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NEVA '93

The International Shipping Exhibition with Russia and the Republics

St. Petersburg, September 14-18

The opportunities for new com- mercial and technical developments it NEVA '93, scheduled for Septem- ber 14 to 18, 1993, seem to have :aptured the attention of the mari- ime industry in the former Soviet

Jnion. Thirty percent of the exhibi- ion space has been reserved by heir shipbuilders, equipment aanufacturers, port authorities and larine service industries.

The International Shipping Ex- ibition with Russia and the Re- ublics embody the mobilization of dvanced technology industries, a lobilization to meet commercial emands and Western-style produc- on systems. The leading insti- ltes within the industry will "esent their technologies to find ;w markets and new partnerships ith Western companies.

The major shipbuilding and re- lir yards of Europe are scheduled participate, and the qualified visi- rs throughout will find the /aerner Group, Bremer Vulkan d Lisnave among many others in e four exhibition halls. Port and rt equipment interests are repre- nted by firms from the U.S., nada, Italy, the Netherlands and 'eden. Machinery manufactur- ers and control equipment produc- ers from Denmark, France and Nor- way will participate, according to show organizers.

The exhibit hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day of the show. "It is no coincidence that the Off- shore Energy sector is introduced this year at NEVA '93 for the first time," said Roderick Keay of Dol- phin Exhibitions, U.K., and co-orga- nizer of NEVA. "The importance of this potentially massive activity is now recognized in its own right. The NEVA organiz- ers identify its future growth and significance, as a sister industry to commercial shipping and shipbuild- ing.';

Finland is scheduled to provide one of the largest of the seven na- tional pavilions formed by leading maritime companies. The massive market for port development and equipment will be found at the exhi- bition, together with leading ship- ping companies from both ocean and river transportation. More than 5,000 trade visitors are anticipated from the Republic and the Baltic States, together with professionals visiting from overseas.


On the conference side, 30 speak- ers, 12 from the C.I.S., will present papers to the three-day conference, speakers including senior executives of the ports, the shipping compa- nies, the technical equipment manu- facturers and the design bureau.

The NEVA 93 conference program, which is scheduled to run from Sep- tember 14 to 16, will feature many prominent international speakers, as well as from Russia and the Re- publics. Confirmed speakers on the international side includes repre- sentatives from the International

Maritime Organization (IMO), The

World Bank, Wartsila Diesel Oy,

INTERTANKO, Kvaerner A.S.,

MacGregor Navire Group, and

American Bureau of Shipping.

Speakers from Russia and the

Republics, are to include represen- tatives from Krylov Shipbuilding

Research Institute, Russian Com- mittee for Shipbuilding and the In- ternational Maritime Law Associa- tion.

As a complement to the exhibi- tion and the main conference, which is devoted to shipping activities in general, the Wessex Institute of

Technology (WIT) of Southampton,

U.K. has organized a series of tech- nical seminars on topics of current interest in the former Soviet Union in the design, construction and op- eration of ships, offshore structures and ports. The objective of the semi- nars is to provide a forum for infor- mation exchange on scientific mat- ters relating to shipping and for pos- sible bilateral technology transfer on a commercial basis. The semi- nars will run in parallel with the exhibition and conference sessions.

Delegates will be free to move be- tween the exhibitions, conferences and seminars, in order to obtain maximum value from the confer- ence.

The seminars are being held at the same location as the NEVA '93

International Shipping Conference and Exhibition, at the Harbor Exhi- bition Center, Fasilevsky Island, St.

Petersburg, Russia. Topics are to include: computer aided design (CAD); arctic transportation (note: this seminar to be held at the nearby

Krylov Shipbuilding Research In- stitute); advanced marine vehicles; safety at sea; environmental prob- lems; submersibles; ship propulsion; and maritime law.

NEVA '93 Exhibitor List (At Press Time) )rg Ciserv

Industry Oy

Turbo Systems


Stal-Marine AB

II .aval Separation ican Bureau of Shipping

R lutz & Co. GmbH naster Rauma •s Et Chantiers Le Havre

Elektronik lica Marine )l

St Siebert + Voss i Valves r Vulkan Shipyards ineau & Lotz

Marine Equipment Assoc.

Maritime Technology igton and Scott


Co. i & Campi i N0E 'e Navale anaveral Port Authority liar elski nor m Marine

Dept. of Shipping

System ixport Group


Davit Intl.

De Smithske

Deep Sea Seals

Demp IVS

Deno Compressors

DMR Dieselmotorenwerke

DMS Dieselmotoren

Dolphin Exhibitions

Elbewerft Boizenburg


Evac Oy


Finnish Foreign Trade Assoc.


Fr. Fassmer

Furuno Danmark A/S



Glacier Metal

Greben Shipyard

GS - Hydro Oy

GTI Marine

H.A. Springer Marine

Hagglunds Marine & Offshore

Helkama Cable

Hellenic Register


Hightron Marine

Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG


IBAK Helmut Hunger

I.C.E. Italy

IHC Lagersmit

IHK Rostock



International Marine Paints

Institute of Marine Engineers

Interorient Navigation Co.


Iper Le Havre

Iron Pump


Iwasa Trading

Jotun AB

A. Van Kaike GmbH

Karl Dose GmbH

Kalmar LMV


KGW Schweriner

Kidde Fire Protection Ltd.

Kocktum Computer Systems AB


Korea Chemical Co. Ltd.

Krupp MaK

Kylov Association of Marine Engineers

Kuhlautomat Berlin

Kvaerner Kimek A.S.

Kvaerner Masa-Yards

Kvaerner Moss Technology

Kvaerner Arctic Offshore

Kvaerner Klevin Ulsteinvik

Kvaerner A.S.

Kvaerner Eureka

Kvaerner Ships Equipment A.B.


La Havre Port Authority


Lloyd's Register of Shipping

MCT Brattberg

MacGregor-Navire Group


MAN Diesel

Manley Hopkins Group

Marine Automation Systems

Marine Services Reifschlager


Maritime Reporter

Markisches Werk GmbH


Mazurek Marine Service

Merlin Gerin

Maskinfabriken Iron A/S

MHC Mechanical Handling Consultants

Michell Bearings

Motoren Werk Mannheim

MTU Motoren-U Turbinen Union

MTW Schiffswerft

Naval Designs

Newmark Shipping Co.

Neptun Industie


Norcontrol Morimpex



Norwegian Trade Council

Nylands Marine Service AS

Oy Danfoss 0MF


Panama, Republic of

P.P.I. Engineering


Plan Marine

Portland Design AGS


Pusnes Mek Verksted


Rockwool A/S

Royal Institute of Naval Architects

RWO Mashinenfabrik


Saab Marine Electronics (Continued on page 36)

September, 1993 35

Maritime Reporter

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