN ENGINE COMPANY 3003 Thurston Rd., Greenboro, NC 27406

Tel: 1 (800) 543-2289

Tel: (919) 370-4776 • Fax: (919) 370-4993

SUPERIOR DIESEL 1632 N. Stevens Street, P.O. Box 1187

Rhinelander, WI 54501

Tel: (715) 369-5900 • Fax: (715) 369-5918

Branch Offlcu: 461 East Fen Road, Coldwater, MI 49036

Tel: (517) 278-2445 • Fax: (517) 278-8272 and 204 North 37th Road, Mendota, IL 61342

Tel: (815) 538-1818 • Fax: (815) 538-3200

WESTERN ENGINE DISTRIBUTORS 321 Industrial Street, Bakerfield, CA 93307

Tel: (805) 327-3881 • Fax: (805) 327-1731

Branch Offic*: 3301 Hill Street, Long Beach, CA 90804

Tel: (310) 494-6733 • Fax: (310) 985-0718

YORK POWER SYSTEMS 804 West Cotton, P.O. Box 3939

Longview, TX 75606

Tel: 1 (800) 322-1980

Tel: (903) 757-4700 • Fax: (903) 757-9927

Branch Offic*: 4601 Pinemont, Suite 114, Houston, TX 77041

Tel: (713) 460-1134 • Fax: (713) 460-9532

For Europ* contact:


B.P. 13, 45401 Fleury Les Aubrais, France

Tel: (33) 38 82 60 23 • Fax: (33) 38 82 60 00

For Asia, Caribbean, Control and

South Amcrica contact:

JOHN DEERE INTERCONTINENTAL, LTD. 400 19th Street, Moline, IL 61265-1388

Tel: (309) 765-3310 • Fax: (309) 765-3197

Circle 230 on Reader Service Card

September, 1993

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.