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Hamburg, Germany once again hosts the Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology exhibition, more commonly known as SMM '94. Pictured on the cover is the sailing ship Gorch Fock in Hamburg Harbor.
Maritime Reporter's coverage of SMM '94 starts on page 25, and includes an editorial from VSM's Ulrike
Nieter; an overview of the German Maritime Industry, German shipyard updates, and a preview of select company's plans for the exhibition. (Ptioto credit: German National Tourist Office, New York.)
Safety Designs For The 21 st
The RNLI's new Severn & Trent class rescue craft incorporate the latest in design and equipment.
German Maritime Industry
An exclusive look inside the German
Marine Industry, with a sneak preview of what's waiting for the industry at the
Hamburg Show.
SHOW PREVIEWS 38 SMM '94 47 Northeast Gaming Show 77 International Towage & Salvage 77 Odessa 200 77 Gastech '94 78 Satellite Communications Users
Conference 80 Fish Expo — Boston
DEPARTMENTS 11 Financial Update 91 MarAd News 103 Calendar 121 Classifieds
STATISTICS 15 Ship Casualties 50 Ship Sales 50 Containership Trends 50 Scrapping Rates 83 Ship & Boatbuilding
Technology 84 OPA '90 Update & Oil
Spill Products Review
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No. 9 Volume 56 118 EAST 25th STREET
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10010 (212) 477-6700
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Founder: John J. O'Malley 1905-1980
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Propulsion equipment manufacturers wage a constant battle to improve performance and stay ahead of ever-tightening environmental constraints.
Read up on the manufac- turers which keep the mari- time industry on the move.
PLUS: Propulsion
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