Page 43: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1994)
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(Continued from page 43) becoming increasingly true in Mis- sissippi, where there is no cruise requirement. There are also combi- nations of boats and barges together, which creates both the entry build- ing and the gaming experience on the water.
An emerging trend is towards the unique. Initially, getting the boat open was the only priority.
Now, some of the owners are begin- ning to realize that they will be in a very competitive market of four, six, eight or more vessels, each com- peting for attention. One way to differentiate is by creating a unique or theme character. Creating a "must see facility" produces an un- forgettable impression. It can be reinforced in advertising, signage, or logo carpet, brochures, and even dealer's ties.
In Biloxi, the facility designed for Lady Luck Casinos has an ori- ental theme. In the lagoon in front of the casino, every hour the water begins to churn; the churning moves around the lagoon, and finally, a fire-breathing dragon emerges out of the water.
An emerging trend is toward the unique...
Initially, getting the boat open was the only prior- ity; Now, some of the owners are beginning to realize that they will be in a very competitive market of four, S 1/OCf eight or more vessels...
The entire lagoon ignites in fire as the dragon moves around. The fire is soon extinguished by jets of water, and hidden by the steam, the dragon disappears. It is a "must- see" attraction. Yes, there is tre- mendous opportunity in riverboat gaming. Yes, it is fraught with a variety of challenges, only some of which are mentioned here. It is clear that until the pace slows down, little time will be available to me- thodically think through all of the design aspects of the facilities prior to construction. However, when the dust settles, those who made the effort to carefully design a unique gaming experience will end up with the most successful casino.
Barry Thalden, AIA, is presi- dent of Thalden Corporation, Ar- chitects. Thalden Corp. is a lead- ing firm in the design of riverboat and dockside gaming, and is cur- rently engaged in projects in all the major markets. For additional in- formation on Thalden Corp.,
Circle 8 on Reader Service Card
January, 1994
Cummins Targets Casino
Vessel Market; Uprates K19
Cummins Marine, having already achieved success in supplying diesel engines for propulsion and power on riverboat casinos, just released a new four-color brochure "Power For Gam- ing Vessels," to help strengthen its position in this growing market. The new information piece, targeting those who own, design and build riverboat casinos, provides a gen- eral overview of the engine manufacturer's position in the mar- ketplace, as well as detailed infor- mation on the entire Cummins Ma- rine engine product line.
Cummins Uprates Engine
Cummins marine introduced a new, continuous-duty rating of 600 bhp (447 kW) at 1,800 rpm for its (Continued on page 46) The Cummins KTA 19-M3. ilop-Beaufopts IVILW . illed on six nm\y buif pact and simple system allows eff> ; of passengers off vessels (particuif i installed on six new Cana' " -ios. and are op' esse punloP-®®^ • 002A va*- ^.ao fa*' •
Circle 292 on Reader Service Card
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Proven John Crane maneBar mechanical seals provide maximum sealing integrity. They virtually eliminate excessive leakage, slash maintenance and reduce the volume of oily bilge water. These seals are designed to meet tough applications for tugs, trawlers, ferries, fishing boats, offshore supply ships.
And, our patented inflatable backup seals and split face components allow for emergency primary seal inspection, maintenance and repair without dry docking. No other seal offers these advantages.
John Crane Marine offers seal designs for all hull sealing needs—water, grease and oil lubricated systems for propulsion shaft, rudder stock, bulkhead, fin stabilizer and bow thruster applications. Sizes range from 2" to 60" in non-split, partially split and fully split configurations. if
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Circle 297 on Reader Service Card 45