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tem is a significant technological breakthrough to help create the ships of the 21st century and evalu- ate existing vessels using both en- gineering-first principles and the experience embodied in the tradi- tional ABS Rules. With the ABS

SafeHull system, designers can readily quantify the loads and stresses in a ship's structure in a comprehensive, integrated, realis- tic way. ABS SafeHull is a complete system that includes the newly for- mulated strength criteria and a fully supported software package for use

Dn personal computers or engineer- ing work stations. The system is being offered to meet the needs of designers, builders, owners and jperators.

Circle 5 on Reader Service Card

Atlantic Marine, Inc.

Booth Number 236

Atlantic Marine, Inc. has facili- ;ies in both Mobile, Ala. and Jack- sonville, Fla. The Mobile repair md conversion division of Atlantic

Marine can dry dock vessels up to !50,000-dwt. The new construction livision, Alabama Shipyard, can mild all sizes of inland and ocean- going vessels, offshore drilling rigs ind heavy fabrication for industrial ises. In Jacksonville, Atlantic

Jarine and Atlantic Dry Dock has he capabilities to build vessels up o 350 feet and is equipped with two narine railways with a lifting ca- lacity of up to 4,000 long tons.

Circle 111 on Reader Service Card

Autronica Marine

Booth Numbers 548 and 651

Autronica Marine is a world class lanufacturer of hi tech marine elec- ronics equipment and will present tie following at the SNAME Exhi- ition:

Radar Tank Level Systems

Complete tank ship monitoring nd alarm systems - cargo, ballast, srvice tank levels; inert gas pres- are; cargo temperature; pump pres-

Lires; load computer; vapor recov- ry system pressure; draft/trim/list; idependent high level/overfill larms; etc. - sensors, electronics nd hardware all made by utronica.

Engine room monitoring and [arm systems

Fire detection systems with ana- g, addressable detectors (installed • retro-fitted on most of the world's

Lajor cruise ships)

Diesel engine analyzer

Sensors and transmitters for ship- >ard temp., pressure, level, etc. onitoring.

Virtually all OPA 90 new double all tankers are equipped with the love systems.

Circle 37 on Reader Service Card


Technologies Inc.

Booth Number 541

Barracuda Technologies Inc. (BTI) is reportedly the only PVC foam manufacturing facility in either

North or South America. The new

Technical Center and Testing Labo- ratories in DeSoto, Texas has been involved with various projects such as the U.S. Navy Mark V Patrol Boat design, stealth vessels, commercial fishing craft, etc. BTI will be dis- playing a cross-section of a compos- ite sandwich patrol boat at the

SNAME Exhibition, as well as pho- tos of stealth technology and litera- ture about the new Technical Cen- ter and Testing Laboratories.

Circle 105 on Reader Service Card


Booth Number 519

Boatracs' satellite communica- tions and vessel-tracking system provides confidential communica- tions within 200-400 miles of the

U.S. coast between boats or to a phone, fax or computer. Hourly po- sitions are automatically provided to fleet owners. Operational effi- ciencies and savings over other forms of communications are the advan- tages of Boatracs' satellite commu- nications and vessel-tracking sys- tem. Great for single boat owners and fleet operators.

Circle 112 on Reader Service Card (III Illl Mh nil,i i i ii h

Our Diesel youngsteiJ, 32/40

M lili'

The youngest offspring to emerge from the birthplace of the cente- narian Diesel engine in Augsburg answers to the name of "Thirty- two-forty" with a power range of 2 600 - 4 000 kW at 720/750 rpm.

Diesel Technology in Progress

That the well-known MAN B&W qualities such as reliability, eco- nomy, heavy fuel compatibility and ease of maintenance have been further improved can be taken for granted. But an engine whose life expectancy reaches well into the next millenium must also shoul- der a particular responsibility for the environment. That's why MAN

B&W have designed their new engine with a twin camshaft. This configuration enables the fuel injection and charge renewal processes to be controlled inde- pendently, resulting in:

MAN B&W Diesel, Inc., 17 State Street, New York, NY 10004, Telephone (212) 269-0980

MAN B&W Diesel, Stadtbachstr. 1, D-86153 Augsburg, Telephone (-821) 3220 • optimum, load-sensitive adap- tation of the valve timing and thus clean, low-emission combustion even in the lower load range, • minimized fuel comsumption rate at all times, even with varying fuel grades.

The new MAN B&W engine 32/40 - the leading edge of Diesel engi- neering - a prime mover born of ecological concern.

Circle 189 on Reader Service Card

September, 1993 71

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.