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CENTENNIAL 1893-1993 radio, satellite, telephone and/or fax, access to customized pharmaceuti- cal kits and personalized training in emergency medical protocol. SOS
Maritime Services provides direct medical advice by radio and satellite communications, reducing unneces- sary diversions, evacuations and medical expenses. SOS also recom- mends and supplies medical stores in a numerical format that is easy to use and saves valuable time in an emergency. Certificate programs in emergency medical training are available for employees at remote worksites and aboard ships.
Circle 42 on Reader Service Card
Inventory Locator
Service, Inc.
Booth Number 508
Inventory Locator Service, Inc. (ILS) will demonstrate its electronic
KAMAG really moves it for you!
Recent years have seen a revolution in the traditional methods of shipbuilding. KAMAG equipment has allowed existing shipyards to adopt new methods and greatly increase productivity. Flexibility is the key to success and KAMAG can deliver it!
The following applications are all possible with
KAMAG transporters:
Marine Gas Turbine Systems and Ship Condition Monitoring
Customized solutions for all types of vessels: • Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems based on LM500, LM1600, LM2500 and LM6000 • Performance Monitoring • Shaft Power Meters • Fuel Reporting Systems • Diesel Engine Tuning • Steam Turbine Plant Analysis
Kvaerner Energy a.s
Thermal Power Division
P.O. Box 2453
Tel: + 47 5 34 81 00 Fax: + 47 5 34 48 48
Circle 3 on Reader Service Card marketplace services that bring buy- ers and sellers of parts and equip- ment together. Suppliers worldwide list inventories on the ILS database.
Buyers in need of parts and equip- ment access that information using a personal computer with modem.
Buyers can tell instantly who has the equipment they need, the quan- tity and the condition. ILS also gives buyers the information to con- tact the sellers directly. As an inde- pendent provider of information, ILS does not take part in any sales trans- action.
Circle 49 on Reader Service Card
Booth Number 118
KaMeWa AB is one of the world's leading manufacturers of control- lable and fixed pitch propellers, water-jet propulsion systems, tun- nel and rotatable thrusters and re- lated electronic control systems.
KaMeWa's marine laboratory is one of the most advanced privately- owned facilities in the world, strongly contributing to the company's leading position in de- sign and development of propeller systems. KaMeWa has a worldwide net of service stations including a service office in Fort Lauderdale.
Circle 129 on Reader Service Card
Circle 267 on Reader Service Card • Ship module or section transportation is a stand- ard application for elevating platform transporters.
Payloads typically range from 100 to 1500 tons. • Elevating platform transporters can also carry large mechanical items, as well as moving pallets loaded with raw materials, steel plates, scrap, and other items. • Side to side and / or end to end coupling allow our modular transporters to carry loads of 8000 tons or more, especially useful during the fabrication of offshore all platforms. • Cassette lifters and Automatically Guided Vehicles (AGV's) are other unique KAMAG Port Handling
And these are just a few of the applications for the wide range of KAMAG transporter products. Contact us for an Integrated solution to your operational requirements.
KAMAG Transporttechnik GmbH & Co.
Daimlerstr. 14 • D-89079 Ulm • Germany
Telephone: (49) 731 9454 720
Telefax: (49) 731 9454 707
In the U.S.A. call (407) 635-2047
Circle 167 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering New
Workshop * Repair Bay * Yacht Storage
Maintenance * Boathouse * Field Office * Heavy Equipment Storage
U.S. Hwy. 19 South * Pelham, GA 31779 912-294-9633 * fax 912-294-7816
RR Klattenburg
Marine Agency
Booth Number 419
RR Klattenberg Marine Agency, sales representative for worldwide shipyard repairs, and spare parts suppliers for diesel engines, turbo- chargers and aircoolers, will be joined at the SNAME Exhibition by
Mr. Wim Polman, Stork Services
BV, to discuss the expansion of com- pany activities to include Stork
Pumps, Stork Gears and onboard diesel service.
Circle 123 on Reader Service Card
Kockum Sonics AB
Booth Number 121
Kockum Sonics AB, Malmo, Swe- den, belongs to the Swedish Prodeo
Group of companies together with
Kockum Sonics (U.K.) Ltd., Great
Britain; Norselight A/S, Norway;
Kockum Sonics AG, Switzerland:
Kockum Sonics Inc., Canada; and also, a new establishment in the
U.S. The marine- and offshore-ori ented activities include worldwide development production, marketing and service of the following fou] groups of products on display at th<
SNAME Exhibition: • Acoustic signalling equipment • Searchlights and floodlights • Levelgauging Equipment • Cargo planning systems
All products meet internationa regulations and standards as we] as the latest criteria of all majo classification societies.
Also exhibiting at Booth Numbe 121 will be Norselight A/£
Norselight A/S belongs to the Swec