Page 42: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1994)
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Krupp Fordertechnik To
Build Ship Loader
For Los Angeles
Krupp Robins Inc., Denver, Colo., a subsidiary of Duisburg, Germany- based Krupp Fordertechnik GmbH, has been commissioned by Los An- geles Export Terminal Inc. to build a ship loader for the port of Los
Capable of loading 9,000 tons of coal and coke per hour onto ocean- going vessels of up to 200,000 dwt, the facility is scheduled to go into operation in 1996. The order is worth approximately $10 million.
August Brings 31 Ship
Orders For Japan
The Japanese government re- ports that new orders totaled 752,000 gt (31 vessels) in August 1994.
August's figure is 67.7 percent lower (1,575,000 gt, 15 vessels less) than
July 1994's figure. August's figure is 0.4 percent lower than that achieved in the same month in FY '93. The types of ships ordered were 10 bulk carriers; six cargo ships; four oil tankers; three chemical car- riers; two LPG vessels; and six con- tainer vessels. New orders for Ja- pan in this fiscal year total 5,084,603 gt. This is a 137.6 percent increase on the same period in FY '93. ith the 300 BFM mobile boat hoist you get the capacity and features sure to make your large boat handling faster and more efficient • 660,000 lbs. (300 mT) capacity • Powered adjustable sling spacing • Full view operator's
A model 300 BFM mobile hoist rated at 600,000 lbs. shown at
Fairhaven Shipyard, Fairhaven, MA.
The Big Boats compartment • Full instrumentation • Heavy-duty slings with chine and keel pads • 90° Pivot steering • Easy maintenance • Handle boats with beams to 30 ft. (9.1 m) • Direct chain drive, eight wheel stance.
Details and specifications on the 300 BFM or our complete line of mobile boat hoists with capacities from 16.5 to 550 tons (15 mT to 500 mT), or our line of Mariner® forklifts, are available from your local representative or Marine Travelift, Inc., 49 E. Yew St., P.O. Box 66, Sturgeon
Bay, WI54235 USA. • Phone: 414-743- 6202, • Fax: 414-743-1522.
Marine Travelift's
Model 300 BFM Has Been Rerated To Handle 660,000 lbs. (300 mT). "The No. 1 Hoist Supplier... Over2,500 Units in Service Worldwide!" mqRinE TRRVELIFTn
Circle 233 on Reader Service Card
Detroit Diesel, MTU Enter
Into Engine Agreement
Detroit Diesel Corp. of Detroit,
Mich, and MTU Motoren-und
Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen
GmbH, of Friedrichshafen, Ger- many, announced they have reached an agreement on contracts concern- ing the development, production and distribution of two families of heavy- duty diesel engines in the 400- to 3,650-hp range for non-highway markets.
The new engine families will be direct-injected, four stroke, water- cooled diesel engines produced in six, eight, 12 and 16 cylinder ver- sions. Both of these new engine families — the 2000 Series displac- ing two liters per cylinder and the 400 Series displacing four liters per cylinder — will make use of state-of- the-art fuel injection systems incor- porating electronic controls based on the Detroit Diesel Electronic Con- trols (DDEC) and the MTU elec- tronic control system. The parties will make use of design and of com- ponents manufactured by Detroit
Diesel, MTU and Mercedes Benz
AG. Field testing of engines will start in late 1995, with production to begin one year later.
For more information on Detroit Diesel
Circle 117 on Reader Service Card
For more information on MTU
Circle 118 on Reader Service Card
NASSCO Announces New
Standards Project
National Steel and Shipbuilding
Company (NASSCO) announced the beginning of a follow-on standard ization project designed to reduce the costofU.S. shipbuildingthrougl increased usage of product procure ment and design and engineerin standards, sponsored by the Nation;
Shipbuilding Research Proje< (NSRP), and titled "World Cla
Shipbuilding Standards".
The project will promote U.S. sh: building industry standardizati through a three-pronged approa current efforts to establish proces for the submittal of equipment st dards to the U.S. Coast Guard, earlier NSRP project, will be con ued; research will be performer determine the foreign commei shipbuilding standards for engir ing methods, processes and d: ings that are available and des by the U.S. shipbuilding con nity; and requirements for dev ment of complete sets of pri procurement standards will t veloped for those ship types for1 the U.S. shipbuilding indus most likely to compete in the market. Three other U.S. ship ers will assist NASSCO: Bat
Works Corp., McDermott Shi] ing, Inc. and Avondale Indi
Inc. CDI Marine Co. of Jacksi
Fla. and Petrochem Marin sultants of San Rafael, Calif, assisting with technical s
The project is scheduled to pleted in January 1996.
For more information on N/
Circle 119 on Reader Servici 44 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News