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cant aid to navigation and opera- tional safety.
Latest developments from
Bremen-based Atlas Elektronik in- clude the new Nacos 2 series of integrated navigation command systems, 15-2, 25-2, 35-2, 45-2 and 55-2. The series is based on the original Nacos navigation command systems developed as part of the
German "Ship of the Future" project.
To date, some 220 configurations have been sold worldwide for the project, including research and con- ventional newbuilding applications.
Nacos 2 offers progressive de- grees of sophistication, according to user requirements, and is claimed to incorporate the world's first com- bined radar and autopilot, the At- las Radarpilot.
In addition to providing stan- dard radar and ARPA functions, it enables a full range of navigation planning, steering and collision avoidance procedures to be carried out while also displaying own-ship position referenced to geographical grid patterns.
The series also features a num- ber of monochrome and color radar options, each providing the basis for the Radarpilot and associated speed control functions with which engine performance and fuel consumption can be optimized and monitored.
With the exception of the 15-2 model, all configurations embody a central 20-in., high-definition, full color Navigation Control Console (NCC) for concise display of essen- tial navigational, speed, engine and system performance data.
The 35-2 and 55-2 models feature an ECDIS function designed to con- form to IMO-IHO Harmonisation
Group standards and which allows for superimposition of radar and
ARPA pictures on sea charts in addi- tion to own-ship position in real time.
For 45-2 and 55-2 models, an all- purpose multi-function display con- sole, the Atlas Multipilot, is pro- vided — via which Radarpilot, NCC and ECDIS operations are available for high-resolution presentation on the equivalent of a single worksta- tion.
Radar and ECDIS functions can be carried out either individually or collectively.
Supporting options for all new
Nacos models include a series of four navigational planning and con- sulting stations while all operational sub-systems are linked by a pat- ented Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system to ensure safe and rapid real time processing of all sensor functions.
Following a recent batch of or- ders from yards in Finland, Ger- many, Italy, Japan and South Ko- rea, worldwide sales of Nacos totals about 220 systems.
The latest commissions include a 45-2 unit for the world's largest cruise ship building at Fincantieri's
Monfalcone yard for delivery to Car- nival Cruise Lines in 1996. The $400- million, 95,000-gt vessel is designed to accommodate up to 4,400 passen- gers.
Two 45-2 systems have also been ordered by P&O for two newbuildings in Germany and Italy,
Oriana and Sun Princess.
The 67,000-gt Oriana is being built at Meyer Werft's Papenburg yard for delivery next April and, according to P&O, will be the fastest cruise ship built in the last 25 years.
Both 45-2 systems will include Atlas
Elektronik's Multipilot system for integration of radar, track control and ECDIS functions via a single multi-functional console.
A 45-2 system has recently beer retrofitted by HDW at Kiel to Siljs
Line's Baltic ferry, the gas turbine driven Finnjet, as part of a $9.3 million modernization project. Latei this summer, the vessel is to carrj out official ECDIS trials on service routes between Travemunde anc
Helsinki as part of the multi-na tional Baltic & North Sea ECDIS testbed project (BANET).
The project involves the hydro graphic services of Germany, Den mark, Estonia, the Netherlands
Norway, Sweden and the U.K..
It is sponsored by the Germar
Ministry of Research and Technol ogy and also involves participatioi by the German Office of Maritime
Shipping and Hydrography (BSH)
Atlas Elektronik, Hamburg
Polytechnic's School of Maritim<
Studies and SevenCs, also of Ham burg.
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