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Marco Pollution Control Delivers Two

OSRVs To Egypt and Indonesia

One 36-foot oil spill response vessel Marco Pollution Control delivered to Petrobel of Cairo, Egypt.

Marco Pollution Control recently delivered wo new 36-foot oil spill recovery vessels (OSRVs) o Egypt and Indonesia. The vessel delivered to 'etrobel of Egypt will be stationed in the highly- ensitive Red Sea/Suez Canal area; the vessel for laxus of Indonesia will operate in and around lie oil-rich areas of the Java Sea.

Petrobel is a joint venture company formed by tie Egyptian General Petroleum Authority 3GPC) and ENI of Italy. Maxus of Southeast umatra, Indonesia, is a subsidiary of Maxus nergy Corporation of the U.S.

The Maxus OSRV, a Marco model TOR-11C, is custom-built aluminum OSRV specially de- gned to meet the grueling heavy-oil recovery smands of southeast Asia offshore production


The vessel design includes a self-launching adle so the OSRV can be delivered offshore am the staging site to the spill site on a rig ipply boat, then launched without a crane.

The Marco Offshore 36 skimmer built for :trobel is also equipped with a Marco Filterbelt stem, which has a world-wide track record of liability and performance. Twenty-eight Off- ore 36 OSRVs are in service today. ttredge Industries Completes 41st bmarine

Kittredge Industries completed its 41st submarine. ittredge Industries, Inc. of South Thomaston, , has recently completed its 41st submarine, he submarine is a standard K-350 one person submarine except for the newly designed tail ion which permits the transducer of the un- /ater telephone to be as far away from the 3 of the thrusters as possible. The circular ?orm on top of the tail section will also house sensor of a flux gate magnetic compass, a sponder to respond to the sub tender's mar search sonar and a strobe light, •ials for the submarine were completed dur- !ie last week of July when the submarine was ed over to the Submarine Search & Salvage ?ork in attempting to salvage a fiberglass er boat and a fiberglass trawler.

September, 1993


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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.