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larAd Issues Final
Rule Amending itle XI Regulations
MarAd is publishing, in the deral Register, a final rule nending its regulations for ob- lation guarantees, implement- g Title XI of the Merchant Ma- le Act, 1936, as amended.
The rule, which is effective to- 3y, will carry out the provisions : Subtitle D, Public Law 103- 60, enacted November 30, 993. Subtitle D authorizes the scretary of Transportation to uarantee obligations issued to nance the construction, recon- ruction, or reconditioning of ligible export vessels and ad- anced shipbuilding technology nd modern shipbuilding tecn- ology of a general shipyard •cility located in the U.S. Com- nents were invited on the interim inal rule, assigned Docket No.
H50, which was published in he Federal Register on March 31, 1994.
MarAd received and reviewed 28 comments that are discussed n the final rule document.
For further information con- tact: Mitchell D. Lax, Director,
Office of Ship Financing, tel: (202) 366-5744.
MarAd Updates U.S.
Merchant Marine Data Sheet
MarAd has updated its U.S. Mer- chant Marine Data Sheet, as of Janu- ary 1, 1994, and Publications of the
MarAd. Copies are available upon request from MarAd's Office of Ex- ternal Affairs, 400 - 7th St., SW,
Room 7219, Washington,D.C. 20590; tel: (202) 366-5807.
MarAd Accepts Bids On
Vessels For Scrapping
MarAd has accepted bids on three vessels which were offered for sale for scrapping under Invitation for
Bids No. EXC-8632, (see B94-131, dated August 3, 1994).
The successful bidders, amounts accepted and vessels purchaser are listed below: — Trusha Investments Pte.
Ltd., c/o Jacq. Pierot Jr. & Sons,
Inc., 29 Broadway, Suite 1825, New
York, N.Y. 10006, offered $625,824 for the Koalsch (FF-1048) and $635,602.50 for the Brumby (FF- 1044). — Ruby Enterprises Inc., c/o
A.L. Burbank (Shipbrokers) Ltd.,
One Executive Drive, Fort Lee, N.J. 07024, offered $1,601,000 for the
Hector (AR-7).
The vessels are to be scrapped in the United States or approved for- eign countries.
October, 1994
Fish Expo Boston To Be Held
In New Location
Fish Expo Boston will be held at the waterfront World Trade Center, between the Boston Fish Pier and
Anthony's Pier 4, October 13-15.
In the past, Fish Expo has been held at Bayside.
The show was moved to the wa- terfront to better reflect the theme of the show, and is ideal for in-water displays.
More than 300 exhibition compa- nies will fill over 400 booths at the 1994 event, which is expected to draw more than 12,500 industry professionals.
For more information on Fish
Expo Boston, or on Fish Expo Se- attle (to be held Dec. 1-3 in Seattle,
Wash.), contact Diversified Exposi- tions, tel: (207) 772-3005.
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Circle 356 on Reader Service Card 1994
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Circle 357 on Reader Service Card 89