Page 11: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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Introducing propulsion modules that are the new wave in shipbuilding.
Wartsila Diesel, through a cooperative Wartsik manufacturing agreement with The tive marim
Babcock & Wilcox Company, is now build- Together w ing diesel engines and propulsion mod- ufacturing ules that are adding new dimensions new stand: to shipbuilding. From our new manufac- building ai turing facility in Mount Vernon, Indiana, gration. W
Wartsila Diesel propulsion modules— value nec( including all main propulsion equipment, world marl generating sets, controls, shafting and As an ir propellers—can be delivered anywhere constructi in the world for precise mating to the Vernon fac rest of a ship under construction. ing Vasa 4
This new technology will not only as packag save money and time, it will ensure such as tl complete component compatibility, 25 series, optimizing reliability and performance. For full ii
And it's available now from one source facility's ca here in the •• ^^ ••
United States. WARTSILA ©0
Wartsila Diesel has pioneered innova- tiv marine power system integration.
Together with Babcock & Wilcox's man- ufacturing experience, we're setting a ne standard for modern modular ship- buildin and propulsion systems inte- gration. We provide the quality and valu necessary to compete in the worl market.
A integral part of the modular construction of systems, the Mount
Verno facility will also be manufactur- in 46 diesel engines, as well a packaging auxiliary power gensets suc a the Vasa 32 and Wartsila 2 .
Fo information on the Mount Vernon facility' capabilities, call or write for our new • brochure that's •V ®0[§©[l[Lmakingwaves-
Mount Vernon Manufacturing Facility
Wartsila Diesel North America, Inc., 201 Defense Highway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Telephone: (410) 573-2100 Telefax: (410) 573-2200
Circle 342 on Reader Service Card