Page 82: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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SNAME: 1893 to 1992
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers has surely left its mark on the maritime industry. The following nostalgic section provides a glimpse back at the industry and the association.
A view of New York Harbor in 1890.
To the many postwar plans for improvement of the nation's transportation facilities can now be added current Detroit & Cleveland Navigation
Company plans for the replacement of the steamer Greater Buffalo, requisitioned in 1942 by the War Shipping
Administration and converted into the
U.S.S. Sable, aircraft training carrier.
Gibbs and Cox, an internationally known firm of naval architects, have prepared the plans for this replacement vessel. A model of the proposed new ship, exhibiting the sleek lines and trimness that characterize the modern trend without departing from the stability that is traditional in great ships, is shown to the right. The proposed ship will have an overall length of 523 feet; beam at the hull, 70 feet, and extreme beam 87 feet.
Modern Vessel of Gibbs & Cox Design To Replace Greater Buffalo
Secretary Of Navy Asks
Promotion For Land
The Navy Department asked Congress today to authorize the President to advance Rear Ad- miral Emory S. Land to the rank of vice-ad- miral even though he is no longer on the active list of the Navy.
James Forrestal, Acting Secretary of the
Navy, said in a letter to Speaker Sam Rayburn: "It is believed that conferring of the additional prestige inherent in the rank of vice-admiral would be of assistance in the discharge by Ad- miral Land of his important duties as chair- man of the Maritime Commission and adminis- trator of the war shipping administration." 82B SNAME Centennia