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Internal changes of the knifeblade holder of the hydro- static release mechanism manufactured by C.M. Hammar
HandelsAB (HAMMAR) for the ACR Electronics, Inc. (ACR) RLB-23 Category I, 406 MHz EPIRB has affected the ability of the hydrostatic release to cut the ACR retain- ing rod. This cutting action enables the unit to be automat- ically released from the case when it is submerged.
ACR was only recently made aware of the design changes. ACR will issue a modified rod replacement kit to anyone who purchased the model RLB-23 Category I, 406
MHz EPIRB or a hydrostatic release and/or rod kit for the
RLB-23, subsequent to August 31, 1992 when the design changes were implemented. Kits will be sent to any users who have registered their units with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and to distributors who were shipped RLB-23 Category I, 406 MHz EPIRBs or hydrostatic release/rod kits after August 31, 1992.
Detailed, easy-installation instructions are included with each kit.
ACR Electronics, Inc.
USA: (800) 4320-ACR; Worldwide: (305) 981-3333
Principle particulars of the prototypes are:
Length, o.a.: 56 feet
Breadth, mid.: 20 feet
Main engine: Gas turbine
Propulsion system: Waterjet pump
Length, o.a.: 230 feet
Breadth, mid.: 62 feet
Main engine: Gas turbine
Propulsion system: Waterjet pumps tion of two Techno-Superliner prototypes to evalu- ate R&D results.
The Techno-Superliner R&D project was be- gun by the association in 1989, aiming at devel- opment of high-speed sea transport at about 50 knots.
The association will complete the TSL-F type and TSL-A type prototypes in March and June 1994, respectively, for experiments at sea. The former is a multi-support ship type using hydro- foils; the latter is a multi-support type using air pressure (air cushion).
The TSL-F R&D has been promoted by the joint efforts of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI), Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries
Co., Ltd., NKK Corp., Hitachi Zosen Corp. and
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. Construction is now underway at KHI Kobe Works.
The TSL-A R&D has been conducted jointly by
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) and
Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES). The fore section of the TSL-A is now being built by MES, and the aft section by MHI.
Circle 202 on Reader Service Card
September, 1993
Bay & Delta Adds Tractor Tugs
Bay & Delta Tugboats' new tractor tugboats "Delta Billie" and "Delta
Bay & Delta Tugboats announced the addition of two revolutionary tractor tugboats to its exist- ing fleet of Harbor Tugs, a fleet which currently services the greater San Francisco Bay Area and its tributaries.
This acquisition will secure Bay & Delta as the foremost environmentally concerned tugboat com- pany in Northern California for tanker escort work, according to the company.
The unique tractor tugboats, named the Delta
Billie and the Delta Deanna, were built in Tampa,
Fla. Both the Delta Billie and the Delta Deanna are approximately 93 feet long, and each have a beam of 38 feet.
Propulsion is supplied by two Burmeister &
Wain engines which generate a bollard pull of approximately 100,000 lbs.
The 197-gt Delta Billie and Delta Deanna distance themselves from conventional tugboats by offering a 360-degree omni-directional thrust propulsion, having the ability to maneuver ahead, astern or sideways equally. These tugs can also tow or push in any direction relative to the assisted vessel, and can travel tethered to an assisted vessel at higher rates of speed than conventional tugs. The tractor tugs are report- edly extremely stable for ocean and bay work and can turn 360 degrees in their own length.
Existing legislation states that the "best achiev- able technology be needed for the protection of the bay and its tributaries." Bay & Delta's acquisition of two tractor tugboats meets the spirit of this legislation by reportedly being the first to offer this "state-of-the-art technology" to ensure safety in the bay and protect marine life.
Currently, environmentalists and others are lobbying the state Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response for new maritime regulations which will require tractor tugs as escort vessels for oil tankers carrying more than 5,000 tons of oil.
Bay & Delta Tugboats, founded in 1982, is reportedly the only escort tugboat service on the
Bay that is actually owned and operated by former San Francisco ship pilots. Captains Jack
Going, Ron Charlesworth and Steve Ware have a cumulative maritime experience of more than 90 years.
Construction Of Two Techno-Superliner
Prototypes Begins
A rendition of the TSL-F.
According to the Japan Ship Exporters Asso- ciation, the Technological Research Association of Techno-Superliner recently began construc- *** attention***
C M HAMMAR Handels AB wish to point out that the reliability of the HAMMAR
H20 hydrostatic release for any use approved or presently known to us other than with the rod for the ACR RLB-23,
Cat I, unaffected by the knifeholder change.
Circle 185 on Reader Service Card