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AWS International Welding
Exposition and Convention:
April 12-18, Pennsylvania Conven- tion Center, Philadelphia, Pa.
Contact: Conventions and Exposi- tions Dept., American Welding So- ciety, 550 Lejeune Road, P.O. 351040, Miami, Fla. 33135, tel: (800) 443-9353 or tel: (305) 443-9353.
Differential Satellite Naviga- tion Systems (DSNS) Confer- ence and Exhibition: April 18- 22, Canary Wharf, London
Contact: Royal Institute of Naviga- tion, 1 Kensington Gore, London
SW7 2AT, tel: +44 071 589 5021; fax: +44 071 823 8671 or Judith
Patten, Public Relations, Neville
House, 55 Eden Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1BW.
Save a Life at Sea (SALTS)
Training Course: April 20-22
Contact: Maritime Health Services, 5343 Tallman Ave. N.W., Suite 104,
Seattle, Wash. 98107, tel: (206) 781- 8770; fax: (206) 781-8771.
Greater New Orleans Barge
Fleeting Association/Sedgwick
Marine & Cargo Limited River and Marine Industry Seminar:
April 21-22, Sedgwick Conference
Forum, London, England.
Contact: Robert A. Jupp, Sedgwick
Marine-Norwich, England, tel: +44 0603 660202; fax: +44 071481 5999; or Cherrie Felder, tel: (504) 348- 7700; fax: (504) 348-0763.
Inland Rivers, Ports & Termi- nals, Inc. Annual Meeting: April 27-30, The Benson Hotel, Portland,
Contact: Cynthia Rehagen or
Kathy Pabst, 204 E. High St.,
Jefferson City, Mo. 65101, tel: (314) 634-2028.
Simulation Techniques for the
Design and Operation of Ma- rine Systems - Present and Fu- ture Applications: April 28, Lon- don. Contact: The Institute of Ma- rine Engineers, The Memorial Build- ing, 76 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7JN, tel: +44 71 481 8493; fax: +44 71 488 1854.
ASNE Naval Engineering - The
Technical Challenge Continues:
April 28-29, Sheraton Washington
Hotel, Washington D.C.
Contact: Brian Kozlowski, tel: (703) 415-4589, ext. 5599.
MAY 1994 Offshore Technology Con- ference (OTC): May 2-5, Houston
Astrodome, Texas
Contact: OTC, P.O. Box 833868,
Richardson, Texas 75083-3868, tel: (214) 952-9494; fax: (214) 952-9435.
Fishery China '94: The Interna- tional Fishery Technology and
Equipment Exhibition: May 8- 11, Shenzhen Special Economic
Zone, China. Contact: Hazel
Stokes, tel: (852) 861-3331; fax: (852) 861-3228. "Fundamentals of Corrosion and its Control" Course: May 10- 12
Contact: Sherree Darden, LaQue
Center for Corrosion Technology,
P.O. Box 656, Wrightsville, Beach,
N.C. 28480, tel: (910) 256-2271; fax: (910) 256-9816.
United States Marine Safety As- sociation (USMSA) Sixth Annual
Safety Seminar: May 17-19, Sandy
Hook, N.J. Contact: Kristina
Hagman Goldfield, tel: (215) 564- 3484; fax: (215) 564-2175.
Portuaria '94 International
Ports Exhibition: May 23-28,
Seville, Spain. Contact: Alia Soto, tel: +34-93-419-6041.
Remarkable New Machine
Cuts Or Welds
In Almost Any Position
Without A Track!
EY- to blind a Kne.
Made in U.S.A.
P.O. Box 103, Skippack, PA 19474 Phone: (215) 584-1500
TWX: 510-660-0141 FETTEROLF SKIP Fax: (215) 584-5904
Circle 273 on Reader Service Card
The patented design of the Coaming Welder enables it to run directly on the coaming itself without a track.
The Coaming Welder is lightweight and compact 8 lbs.(3.6 kg) so you can carry it anywhere with ease. Because of its' small size the Coaming Welder will fit into tight areas where space is a problem.
The Coaming Welder drives itself downward into the work so it can run in a wide variety of positions.
For more information call BUG-0 SYSTEMS 1-800-245-3186 Extension 55
FAX (412) 331-0383
Circle 310 on Reader Service Card
TIME. One man can change the blind in minutes vs two men in hours. Better, faster, safer = savings.
RELIABLE. Absolute downstream protection. No leakage, no seepage, no surprises, less maintenance = savings.
STOCKING. Standard sizes and materials (Model 601A-J) are in stock ready to ship.
Less downtime = savings.
DESIGN. Call us if you have a special need.
Buy exactly what you need.
No less = savings.
VARIETY. Made in all sizes, pressures, materials and codes.
COST. Priced right... Little or no maintenance... Easy last, reliable, and versatile. All adds up to make Stacey line blinds the best value on the market. 86 Circle 282 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News