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tors, distillers, plate heat exchang- ers, automatic self-cleaning filters, electric and steam oil pre-heaters, automatic viscosity control systems, oil recovery and sludge treatment systems, genuine spare sparts • Fassmer totally enclosed and freefall lifeboats • Davit International lifeboats, rescueboats and liferaft davits • International Compactor trash compactors • Daros piston rings • Diesel engine spare parts • Miscellaneous spares from Eu- rope and Japan.
Circle 140 on Reader Service Card
Offshore Systems
International, Inc.
Booth Number 343
Offshore Systems International,
Inc. offers ECPINS (Electronic
Chart/Precise Integrated Naviga- tion System). ECPINS is fully com- pliant with all IMO performance standards.
ECPINS interfaces to shipboard navigation sensors such as GPS,
DGPS, LORAN-C, GYRO, speed log, depth sounder, etc. The system can also interface to exiting shipboard radars and provide, on the electronic chart display, a radar image overlay and ARPA target data. The ship's real-time position is continuously displayed on certified electronic vec- tor charts.
Circle 145 on Reader Service Card
Orkot Engineering
Plastics, Inc.
Booth Number 423
Orkot Engineering Plastics, Inc., )f Eugene, Oregon, manufactures ion-metallic marine bearings by mpregnating special fabrics with thermosetting polymers. It is used :xtensively in many Naval, U.S. ^oast Guard and commercial ma- •ine applications for rudder, stabi- izer, water lubricated stern shaft md deck machinery bearings. Orkot jrade "TLM Marine" possesses ex- eptional wear resistance and di- nensional stability in water with irtually no swell, making it an ideal naterial for use as water lubricated narine bearings. Orkot stocks an issortment of the more common sizes ti the U.S., U.K. and Singapore.
Circle 135 on Reader Service Card
Orwak USA, Inc.
Booth Number 431
Orwak USA, Inc. is a major manu- icturer specializing in small and lid-sized trash compactors and bail- rs. The Orwak line of equipment as been sold worldwide for the past 2 years. One model manufactured i the 5030 Marine Trash Compac- 5r. This unit is specifically for the impacting of everyday trash that ; generated onboard ships and ves- 3ls.
Circle 137 on Reader Service Card eptember, 1993
Pow-R-Quik, Ltd.
Booth Number 350
Pow-R-Quik air starters have been in continuous production since 1966, and can be used for starting a wide range of diesel engines. Pro- viding a quality product with excel- lent service has always been a major part of Pow-R-Quik's philosophy. At the SNAME Exhibition, Pow-R-Quik will display its line of lube-free air starters, the "LS" series, which fea- tures high-tech vane material, stain- less steel rotor casing and teflon coated end plates.
Circle 127 on Reader Service Card
Raytheon Service
Booth Number 533
Raytheon Service Company has won a contract from National Re- sponse Corporation (NRC).
Raytheon is supplying three "Mobile
Communication Centers" (MCCs) and various communication equip- ment including Inmarsat "M" Satel- lite Communications systems, Single
Side-Band, VHF, UHF radiotele- phony equipment and cellular sys- tems. These MCCs and communica- tion equipment are part of NRC's
Rapid Deployment assets and are an
IICOMSAT CORPORATION COMSAT'S Mobile Link sm service - This COMSAT service links the Inmarsat satellite system and land earth stations.
Smart Very smart
Magnavox Electronic Systems Company, 2829 Maricopa Street, Torrance, California 90503 U.S.A. (310) 618-7046, FAX (310) 618-7001, © 1993 Magnavox
Circle 348 on Reader Service Card 81
How a new phone line can improve your bottom line.
The new MX 3400 MagnaPhone
M lets you add calling capacity, even when the space for equip- ment is limited. Because with
Inmarsat M's digital technology, you can now get much smaller equipment with automatic tele- phone, fax, and data capabilities.
The MX 3400
MagnaPhone M is the small, lightweight satellite tele- phone that works just like
The bottom line? Inexpensive equipment and low calling charges. See the MX 3400 Magna-
Phone M at your nearby Magnavox dealer or call us for further infor- mation at 310-618-7046 a land based office phone. You can transmit fax messages and use the built-in modem for data transmis- sion. And you can add printers and other peripherals. All at great- ly reduced operating costs, when compared with other marine communications systems.
Advanced digital technology and the flat array antenna reduce the radome to less than half the weight and one quarter the size of other satellite antennas, mak- ing it easy to locate and inexpen- sive to install.