Page 71: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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Frank Mohn
Houston, Inc.
Booth Numbers 332-334
Products and/or services Frank vlohn Houston, Inc. offers include narine products, turn key installa- tions, complete system designs, jrime movers, cargo pumps, piping systems, cargo heaters, fittings and :ontrol systems. Environmental jroducts the company offers are oil •ecovery systems transrec 200-250- 550. The company also offers emer- gency offloading systems, portable jumps and prime movers.
Circle 117 on Reader Service Card
Furuno U.S.A., Inc.
Booth Numbers 415-417
Furuno U.S.A., Inc. will display ts full line of Global Maritime Dis- tress and Safety System (GMDSS) ipproved equipment including ra- liotelephones, digital selective call- ng systems, distress message con- trollers, NAVTEX receivers and nore at the SNAME Exhibition.
Furuno is a world leader in GMDSS md ARPA radar and is recognized iround the world as a leader in narine electronics and a trendsetter n GMDSS development.
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
Booth Number 353
Glamox, a Norway-based light ixture manufacturer, has estab- lished a production, sales, market- ing and service presence in North \merica. Glamox is one of the world's largest manufacturers of narine and offshore light fixtures md is known for its commitment to quality. With almost 50 years of experience and sophisticated com- puter software, the Glamox
Mariteam is ready to assist with all lighting requirements.
Circle 113 on Reader Service Card
Golten Marine Co.
Booth Number 108
Golten Marine Company is part 3f the Golten Group of worldwide companies that have been serving ship owners, underwriters, ship and sngine builders, offshore operators, as well as clients in power plants and process and mechanical indus- tries for more than 50 years. Golten is an authorized supplier and re- pairer for most of the world's major diesel engine manufacturers.
Golten's engineers and technicians are available "around the clock, around the world" to serve its cus- tomers. Its shop facilities are ca- pable of handling almost any type •f machining, planing, boring or milling operation, as well as piping, welding and steel fabrication.
Circle 122 on Reader Service Card
Hagglunds Inc.
Booth Number 117
Hagglunds Inc. will be supplying brochures and photographs of ma- rine cargo cranes for commercial, offshore and military sectors. The products range from two-ton service and hosehandling cranes up to 60- ton cargo cranes (Twin mode up to 120-tons). All cranes are available from Hagglunds with a wide range of extra features for efficient cargo han- dling including steady-line, a micro- processor based cargo spotting de- vice.
Circle 40 on Reader Service Card
Hopeman Brothers
Booth Number 123
Hopeman Brothers is a leading
U.S. marine interior contractor.
They offer complete turnkey outfit- ting and material-only sales for new construction and refurbishment.
The company has manufacturing plants totaling 800,000 square feet offering wall, ceiling, door and fur- niture systems. Their products are backed by architects, engineers, de-
Circle 189 on Reader Service Card signers and installation crews with global experience. With field offices on the East, West and Gulf Coasts,
Hopeman Brothers stand ready to serve your needs.
Circle 41 on Reader Service Card
Inexa Profil
Booth Number 120
Inexa Profil is a leader in the design and production of steel pro- f VIKING FEKDER CO
Complete Marine Fendering with
Dockside Installation Facilites
When push comes to shove have a Viking on your side. PaU. Ptnd
Viking modular fenders allow you to leave to the engineering to usl We at Vklng have done al the time consuming engineering
Mounting plates manufactured Into the fenders elmlnate the need for chains, shackles, dps, twin, hole alignment, and drtllng. SAVES TIMEI Simply position the fender and weld... what coJd be easier?
Available w/ male/female ends for seamless fendering. male/male ends, or flat or angle Iron steel ends.
Manufacturing fenders In this 'NEW WAV allows us to produce fenders before any orders are taken. Stocking fenders for Immediate shipment iav.» you mot. «m» and
In turn «ovjt you mon»v.
LOW COST. . CALL TODAY FOR SPECIAL PRICING. •Also available non-marking 50 Church Street • Sea Bright, NJ 07760 908-530-6600 Fax: 908-530-6866
Built on a commitment to quality, reliability and customer satisfaction.
Hirria 330 on Reader Service Card
We are the Leading Supplier of
Accommodation Ladder Systems
We also supply: -Free Fall Systems -Davits for Lifeboats -Liferaft Cranes & Davits -Pilot Hoists & Platforms
ELIN Fiskhamnsgatan 4
S-414 58 Goteborg. Sweden Telephone: (46)31-42 77 70
Telefax: (46)31-1273 04 Telex: 20678 WEUN'S
Circle 336 on Reader Service Card
JVJO££ Accuracy or commi JS msqul^D
Stork-Kwant B.V. Voltastraat 3 / P.O. Box 23 / 8600 AA SNEEK HOLLAND phone: 05150 13745 int. +31 5150 13745 fax: 05150 22478 int. +31 5150 22478 j
Suitable for each type/make of Remote Control System.
On request provided with: • actual pitch indication • actual r.p.m. indication • electric shaft (for lever synchronization)
The Stork-Kwant Universal Telegraphs have been fully Type Approved by:
ABS - BV - DNV - GL - CCS (ZC) - LRS - NKK - RINA -
The USSR Register of Shipping.
Specials on request.
September, 1993 73