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Mississippi OKs Plan To
Quicken Licensing Process
In an attempt to speed up the casino licensing process in Missis- sippi, state gaming officials have decided to accept background checks from other jurisdictions, rather than duplicating the work themselves. The commission has reportedly claimed it will, however, continue to update and/or expand upon the checks.
The commission reportedly has an investigation staff of 14, capable of carrying on about four investiga- tions simultaneously. Each inves- tigation reportedly lasts three months, and to date there are more than 20 applications pending.
James P. Colie Renovates "Big Red Boat"
Marine general contracting firm
James P. Colie & Associates, Inc. of
Hollywood, Fla. renovated areas of
Premier Cruise Lines' S.S. Majes- tic, also known as "The Big Red
Boat." Work began September 26, and the boat returned October 12.
The project involved renovations to the Embarkation Lobby, the Sat- ellite Cafe, several public restrooms and furniture fabrication. Crafts- men at James P. Colie's workshop fabricated two new desks for the
Embarkation Lobby. Public restroom work encompassed new fixtures, sinks, vanities, wall lami- nates, floor tile, ceilings and a plumbing upgrade. For more infor- mation on the capabilities of James
P. Colie & Associates,
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
Bally Gaming Names Lam
Vice President of Technology
Bally Gaming appointed Paul
Lam to the position of vice presi- dent of technology responsible for heading up the company's manu- facturing plant, in additition to help- ing the company develop new prod- ucts by using advanced technolo- gies. Bally Gaming, Inc. is a Las
Vegas-based designer and manu- facturer of reel-spinning slot ma- chines, video gaming devices and video lottery terminals, and a big supplier to the burgeoning gaming vessel market. For information on
Bally Gaming,
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Kelvin Hughes Cruises With
Radar Contract
Kelvin Hughes Ltd. have recent- ly made significant sales into the cruise ship market with contracts for seven cruise vessels to be fitted with its Nucleus 6000 Arpa Radar
Systems. The sales are a result of time invested between Kelvin
Hughes and its agents Radio Hol- land U.S.A. in a market with strong competition. The first three vessels to be fitted with the Nucleus 6000
Arpa were from the Royal Caribbe- an Cruise Line, sailing in Alaska,
Northern Europe, the Mediterra- nean and Caribbean Sea. The TSS
Festivale from the Carnival Cruise
Lines has also had the Nucleus 6000
Arpa installed and will have a fur- ther S-Band 6000 Arpa, with
Interswitch added during Septem- ber. Another three ships from the
Carnival Cruise Lines are due to be fitted with the Nucleus 6000 Arpa within the next three months.
The system was chosen for use on board of these busy vessels report- edly for their comprehensive opera- tions and screen clarity. The 6000
Arpa also offers a wide variety of useful functions, such as interfac- ing and mapping capabilities. For more information,
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
Thordon Helps Sabine
Improve Efficiency, Cut Costs
Using Thordon bearings has lengthened the maintenance and bearing replacement cycle, helping to improve operating efficiency and cost effectiveness for Sabine Trans- portation, according to Sabine's marine representative Scott (Continued on page 76)
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Circle 251 on Reader Service Card
SAVE up to 300 barrels of oil per year!
The Kahlenberg TRITON Piston Horn is a unique sound producing unit because it requires no compressed air and no diaphragms yet utilizes air vibrations in a tuned sound column. The unit consists of an electric motor driving a pis- ton with a cylinder similar in appearance to an air compres- sor. Very economical to operate and install. Write for bulle- tin. 92C. The KB-20 electric horn is available in 110 volt,
A.C. or 24 volt, D.C. for vessels up to 246' in length.
KMILEI1BERG BROS. 10. 19B6 Monroe St.
Two Rivers, Wisconsin, 54241 U.S.A. | | 414-793-4507 | |
Model KB-20
Model S-120
Mark II
November, 1993 75