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(Vacuum sewage systems)
Box 1010, S-681 29 Kristinehamn, Sweden, Tel: +46 550 84010; Fax: +46 550 84778 (Propellers, waterjet propulsion, tunnel and rotatable thrusters, related electronic controls)
Kure Shipping AB
Gragasgatan 21B, P.O. Box24047,S-44022Gothenburg,Sweden Tel: +4631 187050; Fax: +46 31 189871 (Fire fighting, watertightfiredoor, fireproof glazing, etc.)
Kvaerner Eureka A.S.
P.O. Box 38,3401 Lier, Norway,Tel: +47 3 859013; Fax: +47 3 852993 (Integrated bridge systems, pumping systems, cargo access systems, incinerators and inert gas systems)
Lips B.V.
P.O. Box 6, NL-5150 BB Drunen, Netherlands,Tel: +31 4163 88115;
Fax: +31 4163 73162 (Propellers, thrusters, control systems)
Lohmann & Stolterfoht
Mannesmannstrasse 29, D-58455 Witten, Germany, Tel: +49 2302 877 248; Fax: +49 2302 877 400 (Power transmissions for propulsion systems)
Maag Gear Company Ltd.
P.O. Box, CH-8023 Zurich, Switzerland, Tel: +41 1 278 78 78; Fax:+41 1 278 78 80 (Gear drives)
MacGregor-Navire (USA) 135 Dermody Street, Cranford, N.J. 07016, Tel: (908) 272-8440; Fax: (908) 352-6048 (Cargo access equipment)
MAN B&W Diesel AG
Stadtbachstr. 1,D-8900Augsburg,Tel:+821 322 3578; Fax:+821 322 3448 (Diesel engines)
Mareno Marine Equipment
Via Cal Resana 13,1-31029 Tezze di Vazzola (TV), Italy, Tel: +39 438 488081; Fax: +39 438 28969 (Food service equipment)
Marine Accommodations, Inc. 8535-3 Baymeadows Rd., Suite 140, Jacksonville, Fla. 32256
Tel: (904) 448-6460; Fax: (904) 448-9525 (Exclusive distributor/agent for BIP Accommodation Package consisting of rockwool core [thermal, noise & fire insulated] bulkhead linings and partitions; continuous ceilings; floating floors; A, B & C class doors; pre- fab bathroom units; furnishings and accessories; CAD engineering; and supervision and/or turnkey installation) — Directory off Crulso Ship Suppliers —
Marioff Hi-Fog Oy
P.O. Box 25, SF-01511 Vantaa, Finland, Tel: +358 0 870 1900; Fax: +358 0 822 482 (Water fog fire extinguishing systems)
Maritime Associates, Inc.
P O. Box 1788, Crystal Bay, Nev. 89402, Tel: (702) 832-2422; Fax: (702) 832-2424 (Photoluminescent materials for markers and tapes covering IMO, SOLAS and low location lighting requirements, LED low location lighting, evacuation systems to IMO specifications)
Maritime Services Corp. 3457Guignard Drive, Hood River Ore. 97031,Tel: (503) 386-1010;
Fax: (503) 386-2269 (Bulkheads and linings, floating floors and coverings, ceilings and luminaries, furnishings)
Markisches Werk GmbH
Haus Heide 21, W-5884 Halver, Germany, Tel: +49 2353 917 274;
Fax: +49 2353 917 255 (Diesel engine parts)
MAVCO, Inc. 555 N.W. 95th Street, Miami, Fla. 33150-1957, Tel: (305) 757-5000;
Fax: (305) 759-1624 (Design and install cruiseship audio and video entertainment systems)
Mitel, Inc. 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 700, Reston, Va. 22090, Tel: (703) 818- 1771; Fax: (703) 818-1776 (Telecommunications switching equip- ment)
Mivan Marine Ltd.
Newpark, Greystone Road, Antrim, Co. Antrim BT41 2QN, Northern
Ireland, Tel: +44 8494 63665; Fax: +44 8494 64536 (Ship interiors)
MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union
P.O. Box 20 40, D-7990 Friedrichshafen 1, Germany, Tel: +49 75 41 90-0; Fax: +49 75 41 90-22 47(Motive systems with diesel engines, gas turbines, transmissions, monitoring)
Mulder & Rijke
P.O. Box 48,1970AAlimuiden, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 02550191 29; Fax: +31 02550 226 42 (Lifeboats, li feboat/cruise-tender combi- nations)
Norac AS
P.O. Box 1593, N-4801 Adrendal, Norway, Tel: +47 4198201; Fax: +47 4198416 (Fireproof interior panels)
Norwegian Telecom International
P O. Box 6701, St. Olavs plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 48 72 48; Fax: +47 22 41 53 65 (Satellite communication services)
O.A I.T. - Officina Meccaniche Torino S.p.A.
Via Ferrero 67/A, 10090 Cascine Vica, Rivoli/Torino, Italy, Tel: +11 957 5334; Fax: +11 9575474 (Fuel injection equipment)
Olh er Design
Ave 3 Del Angel 26, E-48990 Algorta-Vizcaya, Spain, Tel: +34 4 4691081; Fax: +34 4 4608205 (Naval architects and designers working in di -ferent fields of ship design developing total design concepts for cruise ship i)
Pah cia Hayes and Associates, Inc. 282 3 CoralWay, Suite 450, Miami, Fla. 33145, Tel: (305) 448-5900;
Fax: (305) 448-2300 (Commercial, hospitality and marine interior design & sp ace planning)
Pau jhn Electric Mfg. Co. Inc. 161 i N. Main, P.O. Box 53, Pearland, Texas 77581, Tel: (713) 485- 431 I; Fax: (713) 485-4398 (Stainless steel and bronze marine-grade alun inum lighting fixtures)
Paxi nan Diesels
Paxr ian Works, Hythe Hill, Colchester, Essex COl 2HW, England, Tel: +44 0206 795151; Fax: +44 0206 794325 (Diesel engines)
Peln otic AB
P.O. Box 8951, S-402 74 Gothenburg, Sweden, Tel: +46 31 64 7700;
Fax: +46 31 64 77 90 (Engineering services)
Radi) Holland USA B.V. 150'1 S.W. 1 st Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33315, Tel: (305) 764-0130;
Fax: [305) 764-0197 (Marine electronics)
Rex lousfield Ltd.
Hollc nd Road, Oxted, Surrey RH8 9BD, England, Tel: +44 883 717033;
Fax: +44 883 717890 (Furniture, floating floors and decks)
Sabr ye Marine
Chr. K's vej 201, DK-8270 Hoejbjerg, Denmark, Tel: +45 86 271266;
Fax: f45 86 274538 (Refrigeration systems)
Safe rare USA 162i North Miami Ave Miami, Fla. 33136, Tel: (305) 377-4422; Fax: (305 358-4771 (Photoluminescent signage systems and Leda-Lite low locat on lighting system)
SBA nterior Oy Svarta Bruk AB 103< 0 Svarta, Finland Tel: +358 12 48201; Fax: +358 12 48487 (Acc< mmodation paneling, cabin furniture and B-dass doors)
Scan linavian Micro Systems
P.O. Jox 155, 1411 Kolbotn Norway, Tel: +47 66 80 7107; Fax: +47 66 8i) 8095 (Cabin and public-area information systems)
Scan hip Engineering AS
Storg . 20, P.O. Box 220,3101 Tonsberg, Norway, Tel: +47 333 100 44;
Fax: -47 333 18 257 (Advanced shipboard waste treatment systems)
Schal Watercraft Ltd.
Mum >y Road, Gosport, Hampshire P012 1AE, England, Tel: +44 705 5813 31; Fax: +44 705 582565 (Lifeboats, rescue boats, davits)
Schai man Wood Oy
PO.! tax 22, SF-15211 Lahti, Finland, Tel: +358 18 86 611; Fax: +358 18 8< 6427 (Processed plywood for walls, decks, etc.)
SeaB< am Instruments, Inc. 141 Washington Street, E.Walpole, Mass. 02032-1155, Tel:(508)660- 6000 Fax:(508)660-6061 (Multibeambathymetricandhyrdrographic surve; • systems)
SeaKi rig Oy
P.O. [ ox 94, Valtimotie 22, SF-01511 Vantaa, Finland, Tel: +358 0 870 1911 Fax: +358 0 870 1080 (Catering systems)
Selan ic Industrier A/S
N-6710 Sel je, Norway, Tel: +47 57 56 350; Fax: +47 57 56 515 (Marine evacu jtion systems)
Selby 8810 W. 100th Street South, Sapulpa, Okla. 74066, Tel: (800) 523- 0129 Fax: (918) 227-0603 (Flooring and decking)
Serck Como GmbH
Pankc verStrasse 16, W-2054 Geesthacht. Germany, Tel:+4152 8050;
Fax: 4 4152 805 105 (Heat exchangers, desalination plants, etc.)
Servo' eknikk A/5
P.O. E DX 6670, Rodelokka, 0502 Oslo, Norway, Tel: +47 22 38 14 85;
Fax: 4 47 22 35 27 48 (Fire detection and alarm systems)
Sieme is Nixdorf
Ueber eering 33,2000 Hamburg 60, Germany, Tel: +49 40 6371 4350;
Fax: + i9 40 6371 1399 (Modular management systems)
Sims F ump Valve Co., Inc. 13141 'ark Ave., Hoboken, N.J. 07030,Tel: (201) 792-0600; Fax: (201) 792-4 303 (Graphite composite pumps and pump parts)
Somat Corp 855 Fc x Chase, Coatesville, Pa. 19320, Tel: (610) 384-7000; Fax: (610) 380-8 >00 (Waste reduction systems)
Tebul i >y
Itainen Rantakatu 58, SF-20810 Turku, Finland
Tel: +3 58 21 351 500; Fax: +358 21 351 687 (Steeri ig gears, watertight bulkhead doors and valves)
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News __ Circle 286 on Reader Service Card 38
Pauluhn Elect Mfg. Co., Inc
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