Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)

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Wells Appointed AWO's

Southern Region

Vice President

The American Waterways Opera- tors (AW0) announced that Ken

Wells has been appointed vice presi- dent, Southern Region of the AWO.

Mr. Wells, a veteran broadcast jour- nalist, has spent 15 years in radio and television in several major me- dia markets. At the time of his appointment, Mr. Wells was a re- porter with WVUE-TV in New Or- leans.

A prize-winning journalist, Mr.

Wells' thorough and well-balanced reporting style has been recognized by the Associated Press, the Press

Club of New Orleans and the Na- tional Conference of Christians and

Jews, which together have presented him with six major awards. A Mas- sachusetts native, Mr. Wells gradu- ated with honors from American

University in 1981.

Andreas Steiner New

President, CEO Of ABB


Andreas Steiner

Heinrich Uehlinger is chang- ing to the ABB Group management and will be replaced as ABB Turbo- chargers' president and CEO by

Andreas Steiner, who took over

August 1.

Mr. Uehlinger joined ABB right at its inception in 1987 and guided the newly founded ABB Turbo Sys- tems Ltd. and the ABB Business

Area Superchargers during its first five years of operation. He presided over the rapid modernization of the

Heinrich Uehlinger turbocharger production plant at

Baden, Switzerland and the growth of the ABB Turbocharger service network to the 80 stations operating worldwide today.

Mr. Steiner is joining ABB from

Sulzer Brothers, where he was a member of the executive manage-

September, 1993 ment of the Sulzer Ruti Group and in charge of the projectile weaving machine segment.

Mr. Steiner studied mechanical engineering at the Swiss

Polytechnical Institute (ETH) at

Zurich, where he completed a doc- torate. He joined Sulzer Brothers in 1976.

Mr. Steiner will become a mem- ber of the executive management of

ABB Switzerland and will be CEO of ABB Turbo Systems and ABB

Business Area Superchargers. ABB

Unifer, ABB Informatik and ABB

Production Technics will also report to him.

U.S. Navy Awards

Reflectone Unit $7.8 Million Contract

The U.S. Navy has awarded a $7.8 million five-year contract to

Reflectone Inc.'s (RFTN) Reflectone

Training unit to provide operation and maintenance services for heli- copter simulators to the Navy.

Under the terms of the contract, the Reflectone Training unit will reportedly support the flight and maintenance trainers used to in- struct rotory wing crew members at

Naval Air Stations in San Diego,

Calif.; Jacksonville, Fla.; and Nor- folk, Va. (actual retouched photograph)

Can you spot the largest dry dock in America?

One small hint: It's in Portland, Oregon.

At over 980' by 185', and with a lift capacity of 87,000 tons, our Dry Dock 4 is hard to miss. In fact, it's the biggest in all of North or South America.

Perfect for today's jumbo cruise ships.

What you can't see from this elevation are the two other dry docks for smaller jobs, the 17 Whirley cranes, the many fresh- water layberths, the skilled ship repair contractors with a work force of over 3,000

Circle 195 on Reader Service Card experts, and the general prevailing atti- tude: to treat every ship like she was our own. Which helps explain why we get over 40% of all West Coast commercial jobs.

To find out more about this unique pub- lic/private enterprise call 1-800-547-8411, ext. 3000, toll-free, or FAX (503) 240-3080.

Besides our giant dry dock, we're also rather proud of a little saying that we have here: You ex- (Q, Port Of Portland pect. We deliver. SHIP REPAIR YARD 17

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.