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BFGoodrich Names Distributor
BFGoodrich Engineered Polymer Products, a unit of BFGoodrich Aerospace, has appointed
Johnny's Propeller Shop the master distributor for its CUTLESS R bearings and other marine products in south Louisiana.
Headquartered in Morgan City, La., Johnny's
Propeller Shop will inventory and market the complete line of naval brass shell bearings from its main facility.
For more information call (504) 384-6940 or,
Circle 88 on Reader Service Card
Sonsub Adds Three ROVs To Gulf Fleet
Sonsub is expanding its Remotely Operated
Vehicle (ROV) capability with the addition of three new vehicles.
The company is adding one 20-hp Viper ROV and an Advanced Cable Maintenance Work
Skid (ACMV), both built by Perry Tritech to
Sonsub specifications. The company is also taking delivery of a 50-hp HySub, which will be used to support drilling operations in the Gulf.
For more information on Sonsub,
Circle 89 on Reader Service Card
IDB Mobile Wins Inmarsat Contract
IDB Mobile Communications, Inc., a unit of
IDB Communications Group, Inc., has been awarded a five-year contract for a Satellite
Spectrum Monitoring System (SSMS3) in the
Atlantic Ocean from Inmarsat.
The contract also has a five-year option for the Pacific Ocean Region. The contract consists of two phases, one being the installation of
MOORING BUOYS 8 each, approx. 30 tons each, 18 ft. diameter, 8 ft. high, built by Hamanaka Chain Mfg. Co.
Ltd. 1971 for Bechtel Project, mild steel, SS41m with 25 ft. length of 3.5 in. chain with swiv- el and steel pelican quick release. Contact;
George Carson and Associates, ph. #(619) 360-1884,
Fax # (619) 360-1286
Circle 213 on Reader Service Card 22
Inmarsat-provided hardware and software, and the other including the maintenance and opera- tion of the Spectrum Monitoring System.
The SSMS3 is required to perform RFPower, frequency and bandwidth occupancy monitor- ing of carrier traffic, satellite performance mea- surements, as well as fault finding and investi- gation into RF interference within Inmarsat's operational satellites and ground station net- work.
For more information on IDB Mobile,
Circle 90 on Reader Service Card
Salvage Union Lauds Report
On Safer Ships
Lord Donaldson's report, Safer Ships,
Cleaner Seas, calling for more salvage resources to protect vulnerable coastlines from pollution threats, has been welcomed by the Interna- tional Salvage Union (ISU).
The report endorses ISU's view of coopera- tion between countries in the same region for effective salvage resources, and its observations on regional franchises will reportedly be consid- ered at ISU's annual general meeting in Sep- tember.
Wartsila Selected For MARITECH
Wartsila Diesel was involved in three projects selected for funding under the Clinton
Administration's $440 million Maritime Sys- tems Technology program (MARITECH). (For a complete list of MARITECH funding recipi- ents, seeMaritime Reporter / Engineering News's
June 1994 edition.) ARPA is coordinating the
Circle 271 on Reader Service Card program and awarding matching funds for devel- oping technologies to allow U.S. shipbuilders to compete in the international market.
The three Wartsila projects include one to de- velop Internationally Competitive, High Technol- ogy Tanker Vessels; one for a Market and
Producibility-Driven Shuttle Tanker Design for the World Market; and one for Penetrating the
International Market for Small Ships.
Wartsila's role extends beyond that of a typical engine supplier to encompass marketing and fi- nancial planning, project management, technol- ogy transfer, propulsion system design, modular build design, and environmental/safety advising.
For more information on Wartsila Diesel,
Circle 91 on Reader Service Card
Stolt Partner Invests $260 Million
For Seven Ships
Stolt Partner SA recently added details to its $260 million decision to buy five second-hand ships and place two newbuilding contracts. The invest- ment is the largest by the company since it was established in 1990.
A public offer of common shares is intended to raise $75 million for modernization of the company s fleet. The five parcel tankers, to be purchased from
Stolt Parcel Tankers, Inc., are the 38,700-dwt MJ
T Stolt Topaz-, the 12,700-dwt each M/T Stolt
Taurus and M/T Stolt Titan; and the 32,000-dwt each M/T Stolt Integrity and M/T Stolt Sincerity.
The two newbuilding contracts are for two 37,000-dwt all stainless steel parcel tankers to be built at Danyard SA in Denmark, for delivery in
February 1996 and February 1997 for $65 - $70 million each. The ships will have diesel electric propulsion, 100 percent full scantling duplex steel and integrated computer systems for the control of cargo, ballast, bunkers and many other shipboard operations.
New Drewry Report Optimistic
For Shiprepair Market
A new report from Drewry Shipping Consult- ants, U.K., The Global Shiprepair and Conversion
Markets — On the Brink of an Era of Prosperity?, forecasts an explosion in revenue for the industry over the next few years. But the report says there is still considerable overcapacity and further yard closures are inevitable.
Although prospective revenue may almost triple to over $23 billion by 2000, tanker and dry cargo sectors may lag behind that derived from passen- ger ferries and cruise ships. Ship conversion work and the growing tank coating and steel replace- ment sectors are areas of predicted prosperity. In sum, the report forecasts a prosperous market for progressive shiprepairers able to provide value for money in the value-added sector of the market.
For more information on receiving the report,
Circle 92 on Reader Service Card
Singmarine's New Floating Dock Takes
In First Vessel
The new 14,000-tlc floating dock of Singmarine
Dockyard & Engineering Pte. Ltd. (Singmarine
Dockyard), a subsidiary of Singmarine Industries
Ltd. (Singmarine), is now fully operational.
It docked its first vessel, MVStoja, a 24,432-dwt container/dry cargo carrier from United Shipping
Services One, Inc. of Norway. The vessel came in for general repair, and since the dock has taken ir two other vessels, a log carrier and a barge.
The 40,000-dwt floating dock was built at a cos1 of $26 million.
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P.O. BOX 4454
BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI 39535-4454 [601)896-3736
McElroy is ready to design, manufacture and deliver any type deck equipment your requirements call for.
Circle 251 on Reader Service Card
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Stores * Crew * Accounting •Manages Unlimited Number of Vessels •Setup a P.M. System in as Little as 5 Minutes per Vessel • Pre-Built Mfg.'s Maintenance Schedules /fffS. •Optional Interfaces to On-Board Computers •Easy to Use and Affordable^ ggg ^-j 5710 Oleander Dr., Suite 205 • Wilmington, NC 28403 910-350-0714 - Fax 910-350-0485