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Famighette Vice President,

Maritime Sales

COMSAT Mobile Communica- tions (Clarksburg, Md.) announced that Joseph G. Famighette joined the company as vice president, mari- time sales.

In this position he is responsible for directing the maritime satellite services sales efforts within

COMSAT's government, transpor- tation, shipping, fishing, passenger ship, pleasure craft and offshore oil markets.

He will also lead the sales efforts for COMSAT's newest digital ser- vices: Inmarsat-M, a voice, data and fax service for smaller vessels, and

Inmarsat-B, a digital service for larger vessels with high speed data and large volume communications requirements. Prior to joining

COMSAT, Mr. Famighette held the positions of director of sales for the

Pacific division and director of mar- keting for business services with

MCI. He also worked with Western

Union as vice president, western region, with responsibilities for sales and customer support.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Canisius College, Buf- falo, N.Y.

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Who Takes Out The Garbage?

If it's not BFI Shipboard Waste Services™ you're missing the boat. Working within the

USDA and the U.S. Coast Guard guidelines, BFI was involved in the development of the currendy- approved MARPOL Annex V disposal procedures.

From a single box up to tonnage volumes, BFI has the program and required permits in place to solve all your waste disposal problems, including those under APHIS. And once we take posses- sion, your hands are clean, no ifs, ands or buts.

So, no matter where your ship comes in — at a major port for oceangoing vessels or at a private terminal, yacht basin or other facility — let BFI take out the garbage.

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Rear Admiral Matteson

Assumes Superintendent

Duties At Academy

Rear Admiral Thomas T. Matteson, USIV

Rear Admiral Thomas

Matteson, USMS, assumed dut: as superintendent of the U.S. M chant Marine Academy. He si ceeded Rear Admiral Paul Krinsl who retired from federal service

June 30.

The academy, operated by t

U.S. Department of Transportatio

Maritime Administration, is local in Kings Point, Long Island, N

The U.S. maritime school tra: young men and women to beco: officers in the American Merch;

Marine and Naval Reserve. He i

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) can officer who retired from active di in June 1993.

His last assignment was as ' perintendent of the USCG Acade in New London, Conn. Previous he served as Chief, Office of Pers nel and Training at USCG he quarters in Washington, D.C.

A native of Upper Sandus

Ohio, Rear Adm. Matteson is a 1! graduate of the Coast Guard Ac emy. He earned a master's degrei

Management Science from the ] val Post Graduate School, Montei

Calif., and is a 1977 graduate of

Air War College atMaxwell Air Fc


M. Rosenblatt & Son

Appoints Two Assistant VF

Lester Rosenblatt, chairma the board and CEO of M. Rosenb & Son Inc., announced the pro tions of Henry J. (Rick) Cas and John V. Deller to assist vice presidents. A graduate of Mi gan University with a Bachelo

Science in mechanical engineer

Mr. Cassee worked for New]

News Shipbuilding and the t

Maritime Administration prioi joining M. Rosenblatt & Son's lington office in 1982. He was pointed to the position of directc auxiliary systems in 1989.

Mr. Deller holds a Bachelo

Science in mechanical enginee: from Catholic University. He c; to MR&S in 1981 as manage propulsion after 10 years of gov ment service at NAVSEA. In 1:

Mr. Deller received the Best P<

Award for his contribution to 1988 Marine Engineering Syr sium. © 1991 Browning-Ferris, Inc. All rights reserved. BFI and Shipboard Waste Services are registered trademarks of Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc. 48 Circle 221 on Reader Service Card 48 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

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