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(261.2 m) by removal of 113.5 ft. (40.7 m) mid-body sections. In addi- tion, the bow form is being stream- lined and new shaft motors and generators are being installed. The changes mean an increase in speed from 18 to 21 knots.
The yard claims the idea is find- ing favor with other owners who would like to reduce ship operation costs. The yard said it is also look- ing at ways to re-use the mid-bodies in new ships. Meanwhile the first co-operative outsourcing venture with Lithuania has been completed, with the delivery of the 21,890-gt large ferry Kaunas. This job was carried out in co-operation with
Klaipeda shipyard.
German shipbuilding is still working strong to deliver, now and in the future, close to 100 newbuildings with around one mil- lion cgt. Main specialties of Ger- man yards are still container ves- sels and passenger-carrying ships, but also standard vessels, bulk car- riers and tankers are again planned to be built at German yards.
DMR Ready For
Order Upturn
Test run in the new DMR works in Rostock-
Warnemunde (engine pictured is 6RTA62U).
ROSTOCK (DMR) is preparing for an expected upturn in business. Its new production facility is capable of building what are touted as the most powerful diesel engines in the world under license from New
Sulzer Diesel AG, MAN B&W Die- sel A/S and Mitsubishi Heavy In- dustries Ltd. The DMR stand will also feature products from two of the firm's subsidiaries, Wismarer
Propeller-und Maschinenbau
GmbH and Mecklenburger
Metallguss GmbH. The propulsion equipment from these firms — con- trollable- and fixed-pitch propel- lers — enable DMR to offer a com- plete marine propulsion package.
For more information on DMR
Circle 29 on Reader Service Card
Ports Report Container
Traffic Up 45%
BREMEN/BREMERHAVEN, re- port a 45 percent increase in con- tainer traffic to and from Far East/
South East Asia and Middle East in the first five months of 1994, com- pared with last year.
Following the 1993 recession in
Germany, container traffic with N.
America is on the rise. In total, 25 container and RoRo lines connect the Ports of Bremen/Bremerhaven with all major ports in N. America.
The Bremen ports held a market share of more than 80 percent com- pared with other German container hub ports. This market position is underlined, according to BLG, by the decision of Lykes Line to estab- lish a second loop to connect the East
Coast with Europe via Bremerhaven, although the flag restricted military cargo decreases.
Driverless, Automated
Container Transportation percentage dedicated to repair and conversion.
Since 1964 approximately 60 fer- ries and cruise lines of various types have been built by the yards
Schichau Unterweser AG and
Seebeckwerft AG, which merged in 1988 to Schichau Seebeckwerft AG.
To ensure the yard stays up to date, it has a complete CAD/CAM training and development center.
The center can be used for training of designers and for future develop- ment projects.
In 1991 a modernization program commenced, with the building of a completely new organized outfitting and workshop section. The new area includes a data-processed aided central main store with different automatic systems and an allotment terminal with traveling hallroofs al- lowing for direct transfer of outfit components onboard a ship. There is also a large-scale workshop area for different trades with numerous
CNC-regulated plants.
For more information on
Schichau Seebeckwerft
Circle 58 on Reader Service Card
Lift-Dock: To Fit The Needs
Of Multi-Purpose Yards
The Lift-Dock system from
Schiess Defries is a docking system designed for shipbuilding and shiprepair facilities which report- edly provides fast, safe, productive and flexible service. The system is built to meet all modern require- ments of dockyard technology, and new developments are regularly as- similated by design updates.
The Lift-Dock lifting system op- erates continuously, even with vari- able loads on the platform. This is accomplished by the electro-me- chanical hoisting system with a stan- dardized capacity range from 80 to 400 metric tons. The connection between hoists and platform is made by a high performance rope system, designed specifically for the require- ments of the Schiess Defries Lift-
Dock system. Schiess Defries offers full supply and installation of Lift-
Dock and other systems.
For information on Schiess Defries
Circle 149 on Reader Service Card
The application potential of the driverless transport systems from Mannesmann Demag Gottwald is not limited to the transshipment of containers.
GOTTWALD recently built and de- livered 48 driverless automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for the start- up of the Delta/Sea-Land Terminal at Rotterdam, for container trans- portation within the terminal area.
The new system reportedly presents the largest application of this tech- nology anywhere in the world. The
AGVs move containers weighing up to 40 tons.
The computer-controlled vehicles — which Mannesmann Demag
Gottwald did most of the develop- ment work for — can be coordinated and synchronized with crane move- ments for optimal performance.
They are intended for continuous operation in open areas. Each AGV has its own on-board computer for wireless driving and navigation.
For more information on
Mannesmann Demag Gottwald
Circle 28 on Reader Service Card
Schichau Seebeckwerft
Staying Technologically
Bremerhaven sees about 80 percent of its yearly business dedicated to newbuilding, with the remaining
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Circle 265 on Reader Service Card
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September, 1994 33