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Showboat Branson Belle Launched
With Environment In Mind
The Showboat Branson Belle, co-owned by entertainer Kenny
Rogers and Silver Dollar City, Inc., was launched into Table Rock
Lake using 80 crates (two tons) of bananas acting as a natural lubricant.
The Showboat Branson Belle took a 140-ft. journey from its shoreline shipyard, splashing into the waters of Table Rock Lake.
Bananas acted as a natural lubricant, packing the launching rails, allowing the vessel to be pushed into the water by two bulldozers. "For decades, the people of Silver Dollar City have been kind to the environment. The Show- boat is a highly visible commitment to protecting our land and waters. "The bananas, which are biodegradable, were used on the rails in place of grease or oil," said
Coe Sherrard, project manager.
The commitment to environmentally-sound practices continues into the ship's fuel tank. "We're even powering the ship with soy diesel," said Kenny Rogers, co-owner in the project, "a biodegradable form of fuel produced by using soybeans."
Continued construction will be done in the water on the ship's interior and exterior. The
Grand Inaugural Launch is scheduled to take place in April 1995.
The vessel is being constructed on a land locked lake, managed by the Corps of Engineers.
The Corps, a regulatory partner in the project, is the landowner of the site.
Oceaneering International Wins U.K.
Ministry Of Defense Award
Oceaneering Technologies (OTECH), a divi- sion of Oceaneering International, Inc., has been awarded a contract by the Ministry of Defense (U.K.) Navy Directorate of Marine Services (Na- val) for the search and recovery of a RAF Tor- nado F3 fighter which crashed in the Mediterra- nean Sea in July south of Cyprus. The aircraft is believed to be in about 7,000 ft. of sea water.
OTECH commenced the search operations in
August using the Deep Ocean Search & Survey (DOSS) system and the Magellan11825 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operating from
Oceaneering's dynamically positioned vessel,The
The DOSS system, depth rated to 26,000 ft., is fitted with both a 100-kHz wide swath sonar and a 500-kHz high resolution sonar. The Magellan 825, designed and manufactured by OTECH, is a dual manipulator, electrohydraulic ROV also capable of operating in depths to 26,000 ft. Both systems are controlled with the same 36,000-ft. fiber-optic, electromechanical umbilical cable.
For more information on Oceaneering International
Circle 120 on Reader Service Card
New Port Cost Guide From
Tanker owners, operators and shipbrokers can obtain access to the latest port cost figures by reference to a new guide from INTERTANKO, the International Association of Independent
Tanker Owners.
The Disbursements for Tankers publication provides information for use in voyage calcula- tions before ships are fixed.
Disbursements for Tankers 1994 presents a considerable amount of port cost information: 2,700 actual disbursement figures and recent cost estimates received from tanker owners and port agents for calls of large and small tankers at almost 500 tanker ports and terminals around the world.
To obtain a copy of the report, contact
INTERTANKO, P.O. Box 7518 Skillebekk, N- 0205 Oslo, Norway, tel: +47 22 44 03 30; fax: +47 22 56 32 22.
APL, Mitsui, OOCL In Cooperation
American President Lines, Ltd. (APL), Mitsui
O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. and Orient Overseas Con- tainer Line (OOCL) signed an agreement to exchange vessel space, coordinate ship sailings and cooperate in the use of port terminals and equipment for ocean transportation services in the Asia-U.S. West Coast trade.
The carriers will begin service under this agreement in late 1995 or early 1996.
Nedlloyd Lines B.V. also signed a separate agreement with the three carriers, following the same guidelines, for Asia-U.S. East Coast trade via Panama.
A weekly all-water service is expected to be provided by the four carriers under this agree- ment.
Also part of the agreement, the four carriers will provide a joint Asia-Europe service, along with Nedlloyd's partners in that trade —
Compagnie Generale Maritime Orient S.A. and
Malaysia International Shipping Co., Ltd.
Marcon International Sells Vessels For
Canadian Marine, Hornbeck
Canadian Marine (CANMAR) Drilling of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada sold its 130-ft. by 44-ft. (40-m by 13-m) 2,250-bhp multi-purpose tug supply/coring vessel Canmar Supplier V to Anya
Holdings of Cape Town. After being laid-up/ mothballed in the Arctic since 1986, the vessel was towed to Vancouver, B.C. and is now being prepared by the buyers for the voyage to South
Wirana Pte. Ltd. of Singapore purchased the 376-ft. (115-m) drillship Canmar Explorer from
CANMAR. The 17,400-bhp ice-breaking tug supply boatCanmar Kigoriak towed theCanmar
Explorer out of McKinley Bay in the Canadian
Arctic and handed it over to the Russian tug
Neftegaz 70 off Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian
Islands, Alaska. The Neftegaz 70 continued to tow the Canmar Explorer to the Far East, where it will be scrapped.
After dropping off the Canmar Explorer, the
Canmar Kigoriak returned to McKinley Bay where the vessel picked up the 30,000-ton- capacitydrydock Canmar Careen and towed it to
British Colombia, where the unit will be stored until sold.
Marcon International, Inc. of Coupeville,
Wash, was involved in the sale of both vessels.
Marcon has, in the past, handled the sales of the 8,000-hp tug Canmar Tuggerll, the 7,200-hp tug Canmar Sea Eagle, the 21,000-dwt barge
Canmar Shuttle and the 5,200-hp tug/supply boat Canmar Supplier VI.
Hornbeck Offshore Services Sells Three
Platform Supply Vessels
Hornbeck Offshore Services of Galveston, Texas sold three 185-ft. (56-m) 2,200 hp platform supply vessels, Dapper Dan, John Henry and Omaha, en-bloc to Aries Marine Corp. of Lafayette, La.
The vessels were originally part of the bloc of 20 vessels which Hornbeck purchased from Petrol
Marine, of Houma, La., in 1992.
The vessels, renamed Chris V, Shelby C and
Lauren E, respectively, are being placed into immediate service in the U.S. Gulf offshore oil patch. Aries Marine already has one vessel under contract and a second is expected to be working by early September. The third vessel is being refitted with liquid mud tanks and will be available for charter in November.
Marcon International acted as broker in the
Hornbeck sale.
Vessels Still Available
CANMAR still has available for sale, through
Marcon, the 5,200-hp ice-classed tug/supplier
Canmar Supplier VII, the 9,800-bhp ice-break- ing supply boat Robert Lemeur, the 352-ft. by 92- ft. (107-m by 28-m) work barge Peter Kamingoak, the 30,000-ton drydock Canmar Careen, and twc arctic camps.
Still available for sale from Hornbeck are the 180-fit. (55-m) 2,640-hp Hos Canonero and the 190-ft. (58-m) 5,750 bhp Hos Goliath.
For more information on any of these vessels, contact Marcon International, P.O. Box 1170, 22
Front St., Coupeville, Wash. 98239, tel: (206) 678- 8880; fax: (206) 678-8890.
Aluminum Passenger Vessel Built By
Kvichak For Decatur Northwest
The passenger vessel Sylvan Spirit, designee and built by Kvichak Marine Industries, has been delivered to its owners Decatur Nortbwesl and placed into service. The all-aluminum boal provides regularly scheduled service betweer
Decatur Island (in the San Juan Islands of north ern Puget Sound) and Anacortes, Wash.
The new vessel is owned and operated by £ community association of island residents, pro viding a year-round link to the mainland. Th( vessel is U.S. Coast Guard certified for 49 passen gers in partially protected waters.
Sylvan Spirit is 58 ft. (17.5 m) long, with e beam of 18 ft. (5 m) and draft of 4 ft. (1.1 m). Twir 300-hp Lugger marine diesels provide a servic( speed of approximately 13 knots, with ZF IRM 301A marine gears, MMC engine controls, anc
Hynautic steering.
For more information on Kvichak
Circle 116 on Reader Service Card 38 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News