Page 62: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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Where people make the difference.
BP Marine Products aod Serv.c^ * • Bunker Fuels , . > ,«• "Jl V*
Energol Marlne.,LubricaMs :•- '
Enersyn SyntheticLubrjcantS -"" ' >
Energrease Marine Gfekses1
Energol Speciality Products \
Ship Lubrication Surveys
Enercare Used Oil Analysis,Seryice •>> *
You know you need the best people to deliver the best possible service.
At BP Marine, we have built our business by working every day to understand your business better than any other marine products supplier.
Our team of dedicated professionals is focused on delivering the most reliable products and services in the industry. All around the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is this kind of partnership that results in superior products and international service.
For the latest information on BP Marine fuels, lubricants, and services, call your local BP Marine representative.
Or contact: BP Marine Americas, 200 WestLake Park
Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77079-2682.
Telephone: (713) 560-4228, Fax: (713) 597-2195,
Telex: 168813 BPLUBESHOU.
BP Marine: Where the people make the difference.
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