Page 52: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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James P. Colie & Assoc.
Wins Contract To Refurbish
S/S Norway
James P. Colie & Associates, Inc., a marine general contracting firm based in Hollywood, Fla., was awarded a contract for a refurbish- ment project on Kloster Cruise Line's
S/S Norway.
The four-week project, designed by Yran & Storbraaten, architects, and to be carried out at Newport
News Shipbuilding, is due for completion in late September.
A large portion of James P. Colie & Assoc. work will include new fab- ric wall coverings, laminates, paint, upholstery, ceiling work, tabletops, lighting and art restoration in the
Windward Dining Room.
Also planned are redesigned ban- quettes, new signage and a modifi- cation to the entrance for A Club
Circle 239 on Reader Service Card
Called Dazzles, among other work..
Hempel To Display
Environ Protection Products
At Upcoming Shows
The Hempel Group, which has grown from a single production unit in Copenhagen in 1915 to become one of today's largest suppliers of marine coatings, will be present i both NEVA '93 and the Tanker I dustry Convention.
At NEVA '93, the Hempel exhil will feature two products which she how technology is capable of provi ing protection coupled with em ronmental care.
Hempadur 4515, a two-comp nent polyamine-cured epoxy pc sesses inherent toughness, low w ter permeability and exceptional a hesive properties to marginally pi pared surfaces.
In addition, the high-volume s ids provide not only lower volat organic content (VOC) emissioi but also economy, through increas square foot coverage.
A low-temperature curing va ety, Hempadur L.T.C. 4514 is a available, providing an applicati temperature window down to mir 10- to 15-degrees Fahrenheit.
Combic 7199 TinFree is repc edly the world's first tin-free ar fouling capable of being specified drydocking intervals of up to f years.
Some of the product's repor advantages include: low square f cost, tin-free roughness control, ] polishing rate, low dry film thi ness and extended predictable p formance.
At the Tanker Industry Conv tion in London, the Hempel exh will concentrate on the protect requirements of this particular i tion of the marine business.
Ballast spaces, one of today's issues, is a challenge met with
Hempadur L.T.C. 4514 and 4 selections.
In addition, Hempel will in duce the first Windows-based c puterized resistance informal system for users of Hempel's Ci
Barrier zinc silicate, phenolic epoxy tank coatings.
The system is a further deve ment of Hempel's Cargo Protec
New Paxman VP185 To
Enhance Manufacturer's
Engine Line
The new Paxman VP185, ai novative new engine from this 1 known manufacturer, is intend enhance Paxman Diesel's exif engine line.
The VP185 is not intended a successor to the manufactu
Valenta engine line, as was repc in a July 1993 editorial by cor uting editor Marcus Gibson.
According to Paxman, the Va will continue production for i years to come, and continue to < a first-class reputation among customers.
The VP185 is capable of pr ing 2 MW at 50 and 60 Hz p generation frequencies.
For free information on the vative new Paxman VP185, c
Valenta engine,
Circle 84 on Reader Service Cai wmM * mM #I*
Radio Holland Group
Electronic Systems, Marine // nucleus
The Kelvin Hughes NUCLEUS Series Color ARPA
Radars are redefining the modern radar for the shipping industry.
The NUCLEUS Color ARPA combines innovative target tracking/plotting and integrated data acquisi- tion capabilities with speed, accuracy, screen defini- tion, ease of operation, and highest reliability. To overcome rows of confusing buttons and controls, this economically designed, color ARPA utilizes a simple tracker ball and three push buttons for all operations, making it one of the fastest, most user- friendly navigational radars on the market today.
Functions are selected by simply clicking a but- ton after moving the pointer with the tracker ball through the easy-to-use, on-screen menus. The high definition display provides a superior color radar picture with very sharp target contrast. The data displays clearly show operating functions, warn- ings, target information, and integrated own-ship navigational data.
The NUCLEUS Series offers five choices of dis- plays, NUCLEUS 6000 A (ARPA), 6000 T (true motion) and 6000 R (relative motion) Color Radars with 26 inch display; and NUCLEUS 5000 T (true motion) and 5000 R (relative motion) Color Radars with 20 inch display. NUCLEUS features powerful
X-Band and S-Band transmitters in different configurations. the new definition of modern radar!
Kelvin Hughes Limited
A Smiths Industries pic company
Other stan- dard features include interswitching, dual preset
Guard Zones; the NAVCARD for extended, custom- ized map creation, storage, and retrieval; and an improved plotting facility. The ARPA also features a simulator for training and maintenance tasks.
Radio Holland Group
Electronic Systems, Marine
See Us At S.N.A.M.E.
Radio Holland Group - Kelvin Hughes
Booth #545-547
Corpus Christi •
Houston, Texas (713) 943-3325 Fax: (713) 943-3802 Tlx: 795438
New Orleans • Mobile • Ft. Lauderdale • New York • Philadelphia • Portland • Seattle • San Francisco/Oakland • Long Beach 54 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News