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mes Marine Appoints odfellow Marketing rector
James Marine Services Ltd. has pointed Barrie Goodfellow its ector of marketing. Mr. odfellow's responsibilities will 'marily be in the areas of market- and operational functions.
Mr. Goodfellow was formerly e managing director of Jamar ner Agencies Ltd., a company sed in Exeter, U.K. which is sely associated with James Ma- e.
As a fellow of the Institute of eight Forwarders, Mr. oodfellow has over 25 years of perience in the shipping indus- y, spanning manufacturing, eight forwarding and liner opera- ons in Europe, the Middle East d the Far East.
His appointment to the board of mes Marine comes at a time when e company is continuing to ex- and its worldwide operations and rengthen its position as one of urope's largest marine spares trad- g houses.
Tl Installs GMDSS On 10 afmarine Ships For 1 Million
South Africa's international ship- ing line, Safmarine, will install
MDSS systems from Marine Tech- ology International (MTI) on 10 hips in its fleet for $1 million.
The contract comprises a com- lete, single package of systems in- tallation, maintenance, spares pro- sion and crew training. Safmarine
Tl be assisted by its partnership with Cape Town-based agents in
South Africa, Ohm Port. Working with Safmarine, MTI technicians will be fitting GMDSS console sta- tions planned and built at MTI's
U.K. plant in Chessington. The console stations are of a new design suitable for area A3 operation, which includes 800W HR radio telex and Inmarsat-C. In addition to
GMDSS communications these ves- sels will be fitted with MTI's
MCS9120 Inmarsat-A system.
Blue Star, Shell Tankers, Ropner
Ship Management, Furness Withy,
British Steel and now Safmarine are among the companies who have worked with MTI on GMDSS. MTI's parent companies are Mobile
Telesystems Inc. in the U.S. and
Microelectronics Technology Inc. in the Pacific Rim.
SEM Offers Ultrasonic
Antifouling System
SEM utilizes ultrasound for a number of different applications:
Ultrasonic Antifouling systems send seawater-cooling ultrasonic waves over pipe surfaces to prevent the formation of mussels, barnacles and surpulids, a technology utiliz- ing clean energy. No parts have contact with salt water, and there is no generation of toxic or noxious substances.
SEM's ultrasonic system for im- proving the combustion in diesel engines and boilers reportedly solves problems related to heavy fuel use by reducing unburned gases, reduc- ing fuel consumption without reduc- tion in power production, reducing blowings on boilers and gas exhaust donkey boilers and reducing con- sumption of distilled water.
SEM's ultrasonic tanks for wash- ing engines parts can be used with air coolants, pistons, valves, turbo- blowers, oil filter Boll Kirch (25-40- 50 micron) and components of any sort made of any steel or alloy, ac- cording to the company. SEM says advantages include: reduced wash- ing time, no pitting, reduced operat- ing costs and reduced manpower.
For more information on SEM
Circle 149 on Reader Service Cared
IMO Secretary-General Calls
For More Action On Bulk
Carrier Safety
A call for urgent action to ensure the safety of the world's fleet of aging bulk carriers was made by
William A. O'Neil, secretary-gen- eral of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO). IMO is the
U.N. agency concerned with ship-
X^^^X If your heading is set for totally green ships, considering zero-ozone depletion ^ 1 L I ^ potential refrigerants isn't rocking the boat. It's the sensible course of action.
I That's why Carrier Transicold Marine Systems Group now offers a wide choice of chiller and condensing packages featuring advanced compressor designs and zero-ozone depletion potential (ODP) HFC Refrigerant-134a, standard. In addition, we offer a full line of systems with low-ODP HCFC Refrigerant-22, convertible to HFC R-134a.
As part of our company-wide environmental initiative we call the Ozone Protection
Plan, we will continue to test and qualify alternative refrigerants for marine air conditioning and refrigeration. Our goal: to offer proven zero-ODP refrigerants, standard, in every screw, centrifugal, and reciprocating system we make.
If you're adrift about refrigerants, we can help you make the ideal choice. So you'll have smooth sailing ahead.
For more information about environmentally responsive Carrier Transicold marine products, contact Knud
Hansen in Europe (Carrier Transicold Ltd., Rotterdam, The Netherlands), H-10-446-6500, Fax 31-10-437-7369, or Dave Kelly in the USA (Carrier Transicold Division, Syracuse, New York), 315-452-7540, Fax 315-432-6218.
Circle 219 on Reader Service Card
TRANSICOLD )ctober, 1994 87