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Daihatsu Diesel, Inc. manufac- tures medium-speed diesel engines, reduction gears and systems for use as marine propulsion plants.
Daihatsu has a four marine diesel engine series - M, DLM, DKM and
DVM models - ranging in power from 200 to 6,000 hp in single unit installations. The four-stroke M
Series features three in-line six- cylinder models, ranging from 240 hp at 1,850 rpm to 430 hp at 1,800 rpm. The DLM Series has 11 in- line models with six or eight cylin- ders ranging from 600 hp at 1,350 rpm to 4,200 hp at 500 rpm. The
DKM Series has two in-line mod- els, one a six cylinder, ranging in power from 3,000 hp at 720 rpm to 4,000 hp at 720 rpm. The DVM
Series has six V models, three six- and three eight-cylinder diesels, ranging from 2,100 hp at 900 rpm to 6,000 hp at 600 rpm. Models with bores of240 mm or more of the DLM,
DVM and DKM Series can burn heavy fuel oil.
For more information on Daihatsu
Circle 107 on Reader Service Card
Detroit Diesel Corp. provides a complete line of premium marine engines to meet each commercial marine customer's different demands for propulsion and auxiliary power.
Detroit Diesel propulsion engines provide power for pumps, hoists, gen- erators and other accessories. The
Detroit Diesel Electronic Control (DDEC) system is a totally integrated electronic control technology sup- plying built-in engine synchroniza- tion, on-board system diagnostics and early warning for engine malfunc- tions - before damage occurs.
The totally integrated system maintains constant governed speed by automatically compensating for intermittent accessory loads. The
DDEC system enables commercial boat manufacturers to offer five power options from the Detroit Die- sel 6V-92TA with 325 bhp at 1,800 rpm to the 16V-149TI with 2,400 bhp at 2,100 rpm.
Detroit Diesel, with Textron
Lycoming, markets fully integrated combined diesel and gas turbine marine propulsion installation pack- ages, capable of operating as either diesel or turbine or as diesel and turbine. The Textron Lycoming/
Detroit Diesel combined diesel or gas turbine and combined diesel and gas turbine (CODOG/CODAG) ma- rine propulsion packages are fully engineered, offering a total package of a high-horsepower, light-weight, economical and maintainable opera- tion of marine craft. For more infor- mation on Detroit Diesel Corp.,
Circle 108 on Reader Service Card
The Diesel Engine Division of
Fincantieri appears on the market with two trademarks, GMT and
Isotta Fraschini, following the merg- ing of Isotta Fraschini.
The GMT and Isotta Fraschini production range covers high-speed and medium-speed diesels with power outputs extending from 150 to 40,500 kW per engine.
In addition to the usual forms of technical assistance, the Diesel En- gine Division of Fincantieri offers special, fixed-fee maintenance con- tracts.
By each contract, the Division assumes the responsibility for the maintenance and operational effi- ciency of the engines.
For more information on
Circle 110 on Reader Service Card
Circle 278 on Reader Service Card ly, 1994
Circle 274 on Reader Service Card
STEEL-SPRING FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS 156 WEST 8™ AVE., VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA V5Y 1N2 • TEL. (604) 879-2974 • FAX (604) 879-6588
Think about your future.
Think Lugger. design incorporates unique features like nodular iron pistons. Single side servicing and individual cylinder heads make Luggers a mechanic's favorite. Thorough factory testing ensures engine performance. "The Lugger fit the bill perfectly.
Fuel use seems to correlate exactly as the specs had predicted. We use about 12 gal/hr going 18 knots at 1600 rpms,"reports Hatfield.
If you want to power the design of the future, or simply power your workboat with the engine of the future, think Lugger.
Mfg by: Alaska Diesel Electric.
Box 70543, Seattle,WA 98107 USA
Tel. (206) 789-3880.
Fax (206) 782-5455. ®
LO-REZ helical steel-spring couplings, with their low, constant and accurately-controlled torsional stiffness factors, provide excellent torsional characteristics for geared marine reciprocating propulsion systems, engine and reciprocating compressor drives of many vari- eties, locomotive drives, etc.
LO-REZ was one of the first coupling manu- facturers, 40 years ago, to recognize the im- portance of torsionally-soft couplings in power transmission systems, particularly in reciprocating, variable speed systems and those involving gearing.
LO-REZ manufactures a broad
BR4-LS line of sturdy steel-spring vib- ration isolators. The BR series isolators (shown here) with their ample thrust capacity and rubber-cushioned, adjust- able stops (to limit excess ver- tical excursion) are widely used for marine auxiliary, other mobile and seismic applications. No external chocks are required. BR-T series isolators have spe- cial spring-loaded thrust housings to carry the full propellor thrust effects, the full engine torque, and still provide excellent isolation. They are ideal isolation supports, also, for machinery rafts in ships.
With the growing demand for acoustical and vibration attenuation treatment in ships, the isolation of main propulsion engines is fast becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. LO-REZ has many years of experience in analyzing the dynamics of soft-mounted propulsion engines, and has the products to provide integrated iso- lation systems which include two-directional thrust-type RT flexible couplings for the gear output shaft.
Designed & Manufactured by
U/^Jur cruise speed at 2100 rpm
K^/is 28 kts light and 26 kts fully loaded. We had guaranteed 24 knots to the client, so we are all happy." - Roger Hatfield, Gold Coast Yachts
The 65' Wave Piercer Edge is
Roger Hatfield's look at the future, so it was fitting that he chose the most advanced engines for power.
Like the Wave Piercer, the
Lugger L6125A is made for the future. The turbocharged and aftercooled engine's advanced
Lugger L6125A 325-490 HP