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German Study Reveals 20 Percent Of
Containerships Should Be Replaced
A study conducted by the Insti- tute of Shipping Economics and Lo- gistics of Bremen, Germany claims that 20 percent of containerships in operation are due for replacement soon.
The report claims that the ships due for replacement have been in operation for about 20 years and represent 13 percent of 20-foot- equivalent-unit capacity in service at the beginning of this year. The average age of ships operated by the 15 top shipping lines ranged from 6.7 years for Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha of Japan, to 14.7 years for P&O Con- tainers Ltd.
The majority of teu capacity is still registered in industrialized countries belonging to the Organi- zation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), despite the growing trend toward flagging out.
However, OECD countries' share of container capacity reportedly fell from 47.1 percent in 1989 to 42.2 percent in 1993.
Panama has reportedly the larg- est share of registrants, with 11 per- cent of the container fleet capacity, followed by the U.S. with 10.2 per- cent and Germany with 9.2 percent.
Port Authority Group
To Hold Convention
The American Association of Port
Authorities will hold its 82nd an- nual convention Sept. 27-Oct. 1 in
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Topics of discussion at the con- vention include the changing global marketplace, port development and trends in inland transportation.
Public port authority executive directors and staff, port commis- sioners and others in the maritime industry will gather for the meeting at the Halifax World Trade and
Convention Center.
Lykes Announces Strategic
Sea/Air Service To The CIS
Lykes Brothers Steamship Co.,
Inc. has announced its inaugura- tion of sea/air service between the
U.S. and the Commonwealth of In- dependent States (CIS), designed especially for strategic project and aid cargoes. Under a service agree- ment with Kent International Air- port (KIA) and AirRep (UK) Lim- ited, Lykes can transport cargoes aboard its weekly, North European container service from Houston for arrival at Felixstowe, England, 21 days later. Upon arrival, cargoes are then transferred to Kent Inter- national Airport where they are loaded on board an Ilyushin 76 cargo plane and flown directly to destina- tion in the CIS. The cost will report- edly be half that of a comparable container shipped all air. With KIA serving as the coordinator of the air transport leg, and AirRep (UK) Lim- ited providing the air transport, af- ter Lykes has delivered the cargo to
Kent International Airport, cargoes will then be flown directly to location within the Commonwealth. The cargo planes have a 45-ton payload and reportedly do not need commer- cial airports to land. The cargo planes are designed to land safely in diffi- cult and harsh environments.
Spill Costs BT Shipping Unit $4 Million
A subsidiary of BT Shipping Ltd. of Bermuda, Nautilus Motor Tanker
Co. of London, agreed to pay $4 mil- lion in natural resource damages and costs to New York, New Jersey and the U.S. to settle a dispute over an oil spill.
The tanker BT Nautilus spilled more than 250,000 gallons of oil into
New York Harbor on June 7, 1990, forcing the Kill Van Kull to close from shipping for three days. The oil spill damaged wetlands and harmed such animals as the endangered pip- ing plovers in New York and New
Jersey. Nautilus Motor Tanker re- portedly initially paid approximately $20 million to clean up the spill.
Zetec Offers Eddy Current
Training Materials
Zetec, Inc., a leader in nonde- structive testing instruments, ap- plications and training, has made it easier for non-destructive testing (NDT) professionals to learn about eddy current. The company will distribute its new eddy current train- ing videotapes and manuals through the publications catalog of the
American Society for Non-Destruc- tive Testing (ASNT), according to
Jim Cox, Zetec's training center supervisor. The set of four video- tapes - "Principles of Eddy Current
Testing," "Test Coil Arrangements," "Test Coil Design" and "The Effects of Test Object on Test Coil" - cover eddy current theory and principles and were recently revised to include more product demonstrations and descriptive, new computer graph- ics. ASNT sells the complete pro- gram, which includes the four video- tapes and an industry specific study guide (either tubing or aircraft). The materials can be used to support existing training programs or to serve as a refresher course for more experienced technicians.
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