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The volume of tonnage in the world order book increased to a fig- ure of 35,052,973 gt at mid-year, 1993, which is an increase of 1,407,565 from the First Qtr. '93.
New orders reported at mid-year amount to 6,000,000 gt, a figure which is 1,800,000 gt more than the total output during the quarter.
More than 79 percent of the ships on the world order book are sched- uled for delivery by the end of 1994.
Under construction in the world at mid-year are 1,166 steamships and motorships, with a combined gt of 16,724,963 (297,960 gt more than last quarter).
On order but not commenced are 967 ships, for a total gt of 18,328,010 (1,705,525 gt more than last quar- ter). The order books for Russia and
Finland have more than doubled since First Qtr '93. Ukraine recorded significant increases (24.1 percent), as well as Korea (South) (16.7 per- cent). Countries which made the largest additions to their existing fleets are Liberia, 7,579,925 gt;
Panama, 6,835,520 gt; People's Re- public of China, 1,715,721 gt; Nor- way, 1,713,120 gt; Japan, 1,495,653; and Germany, 1,417,923 gt.
The shipbuilding countries mak- ing the largest contribution to world tonnage at mid-year are: Japan, 9,502,413; Korea (South), 7,099,488;
Poland, 1,127,045; Germar 1,069,375; and the People's Repi lie of China [including Republic
China (Taiwan)], 1,125,824.
Oil tankers are the most popu' ships on order, for a total 13,944,466 gt (up 85,286 gt). F lowing oil tankers are bulk carrie 8,982,488 gt (up 1,017,553 gt); g( eral cargo, 6,506,333 gt (up 124,4 gt); and miscellaneous shi] 2,504,707 gt (down 162,805 gt).
Argentina 20 45,613 0.13
Australia 12 10,122 0.03
Belgium 22 118,120 0.34
Brazil 47 1,022,998 2.92
Bulgaria 17 181,513 0.52
Canada 4 25,507 0.07
Chile 16 11,507 0.03 •China, People's Republic Ofl 25 1,869,588 5.33
China, Republic Of (Taiwan) 18 882,500 2.52
Croatia 21 677,095 1.93
Cuba 1 120 0.00
Denmark 40 1,418,884 4.05
Egypt 17 45,580 0.13
Fiji 3,125 0.01
Finland 15 795,201 2.27
France 20 695,300 1.98
Germany 124 1,658,831 4.73
Greece 5 12,470 0.04
Guatemala 1 130 0.00
Hong Kong 3 1,500 0.00
Hungary 1 1,350 0.00
Iceland 1 120 0.00
India 55 100,805 0.29
Indonesia 25 94,750 0.27
Iran 48 21,006 0.06
Israel 1 267 0.00
Italy 59 1,175,949 3.35
Gross % of World
Tonnage Tonnage
Japan 445 10,998,066 31.38
Korea (North) 1 9,626 0.03
Korea (South) 145 7,188,412 20.51
Lebanon 1 300 0.00
Malaysia 11 24,711 0.07
Malta 8 27,785 0.08
Mexico 11 12,547 0.04
Netherlands 42 238,359 0.68
Norway 23 187,204 0.53
Pakistan 3 16,550 0.05
Peru 46 21,101 0.06
Philippines 1 546 0.00
Poland 117 1,221,819 3.49
Portugal 34 29,693 0.08
Romania 84 1,179,249 3.36 •Russia 147 938,286 2.68
Singapore 28 77,923 0.22
Slovakia 10 22,460 0.06
Spain 57 438,159 1.25
Sweden 2 453 0.00
Turkey 43 184,451 0.53 •Ukraine 24 491,897 1.40
United Kingdom 25 707,156 2.02
United States 79 73,069 0.21
Venezuela 2 600 0.00
Yugoslavia 25 92,600 0.26
World Total 2,133 35,052,973 100.00
All Ships In The World Order Book At Mid-Year, 1993
Total (Under Construction & Not Commenced)
No. Gross % of World Country No.
Tonnage Tonnage
Source: Lloyd's Register * Information incomplete 52 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News