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United States: Cruise Ship

Set New Standards For Quality And Performance

Built at Newport News Shipbuilding and

Drydock Company and delivered in 1952, the 990-foot United States was truly a memorable cruise ship. The vessel was built at an approxi- mate cost of $72 million, and was capable of carrying a total of 3,101 passengers and crew.

Powered by Westinghouse propulsion equipment, which generated 158,000 shaft hp, the vessel had a cruising speed of 28 knots.

Gibbs and Cox, Inc., naval architects, were commissioned to draw plans for an "outstanding express liner of remarkable safety, speed and efficiency, and readily convertible to a troop car- rier." From there it was just six years from initial idea to completion. The above illustration is painting of the grand ship from Joe Wilhelm.


Publications & Events

SNAME has prepared several publications and events to commemorate the occasion. Here's a rundown on what's available. • "A Half Century of Maritime Technology:

Historical Transactions of the Society of

Naval Architects and Marine Engineers."

This focuses on the broad range of development in maritime technology during the period from 1943 to 1993. Topics range from "Aircraft Car- riers," authored by Barry Tibbetts and the late

Robert Riggins, to "Yachts and Other Plea- sure Craft" by Olin Stephens II. Available free to all registrants. • "Speed on the Ship." The history of the society, as written by William duBarry Tho- mas, chronicles the accomplishments and frus- trations of 100 years of growth. Mr. Thomas is fourth-generation member and great grandson of a founder of the Society. Available free to all registrants. • Pictorial Postmark: Thursday, September 16, noon to 5:00 p.m. on the Second Floor Prom- enade. A temporary post office, named SNAME

Centennial Station, will be set up on this day only. Have your mail cancelled with this spe- cially designed stamp. • Centennial Ship Model Gallery. Ship models and a display of marine art will be open to registrants in America Hall II during normal exhibiting hours. The models on loan are pro- vided courtesy of the U.S. Navy Curator of Ship

Models, Kings Point's American Merchant Ma- rine Museum, and Fort Schuyler's Maritime

Industry Museum. 3240 North Broadway

St. Louis, MO 63147

Telephone: (314) 621-2536

FAX: (314) 621-1952

Telex: 44-2449

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September, 1993 67

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.